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localyokel;1888788; said:
...that the only possible explanation for any of us failing to be "all in" is that we are mindless dupes of mass media.
Which mass media? The "all in" mass media or the "not all in" mass media? They are both out there doin' their respective thing...
localyokel;1888788; said:
As opposed, I guess, to the truly independent thinkers who grant faith without evidence and loyalty without standards.
Seriously, bro... you need to go consult a dictionary. Faith and loyalty, by definition, do not require either evidence or standards.

Your riff sounds cool, though... as long as one's not too much of an independent thinker.

localyokel;1888788; said:
(I'm in such a bad mood today I can't tell if I'm being "flamey" or not--sure someone will let me know if they think so).
You're not being "flamey". You're being "spewey".
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BuckeyeMike80;1889316; said:
Not "flamey" at all and I started the "Stand With" thread :biggrin:

I just want to say my loyalty to the man has more to do with my personal willingness to forgive him (I realize there are other variables in play here) and to be accepting of his intentions if not his actions. He clearly made a mistake - my intent (and I'm only speaking for myself) here is not to lessen or ignore that fact from the outset.

And I'm still convinced there are a few bits of crucial information that was communicated to the NCAA that matter here. As I said yesterday, that presser was just too weird and the pieces just don't add up as we know it.

It seems entirely possible that the reason the press conference seemed so weird is because JT and crew realize that he should be in major hot water.
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Seems to me the most likely scenario here is that since it was nearly a year before Tress learned about the tats/benefits, he figured that since they hadn't been caught yet, he'd deal with it himself since so much time had already passed. Then it blew up in his face when it became public.

If you find out a year later that your child snuck out after curfew....does your response/punishment/perception after seeing them mature/etc etc change?

I also expect harsher sanctions from the NCAA and frankly, I believe that would be more appropriate. I love/have loved JT since his days at YSU. I love/will love The Ohio State University more. No one is bigger than the institution...Just my IMHO.

And with that said, I will now pretend this is all just a bad dream during what will hopefully be an awesome BB tourney and a nice, long and hot summer...
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Seems to me the most likely scenario here is that since it was nearly a year before Tress learned about the tats/benefits, he figured that since they hadn't been caught yet, he'd deal with it himself since so much time had already passed. Then it blew up in his face when it became public.
but he was told the feds were going to bust the case wide open. he didn't think it was going to come out eventually?
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matcar;1889404; said:
It seems entirely possible that the reason the press conference seemed so weird is because JT and crew realize that he should be in major hot water.

I don't think there is a "should be" in this scenario....

I just have issues believing we've seen the entire puzzle. The pieces of the story that don't add up and the oddness of the presser seem to support the theory that we aren't seeing all of the cards on the table.

there's a slight chance that's good....there's a better chance that could be very bad, but either way, the puzzle itself is still a bit of a mystery overall. the details we have so far don't paint a pretty picture.
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Good Lord, Smoov.....that one could result in suicides around here.

Or as Pogo famously once said,

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