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BuckeyeNation27;1918174; said:
Because the team I'm pretty devoted to is showing itself to be a sham.

I still said I'd take them.

Yeah, that Mike Brewster's a real dick. I mean, what the fuck was he thinking, coming from Florida, taking unoffical visits to UF and actively recruiting others to tOSU to the point Urban asked him not to come back. I can understand your disappointment.

What. The. Fuck.

Even if Tress, Pryor, Boom, Adams, Gee, Smith and four others were a "sham"...that would still leave a shit load of people more devoted than you've ever been. The least you could do is cut the hyperbolic bullshit on their behalf.
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BUCKYLE;1918179; said:
Yeah, that Mike Brewster's a real dick. I mean, what the fuck was he thinking, coming from Florida, taking unoffical visits to UF and actively recruiting others to tOSU to the point Urban asked him not to come back. I can understand your disappointment.

What. The. Fuck.

Even if Tress, Pryor, Boom, Adams, Gee, Smith and four others were a "sham"...that would still leave a shit load of people more devoted than you've ever been. The least you could do is cut the hyperbolic bullshit on their behalf.

He said the administration and if they have indeed been continuing to cover shit up after getting caught covering shit up then I'd say "sham" is one of many fitting adjectives, not hyperbole.

The tangent about the players is the BP equivalent of wrapping yourself in a flag, playing Lee Greenwood music in the background and saying "let me tell you a little story...". That type of thing is more fitting for the other thread but from the lightning fast GPA I'd say you obviously have a willing audience.
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Jaxbuck;1918290; said:
He said the administration and if they have indeed been continuing to cover shit up after getting caught covering shit up then I'd say "sham" is one of many fitting adjectives, not hyperbole.

The tangent about the players is the BP equivalent of wrapping yourself in a flag, playing Lee Greenwood music in the background and saying "let me tell you a little story...". That type of thing is more fitting for the other thread but from the lightning fast GPA I'd say you obviously have a willing audience.
At least we have you to guide us into the Light
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All of this is starting to make the Clarett saga and the summer of 2003 seem like small potatoes. At this point, I've stopped reading the news articles and I'm just hoping, by some miracle, all this crap can be explained away. But, I'm feelintg pretty disillusioned with the whole thing. I don't think I've ever been less enthused about an upcoming season in my life. Something stinks and I want answers because while the past ten years have been mostly glorious, to me, if a lot of this crap ends up being true and we get hammered, it was not worth it. Everything will be tainted and I don't know how you recover from that as a fan.
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Jaxbuck;1918290; said:
He said the administration and if they have indeed been continuing to cover shit up after getting caught covering shit up then I'd say "sham" is one of many fitting adjectives, not hyperbole.

The tangent about the players is the BP equivalent of wrapping yourself in a flag, playing Lee Greenwood music in the background and saying "let me tell you a little story...". That type of thing is more fitting for the other thread but from the lightning fast GPA I'd say you obviously have a willing audience.

I don't give a fuck about a GPA. I prefer to have them for saying funny shit, not stuff like this.

He didn't fucking say "the administration". He said he got offered tickets to the first five games, and had to think about it. Then he said the "team", not "the administration" he was so "devoted" to, was a sham.

I haven't dinged one motherfucker for their opinions on this, and I understand where the opposing viewpoint to my own comes from, even if I don't agree with it.

The least you could do is not insult me by claiming I'm a non-thinking sheep. I'm not a fuckin' moron, no matter how frequently I disagree with you.
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NFBuck;1918309; said:
All of this is starting to make the Clarett saga and the summer of 2003 seem like small potatoes. At this point, I've stopped reading the news articles and I'm just hoping, by some miracle, all this crap can be explained away. But, I'm feelintg pretty disillusioned with the whole thing. I don't think I've ever been less enthused about an upcoming season in my life. Something stinks and I want answers because while the past ten years have been mostly glorious, to me, if a lot of this crap ends up being true and we get hammered, it was not worth it.

Given the lame explanations to date and the evidence that continues to mount, if heads start rolling in Columbus so be it. I don't expect anything to happen until August at the earliest, however, and maybe not even then. Deny, deny, deny, as the politicians say.

The shenanigans with the cars iced the cake for me, but I'm sure some will still take the Miss Piggy "What an unbelievable coincidence!" route. I can't do it. I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night. I'm sure some explanation will be offered and I suspect it will be laughable, at best, like the February presser.

I'm just extremely disappointed in all of them right now.
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Jake;1918339; said:
Given the lame explanations to date and the evidence that continues to mount, if heads start rolling in Columbus so be it. I don't expect anything to happen until August at the earliest, however, and maybe not even then. Deny, deny, deny, as the politicians say.

The shenanigans with the cars iced the cake for me, but I'm sure some will still take the Miss Piggy "What an unbelievable coincidence!" route. I can't do it. I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night. I'm sure some explanation will be offered and I suspect it will be laughable, at best, like the February presser.

I'm just extremely disappointed in all of them right now.

There are a shit load of people paid far more money than I, that will make these decisions.

All I really know at this point is, no matter who's coaching or playing or directing athletics this year or next or twenty years from now, I'll never have to think twice about going to a game, if I can afford it.
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