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SmoovP;1918397; said:
I don't necessarily disagree with that, but my more relevant point was that Tressel wasn't doing the players any favors by letting them skate - let alone himself, the team, the program or the university.

Yes and no. In my most charitable view of Tressel's action, I think that he may've thought that since he couldn't control what was going on or would go on if the FBI investigation leaked and, therefore, couldn't ensure the players' safety, he should keep a lid on it. He chose to protect a few players who had violated rules not from ncaa penalties, but from possible consequences (possibly dire) that he couldn't control. He may've been wrong in evaluating the scope/extent of any danger, but I can understand from where he was coming, assuming that this most charitable view is correct.
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Seriously, what the hell? Enough's enough. We're getting ripped apart for lying/cheating/covering/etc. on a weekly basis. How long has this crap been going on? Tressel just recently got caught, which begs the question, how long has he been covering up for players he knew were breaking NCAA rules? And just how hard of a hammer needs to come down on this team before even the most thirsty Kool-Aid drinkers begin to question the taste of what's in the cup?
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buckeyesin07;1918362; said:
Bingo. Not that this absolves OSU of any guilt, but I only hope that all the short-sighted clown fans of other programs who are standing on their soapboxes and acting with an air of moral superiority someday endure the same with their programs.
Good point. That could have been posted on an Auburn forum in September of 2010 and been pointed at a wide audience that included tOSU (and UF's) fan base. College football is about glass houses so prevalent that you say we made up a freaking glass house subdivision.
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BB73;1918371; said:
I don't know if tOSU made the NCAA aware of 'player G' back in December or not. I think it's possible that they mentioned it outside the report, and didn't include it since the player's eligibility was over.

But the PR aspects of the while thing haven't been well-handled. Whenever there are serious revelations (as in December and in early March), it seems to me that it would be much better to reveal everything publicly at that point in time.

Having 'player G' information coming out later, having some of Tressel's handling of the emails coming out later, etc. is like death from a thousand cuts.

As far as the car thing from this morning, I'm waiting to see more complete information on car values and sale prices. The claim that the tOSU compliance department directed players toward a dealership is troubling. I don't know why someone in compliance would want to do that under normal circumstances - since having numerous players and their families all getting cars from the same dealership is a PR problem at best, and could be institutional cheating at worst.

I call bullshit......I spoke to a current coach on the staff that I used to bank at a major bank in town. I asked if I could run a personal finance class for the players on banking basics while he thought it would be a good idea he said he can not give exclusive access to the players by one bank and not several of its competetors. He advised it would look like they were funeling business to one place which is a violation...not saying that means shit here but why would they be so well versed with this rule than do somthing so blatantly stupid.
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RugbyBuck;1918426; said:
Yes and no. In my most charitable view of Tressel's action, I think that he may've thought that since he couldn't control what was going on or would go on if the FBI investigation leaked and, therefore, couldn't ensure the players' safety, he should keep a lid on it. He chose to protect a few players who had violated rules not from ncaa penalties, but from possible consequences (possibly dire) that he couldn't control. He may've been wrong in evaluating the scope/extent of any danger, but I can understand from where he was coming, assuming that this most charitable view is correct.
Honestly, I think his talking about "danger" in the traditional sense is all just PR bull[Mark May] at his press conference, like chanting "federal drug" as if it had one thing to do with guiding his actions when it didn't. There were no safety issues. There were no confidentiality issues binding him. There were no issues about protecting a federal drug investigation binding him.

There were issues about why such stupid stuff should crater the season and the kids futures and pro prospects if they were found out and properly turned in. The censure on the kids would have been great had they cratered the 2010 BCSNC run. Trouble is, that is inexorably intertwined with Tress allowing them to play to maximize tOSU's shot at a conference title, BCS win, The Game win (ok, I exaggerate - you win with me playing QB) and Tress reaping the glory and continued prestige of all of that.

IMO, that is the charitable view. He did not want to ruin the kids careers and the other players' 2010 season over something so damn stupid and non-related to any recruiting improprieties or the like.

Competitive guy + care about kids + control freak + chance to win BCSNC = one ill-advised and uncharacteristic fuck up.
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bassbuckeye07;1918442; said:
I call bullshit......I spoke to a current coach on the staff that I used to bank at a major bank in town. I asked if I could run a personal finance class for the players on banking basics while he thought it would be a good idea he said he can not give exclusive access to the players by one bank and not several of its competetors. He advised it would look like they were funeling business to one place which is a violation...not saying that means shit here but why would they be so well versed with this rule than do somthing so blatantly stupid.

You've gotta be mark mayin me. BIG difference in situations.
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There are a shit load of people paid far more money than I, that will make these decisions.

All I really know at this point is, no matter who's coaching or playing or directing athletics this year or next or twenty years from now, I'll never have to think twice about going to a game, if I can afford it.
Is it a 6 hour drive one way with a time off request and hotel stay for you?

Everything I love about Ohio state is now up for debate on how legit the last 10 years have been. No offense to you personally, but fuck you very much for passing judgement on how much of a fan I am.
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Gatorubet;1918443; said:
Honestly, I think his talking about "danger" in the traditional sense is all just PR bull[Mark May] at his press conference, like chanting "federal drug" as if it had one thing to do with guiding his actions when it didn't. There were no safety issues. There were no confidentiality issues binding him. There were no issues about protecting a federal drug investigation binding him.

He reports to compliance, word leaks out about investigation, Rife or someone else "determines" that player(s) had/have something to do with investigation, player(s) disappear. Far-fetched? Yes. Possible? Absolutely. Out of Tressel's control? Definitely. Would I want to hang the whole defense on that? No.
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BuckeyeNation27;1918468; said:
Is it a 6 hour drive one way with a time off request and hotel stay for you?

Everything I love about Ohio state is now up for debate on how legit the last 10 years have been. No offense to you personally, but fuck you very much for passing judgement on how much of a fan I am.

Why is everything you love now up for debate? IF people are dirty, they'll be purged, then what you love about tOSU will remain, and it will have been there the entire time. Unless, that is, what you loved is telling other people that no one involved with tOSU in the last ten years was an asshole. Which, with 100+ players every year, seems more naive than I've been so far.
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I think there is a stark difference between posters that have been through multiple era's and ones who started with Tress at times with their attitude toward this whole thing....for example what I love about Ohio State is out r in and the smell of old beer....the winning is just a bonus
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SloopyHangOn;1918612; said:
As fun as it is speculating and such, might I remind you that The Ohio State men's volleyball team is currently 1 set away from winning the national championship on ESPN2.

If you have it, why don't you take a break from this bullshit and watch! :oh:

GPA, please.
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