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eobuck;1918767; said:
This crap going on now just ticks me off because you have all the southern schools doing whatever they want, and the media doesn't touch them.
You need to get out more.
eobuck;1918767; said:
I declined my annual season tickets for next year because I am just sick of college football as a whole.
And now you have the extra time and money. :p
Upvote 0
BUCKYLE;1918384; said:
If the NCAA hammers tOSU and/or JT...good luck getting any university that wants to keep it's coach to self report a fuckin' hiccup.

Just sayin'.

the only reason tOSU "self reported" was Yahoo broke the story.

Just sayin'.

this is bad. very bad. you can't tell me that Tressel talked to so many people, and DIDN'T talk to the one person he needed to. it was an administrative cover up, and Tressel took the fall in order to prevent the Lack of Institutional Control charge. well, it is becoming more and more apparent that lack of institutional control is EXACTLY what was going on, and i hope they ALL go down for it.

now type some f bombs at me.
Upvote 0
lvbuckeye;1919431; said:
the only reason tOSU "self reported" was Yahoo broke the story.

Just sayin'.

this is bad. very bad. you can't tell me that Tressel talked to so many people, and DIDN'T talk to the one person he needed to. it was an administrative cover up, and Tressel took the fall in order to prevent the Lack of Institutional Control charge. well, it is becoming more and more apparent that lack of institutional control is EXACTLY what was going on, and i hope they ALL go down for it.

now type some f bombs at me.

You don't come up with a fully investigated self-report to the NCAA in less than 24 hours.

Just sayin'.
Upvote 0
lvbuckeye;1919431; said:
the only reason tOSU "self reported" was Yahoo broke the story.

Just sayin'.

Timeline from the Dispatch:

Feb.8: NCAA and school officials interview Tressel. It is now that Tressel admits he understood he committed an NCAA violation and said he did not look at eligibility issues before December because he figured it was inevitable that the players eventually would be sanctioned. Additional interviews "with various individuals" are conducted over the next two weeks.

March 7: Yahoo Sports publishes a story in which a source says that Tressel had knowledge of his players' potential NCAA violations as early as April and did not disclose it. Smith tells his staff to hurry completion of its self-report, to be ready the next day.
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFnUvAgxb-Y"]YouTube - ohio state suspensions for 5 football players[/ame]

Just noticed Tress in the December 23 presser. Lots of blinking going on. Makes sense now.
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BUCKYLE;1918384; said:
If the NCAA hammers tOSU and/or JT...good luck getting any university that wants to keep it's coach to self report a [censored]in' hiccup.

Just sayin'.

A policy that requires a school to self-report but does not impose a punishment for not self-reporting is no policy at all.
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You could have at least offered to sell them to those of us without, umm, 'official' ties to the university[/quote]

I hate to say this but I bought my season tickets off Ebay last year. They cost me the same price as the tickets+Buckeye Club donation would have and I got to pick where I would sit. After years of buying season tickets through official channels and getting stuck in the same section in the end zone I decided to change my method of purchase.
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lvbuckeye;1919431; said:
the only reason tOSU "self reported" was Yahoo broke the story.

Just sayin'.

this is bad. very bad. you can't tell me that Tressel talked to so many people, and DIDN'T talk to the one person he needed to. it was an administrative cover up, and Tressel took the fall in order to prevent the Lack of Institutional Control charge. well, it is becoming more and more apparent that lack of institutional control is EXACTLY what was going on, and i hope they ALL go down for it.

now type some f bombs at me.

The time for typing has passed. Copy/Paste is upon us.

May Tressel have mercy on you soul

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