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Hineygate (now Crank It Up outside the Varsity Club)

I don't see how it would be feasible to turn 243 rooms into 480 beds. 2 beds a room might be fine for a hotel, but that's tiny for a dorm room.

I also don't like the idea of taking away that option for people who need a place to stay when they go to games or other events on campus or off.
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I've actually been to hineygate a few times and don't find it to be that enjoyable, the beer is ridiculously expensive, for the big games it's shoulder to shoulder and you can barely move, the view of the screen with the game is usually not that great, if you have to go to the bathroom (which you are going to because you've been drinking) god help you because there are four portable bathrooms for the entire place

so unless you're trying to bag a cougar or really enjoy live music, I would recommend you find a big screen and plant your ass in front of it with a case and some friends and you'll have a much better time anyways
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At Ohio University, they converted an old hotel to a dormitory back in the late 50s and it was for upperclassmen. It was in downtown Athens and I was lucky enough to stay in it as a freshman. They provided wake-up :biggrin:service and the food was much better than dormitory food. So from a student side the selling of the Holiday Inn might be a pleasant surprise.
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1. Why do they need another dorm, or is this just a cover for wanting to get rid of a "nusiance?"

2. This would give the University greater control of the "atmosphere" around the stadium. Could the whole strip be under consideration from Newman Center to Olentangy River Road? Those who bitched about the previous president's attitude toward tailgating probably aren't going to like Gee's much better.
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cincibuck;1360635; said:
1. Why do they need another dorm, or is this just a cover for wanting to get rid of a "nusiance?"

Starting in 2011 they are doing a complete renovation of the south dorm towers.(all four...re-wiriing the rooms, code, and making nicer overall, add saftey features)) That will increase the need, and they are also looking at requiring that students live in the dorms their first and second year. (OSU is one of two schools in ohio that does not require this already) Those two things combined will increase the need for more dorm rooms.
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cincibuck;1360635; said:
1. Why do they need another dorm, or is this just a cover for wanting to get rid of a "nusiance?"

2. This would give the University greater control of the "atmosaphere" around the stadium. Could the whole strip be under consideration from Newman Center to Olentangy River Road? Those who bitched about the previous president's attitude toward tailgating probably aren't going to like Gee's much better.

A couple of thoughts.

Hineygate was fun when I was 19 years old, but I don't think that it had quite the character (read: angry drunken rednecks looking for fights) that it's taken in recent years, or maybe I was just too hammered to notice. In recent years, I can think of dozens of places I'd rather go on gameday mornings.

Second, I think Cinci is on to something. Gee never said that he'd tolerate the b.s. that goes on across Lane Avenue. He just said that he'd lighten up on tailgating restrictions and not be the Gestapo. The crap that occurs on the other side of Lane Avenue is the real source of our gameday problems/reputation, not some 50 year old alumni having a few beers at a private tailgate.

In fact, Gee's history from his previous tenure screams out that he is more than willing to act when he perceives that a private business that makes its money off the university has crossed a line into running a business that is damaging to the university's reputation and interests. No better indication of this is to be found than in his actions when he swooped in after the Papa Joes' fire, bought the land out from underneath them preventing them from rebuilding.
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Buckeye Maniac;1360303; said:
I don't see how it would be feasible to turn 243 rooms into 480 beds. 2 beds a room might be fine for a hotel, but that's tiny for a dorm room.

Unless you somehow pulled a single at OSU, pretty much every standard room has 2 beds in it, no?

I only ask because I did my time in a '21' room in Stradley (3 beds, but two rooms and a half bathroom) and Morrill.
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cincibuck;1360635; said:
1. Why do they need another dorm, or is this just a cover for wanting to get rid of a "nusiance?"

The university is going to be creating a lot more dorms over the next couple years. Gee has stated his desire to require sophomores to live in dorms. I've read they plan to buy property east of high street to build more dorms.
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Buckeye Maniac;1360303; said:
I don't see how it would be feasible to turn 243 rooms into 480 beds. 2 beds a room might be fine for a hotel, but that's tiny for a dorm room.

I just stayed in the Holiday Inn for three nights before The Game. My room had a king-sized bed and had plenty of "move-around" space. Replacing the king with two twin-sized beds would take up little more room. The bathrooms are probably better than most standard dorm rooms, and the rooms themselves are pretty well noise-proofed. I don't know how big the usual dorm rooms are now, but I would guess that unless both roomies were Charlie Weis sized fat fucks, or had a shit-load of belongings, two 18- or 19-year-old kids could make quite a nice, livable dorm room out of Holiday Inn room (at least the one I was in).
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Buckeye Maniac;1360303; said:
I don't see how it would be feasible to turn 243 rooms into 480 beds. 2 beds a room might be fine for a hotel, but that's tiny for a dorm room.

I also don't like the idea of taking away that option for people who need a place to stay when they go to games or other events on campus or off.

New Holiday Inn Express is approved for construction. It will be close to where other hotels are.

Current Holiday Inn's license expires in a year or so. They pretty much had no choice.
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No loss to me, that place is almost hard to tolerate. The music is kind of cheesy, the lines are a pain in the ass, and the beer is WAY overpriced. I'd rather tailgate in an area where I wasn't having my beer bumped out of my hands. Just MHO. :wink2:
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daddyphatsacs;1360709; said:
No loss to me, that place is almost hard to tolerate. The music is kind of cheesy, the lines are a pain in the ass, and the beer is WAY overpriced. I'd rather tailgate in an area where I wasn't having my beer bumped out of my hands. Just MHO. :wink2:

are you dissing The Danger Brothers?
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