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CleveBucks;1571943; said:
1) The SEC admits the calls against Arkansas were bogus

2) Same crew that f'ed up the LSU/UGA game a couple weeks ago.


My 12 year old son and I were at a local pizza place having dinner and watching the second half of this game. He hates UF with a passion (some school mates who are UF fans give him crap whenever he wears his OSU gear) and is just learning the game.

Even to his untrained eye these were bad calls. He asked me after the phantom personal foul if the refs were trying to help UF win. :lol:
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buxfan4life;1572733; said:
My 12 year old son and I were at a local pizza place having dinner and watching the second half of this game. He hates UF with a passion (some school mates who are UF fans give him crap whenever he wears his OSU gear) and is just learning the game.

Even to his untrained eye these were bad calls. He asked me after the phantom personal foul if the refs were trying to help UF win. :lol:

Why does he hate UF????? Shouldn't he mad at your 06 O-line. :p
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Ttown;1573002; said:
How about those two extremely bad calls in the NY- Angel game last night ? Wow ! But I did notice that the ump didn't stay at a Holiday Inn express the night before.

Better yet, Buck and McCarver spent the entire next inning criticizing the umps for seemingly blowing the call against the Yanks where they called the runner out for leaving 3rd base too early after the fly ball catch. I saw that as a 'make-up' call for the completely blown tag call at 2nd base. They seemed to acknowledge that the runner was tagged out, but kinda shrugged off that blown call. But blow a call that hurts the Yankees and LOOK OUT! :shake:

Also, the failure of the 3rd base ump in calling both Yankee runners out in that weird play at third was completely mind boggling.
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MaxBuck;1571971; said:
What's odd about that one, though, is that Fouts was basically saying his alma mater got the unfair advantage. Very un-Foutslike!

Fouts will take shots at Oregon when he's calling games to appear unbiased. He joked about the refs for a UCLA game after that infamous Oklahoma game.
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I posted this in the USC-ND thread, thought I'd post it here too

Just for the record:

When Taylor Mays hits a guy and he goes flying out of bounds, it doesn't matter when Mays hit him, it's a late hit.
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There was just a TERRIBLE call in the Florida State-North Carolina game. UNC Receiver put his hands down by the turf to catch a ball, it ended up bouncing off his hands and up in the air. Florida St. DB catches it and runs down the sideline. Refs rule incomplete. Refs review and it CLEARLY shows the ball never touched the turf. Refs do not overturn. Wow.
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Boilers Fan;1573850; said:
There was just a TERRIBLE call in the Florida State-North Carolina game. Receiver put his hands down by the turf to catch a ball, it ended up bouncing off his hands and up in the air. Florida St. DB catches it and runs down the sideline. Refs review and it CLEARLY shows the ball never touched the turf. Refs do not overturn. Wow.

Agreed, it was plain as day... But it was clear the officials wanted to give every opportunity to continue Florida State's misery.
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Boilers Fan;1573850; said:
There was just a TERRIBLE call in the Florida State-North Carolina game. Receiver put his hands down by the turf to catch a ball, it ended up bouncing off his hands and up in the air. Florida St. DB catches it and runs down the sideline. Refs review and it CLEARLY shows the ball never touched the turf. Refs do not overturn. Wow.

Because some turf moved (although that seemed to clearly be from the receiver's hands), I wasn't going nuts about them calling it inconclusive.

If they had given FSU the pick, they should have given them the TD regardless of the whistle, because nobody was going to touch the DB. But FSU was the underdog and the game had already hit the over, so no big deal. :wink2:
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the ball hit the turf...when they zoomed in on the ball i paused it on my DVR and you could see the nose of the ball scrape the grass. It was quick, but a good non-reversal. When they didn't zoom in on the ball it looked like a pick...
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