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buckeyebri;1920746; said:
This is why I go back to what I stated way back in this thread, that it is my belief that Tress should resign. This is the best way for him to leave and to begin the healing process for the University, the program, the players, the fans, and for Tress himself.

With the utmost sadness, I totally agree.
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buckeyebri;1920746; said:
This is why I go back to what I stated way back in this thread, that it is my belief that Tress should resign. This is the best way for him to leave and to begin the healing process for the University, the program, the players, the fans, and for Tress himself.

I have been in the camp of him sticking it out, but I just don't think this will go away if he does. Unless the circumstances change pretty quickly and he is exonerated, he's walking on a terribly shaky surface with canyons on both sides.
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alexhortdog95;1920914; said:
Unfortunately, I concur. At this point, any news that isn't deemed good is only making matters worse for him, no matter if he's responsible or not.

At this point it is about the media seeing that "Saint Tressel" is vulnerable. The template has been formed - liar, liar, Vest on fire and there is corruption in the OSU program eminating fromt the head coach. Do I believe that is true? No. Perhaps some truth, but it doesn't paint a wholly accurate picture. But media reputations and careers are made in bringing down the mighty, and they will do everything to be the one to get Tressel. Any news, such as the car deal, will be interpreted in the context of the template. Tressel can only survive by changing the template - which is next to impossible. Eventually, even those on the "all in" thread will tire of the constant damage to OSU's reputation that comes with JT being the head coach. It's not fair, but it is the way it is.
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I think he should stick it out. Assuming there aren't any other type of infractions and I don't think there are from what we know now, it would be awesome to watch the squiriming of those within and without the program to see him back at the helm and successful.

Beyond that, I don't think JT is one to run from his problems and that's what resigning would be at this point in time. The NCAA is going to rule on these issues whether he's here or not, he might as well ride the ship through the storm.
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OSUK;1920932; said:
At this point it is about the media seeing that "Saint Tressel" is vulnerable. The template has been formed - liar, liar, Vest on fire and there is corruption in the OSU program eminating fromt the head coach. Do I believe that is true? No. Perhaps some truth, but it doesn't paint a wholly accurate picture. But media reputations and careers are made in bringing down the mighty, and they will do everything to be the one to get Tressel. Any news, such as the car deal, will be interpreted in the context of the template. Tressel can only survive by changing the template - which is next to impossible. Eventually, even those on the "all in" thread will tire of the constant damage to OSU's reputation that comes with JT being the head coach. It's not fair, but it is the way it is.
Personally, I think you may be overselling the potency of sports-entertainment media a little bit. Remember, during the Clarett brouhaha, there were all sort of slings and arrows fired at Tressel and the OSU football program. But because nobody who mattered could find any evidence of actual violations (beside the minor violation reported), nothing came of it. Quite properly, I think. Similarly, I suspect that if the NCAA finds no evidence of any impropriety other than keeping the goods-for-services tattoo stuff secret, Tressel likely coaches to the end of his current contract. If something else is found however, and depending on what it might be, that will change the scenario toward early retirement.
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OSUK;1920932; said:
Do I believe that is true? No. Perhaps some truth, but it doesn't paint a wholly accurate picture.....

so you don't beleive it to be wholly true but you are willing to axe him based on perceptioin? Screw the media and what they perceive. Decisions are made based on facts. Whether he goes are not, we are a "dirty" program for the foreseeable future. Might as well be a "dirty" program with the best coach in the business.

If new allegations come to the surface that JT is directly involved in, then it is a different story. To me the car stuff isn't hung around JTs neck, especially since the compliance department supposedly already reviewed them and found no violations. If they re-review them and find violations than the entire athletic department is crooked and tatgate is the least of our concerns.
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Do you some of you guys really think that this matter would die down if Jim Tressel resigned? Isn't the reality that it would accelerate?

Let's not be naive. The press, including the Columbus Dispatch, are in this for the revenue that the issue creates. The more everyone speculates, the more folks that visit their site. The Dispatch is getting national eyeballs on their webpages. How wonderful for them.


When the floodgates are open, it's easy to forget that there's a lot of water still to go over the dam. I think that the press are caught in a pissing contest to see who can breathlessly talk the most unsubstantiated crap.


So, please, let's all not go out on the ledge. Let's wait and see what the NCAA really finds, not what every media hack writes.

I think that we can all agree that the players and coach will not look back on this as the Kodak moment of their careers. That said, attempts to paint Ohio State as a rogue sports administration clandestinely breaking rules at every opportunity is a lot of nonsense.

Does anyone who has had anything to do with Ohio State as a player, sports administrator, or faculty member really believe that there's 50 car deals and the like that have been done under the table? Well, I don't. If the NCAA finds evidence that there has been such skullduggery, then I will be among the first calling for more than Tressel's resignation.

But, in the meantime, there is this issue about water. And the dam.

Tressel's resignation right now will lead to nothing but more heartache and I would be surprised if it is warranted anyway. Ohio State coaches and players need to get their heads into the coming season.
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BuckeyeMike80;1920938; said:
I think he should stick it out. Assuming there aren't any other type of infractions and I don't think there are from what we know now, it would be awesome to watch the squiriming of those within and without the program to see him back at the helm and successful.

Beyond that, I don't think JT is one to run from his problems and that's what resigning would be at this point in time. The NCAA is going to rule on these issues whether he's here or not, he might as well ride the ship through the storm.

I wouldn't really see it as him running from his problems. I'd see it more of him leaving to save the university from either more punishment or embarrassment. Obviously I don't know if the NCAA will dish out more punishment if he's still the coach or not, just speculating. I wouldn't think any less of him if he resigned, and I wouldn't think he was running away from his problems. I'd think he was doing what he always has - what he thought was best for Ohio State.
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Steve19;1921017; said:
Do you some of you guys really think that this matter would die down if Jim Tressel resigned? Isn't the reality that it would accelerate?

Let's not be naive. The press, including the Columbus Dispatch, are in this for the revenue that the issue creates. The more everyone speculates, the more folks that visit their site. The Dispatch is getting national eyeballs on their webpages. How wonderful for them.


When the floodgates are open, it's easy to forget that there's a lot of water still to go over the dam. I think that the press are caught in a pissing contest to see who can breathlessly talk the most unsubstantiated crap.


So, please, let's all not go out on the ledge. Let's wait and see what the NCAA really finds, not what every media hack writes.

I think that we can all agree that the players and coach will not look back on this as the Kodak moment of their careers. That said, attempts to paint Ohio State as a rogue sports administration clandestinely breaking rules at every opportunity is a lot of nonsense.

Does anyone who has had anything to do with Ohio State as a player, sports administrator, or faculty member really believe that there's 50 car deals and the like that have been done under the table? Well, I don't. If the NCAA finds evidence that there has been such skullduggery, then I will be among the first calling for more than Tressel's resignation.

But, in the meantime, there is this issue about water. And the dam.

Tressel's resignation right now will lead to nothing but more heartache and I would be surprised if it is warranted anyway. Ohio State coaches and players need to get their heads into the coming season.

Great post Steve. :oh:
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