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Hineygate (now Crank It Up outside the Varsity Club)

daddyphatsacs;1360709; said:
No loss to me, that place is almost hard to tolerate. The music is kind of cheesy, the lines are a pain in the ass, and the beer is WAY overpriced. I'd rather tailgate in an area where I wasn't having my beer bumped out of my hands. Just MHO. :wink2:

This is true...but when the women unveil, it makes it all worthwhile. :biggrin:
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TheStoicPaisano;1360642; said:
Unless you somehow pulled a single at OSU, pretty much every standard room has 2 beds in it, no?

I only ask because I did my time in a '21' room in Stradley (3 beds, but two rooms and a half bathroom) and Morrill.

I meant in terms of size of the room, not number of beds. In my experience unless the hotel room is a suite then a dorm room is going to be bigger. I have only lived in Morrill though, so I'm not 100% sure how large the other dorms are.
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fourteenandoh;1360770; said:
are you dissing The Danger Brothers?

The Danger brothers put on a pretty good show.

We?re Having a Party

Photograph by Melissa J. Bond. The Danger Brothers perform at Hineygate.

The Danger Brothers, who perform rock ?n? roll classics and Buckeye favorites, are known for their wacky outfits and similarly crazy stunts.
?The crowd absolutely loves their antics and their camaraderie with them,? Marty Sims, the food and beverage director for the hotel, said. ?They just don?t stand up there and sing songs.?
The Danger Brothers ? who play all over the Midwest, even in hated Michigan ? said they have sometimes been in physical jeopardy.
?When we launch into ?Saturday Night?s Alright for Fighting? and we give it our own stamp of completely hard-driving rock ?n? roll that?s when the beers start flying every single time,? said Tom Smith, an Ohio State graduate who plays drums and sings for the band. ?It is completely off the wall. The beers are flying at us on stage and in the crowd, but it doesn?t really matter because we are giving it all up for the moment.?
Beers usually are not the only things flying at Hineygate. At the end of the show, the stage is littered with bras. The band said they collected about 90 during a game against Wisconsin a few years ago.
?We didn?t really ask for them,? Smith said. ?They just started flying, and once they started flying they just kept coming. There?s no explanation for real madness.?
Sometimes Bill Bendler, an Ohio State graduate who plays the organ, trombone and sings for the band, jumps off the stage and into the crowd.
?One year I didn?t get caught, and I went right down on top of a parking barrier,? he said. ?How I didn?t break my back I don?t know.?
Smith said, ?There is truly an element of just letting everything go and forgetting about who you are Monday through Friday.?
Hineygate began when the Columbus radio station WTVN approached the Holiday Inn, which is across the street from St. John Arena and near Ohio Stadium, with an idea for a game-day party. The name Hineygate was picked because hiney is another word for tail.
?We wanted a tailgate name but didn?t want the word tailgate used,? Sims said. ?We didn?t want people to think that they could just pull up their cars and get out their grills.?
The first two Hineygates were held in the hotel?s parking garage with a D.J. and a few grills. Then the staff decided to move the party out front to attract a bigger crowd. They booked two bands, one of which was the Danger Brothers. About 100 people showed up.
From then on, the Danger Brothers alone have provided the soundtrack for Hineygate. The crowd steadily grew, soon reaching around 10,000 people a game.

Entire article: We?re Having a Party - The Quad Blog - NYTimes.com


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Buckeye Maniac;1360303; said:
I don't see how it would be feasible to turn 243 rooms into 480 beds. 2 beds a room might be fine for a hotel, but that's tiny for a dorm room.

2 bed per dorm room is pretty much standard. I was in Bradley Hall in the late 80's. We had room for two beds, two desks, a TV and a small fridge. Try living in the towers back then when there were four people per suite. That was small. I would have loved to have a hotel room for two people compared to a dorm room.
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I don't see how it would be feasible to turn 243 rooms into 480 beds. 2 beds a room might be fine for a hotel, but that's tiny for a dorm room.

I also don't like the idea of taking away that option for people who need a place to stay when they go to games or other events on campus or off.
well i was no math major but two sets of bunks beds would just about do it.... or trips rooms.

as far as places to stay, oh well free market. i think youll see campus expansion the next 20 or so years as the school continues to grow. the school is essentially land locked and lets be honest the idea that people would actually go to class/live west of the river was well dumb. (and i mean way west campus more so than the ag stuff just over the river)
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Buckeye Maniac;1361081; said:
I meant in terms of size of the room, not number of beds. In my experience unless the hotel room is a suite then a dorm room is going to be bigger. I have only lived in Morrill though, so I'm not 100% sure how large the other dorms are.

Either the hotel "suites" you've been in weren't really suites or Morrill is a frickin' castle for a dorm.
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CleveBucks;1361112; said:
The standard two-person dorms on south campus are smaller than a hotel room. way smaller. and no private bathroom either. And no a/c. The Holiday Inn would be a huge step up.

yeah, the rooms I stayed in at Mack Hall were barely above 10'x10' with a 3'x3' closet for two people, tile floors and a hall bathroom for 30+ people to top it off


I'd say the carpeting and room bathrooms would be a vast improvement regardless of how small the room was, and the room will probably be bigger anyways
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Recently I found out from one of the Hineygate organizers there at the hotel, that all proceeds from Hineygate go to various childrens charities. I realize it doesn't suit everyone's taste, but thousands every football Saturday seem to enjoy it. It has become one of those OSU traditions that hopefully won't come to an end.
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grnvllbuck;1361285; said:
Recently I found out from one of the Hineygate organizers there at the hotel, that all proceeds from Hineygate go to various childrens charities. I realize it doesn't suit everyone's taste, but thousands every football Saturday seem to enjoy it. It has become one of those OSU traditions that hopefully won't come to an end.

Not to be a Scroooge, but seeing as those profits are generated off the university, I'd be a lot more sympathetic if the organizers were donating them back to the university rather than a generic Columbus charity. From their perspective, it might go a long way towards keeping Gee off their back.
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