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Hineygate (now Crank It Up outside the Varsity Club)

Hineygate is just like any other party, you get out of it what you put into it. I always enjoyed it because I always got in the flow of the party, beer, babes, and music , that's the game and I wrote the book.
Beer up!
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Best Buckeye;1441290; said:
Hineygate is just like any other party, you get out of it what you put into it. I always enjoyed it because I always got in the flow of the party, beer, babes, and music , that's the game and I wrote the book.
Beer up!

Or maybe just because you were an old fuck...
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Best Buckeye;1441290; said:
Hineygate is just like any other party, you get out of it what you put into it. I always enjoyed it because I always got in the flow of the party, beer, babes, and music , that's the game and I wrote the book.
Beer up!

MililaniBuckeye;1441293; said:
Or maybe just because you were an old fuck...

C'mon MIli, give him a break; it was tough for him to write that book, chiseling away on those stone tablets.
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Electron Boy;1441245; said:
yeah, i can't say that i'm all broken up about this, either. i was in hineygate once for about five minutes as an undergrad, realized i was about 20 years too young for it and immediately turned around and left.

on the other hand, maybe it's better that we keep all the people who like to get tore up and grope drunk post-menopausal county fair queens on football weekends in one place

I never took part in Hineygate. In fact, if not for this board, I never would have known about it. I'm not even sure if I knew where it was before the existence of this thread.

Upon hearing EB's description of it though, it is now one of my great regrets in life that I never experienced it.

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Best Buckeye;1441294; said:
I was a young fuck too. :groove::groove3:

DaddyBigBucks;1441520; said:
I never took part in Hineygate. In fact, if not for this board, I never would have known about it. I'm not even sure if I knew where it was before the existence of this thread.

Upon hearing EB's description of it though, it is now one of my great regrets in life that I never experienced it.


What do you find so depressing? Missing out on the post-menopausal fair queens? Ask BB or BB73 to tell you about them in their prime! :slappy:
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DaddyBigBucks;1441520; said:
I never took part in Hineygate. In fact, if not for this board, I never would have known about it. I'm not even sure if I knew where it was before the existence of this thread.

Upon hearing EB's description of it though, it is now one of my great regrets in life that I never experienced it.


it is my most sincere hope that you, daddybigbucks, are able to one day experience the thrill of overpriced beer, barely tolerable music, and standing ankle-deep in a mixture of vomit and urine with hundreds of drunk guys packed into a 500 square foot pen all desperately hoping to see the boobs of a woman who partied with whitesnake

if you dream it, you can achieve it
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Electron Boy;1441701; said:
it is my most sincere hope that you, daddybigbucks, are able to one day experience the thrill of overpriced beer, barely tolerable music, and standing ankle-deep in a mixture of vomit and urine with hundreds of drunk guys packed into a 500 square foot pen all desperately hoping to see the boobs of a woman who partied with whitesnake

if you dream it, you can achieve it

achieve it?

That's what I call "Thursday".
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Steve19;1441680; said:
What do you find so depressing? Missing out on the post-menopausal fair queens? Ask BB or BB73 to tell you about them in their prime! :slappy:

Let me categorically disavow any denial of ever participating in any unsavory activity with any queens at Hineygate, whether they be of the post-menopausal or of the drag variety.
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The Columbus Dispatch : Elevator technician crushed to death at closed OSU-area hotel
An elevator technician died this morning when an elevator crushed him inside the former Holiday Inn on the Lane, police said.
Fire medics were called to the closed hotel, at 328 W. Lane Ave. across from the Ohio State University campus, at 8:16 a.m.
The 52-year-old employee of Oracle Elevator was working in a spot known as the elevator pit when he was killed, said Division of Fire Battalion Chief David Whiting.
"The elevator pit is right below the lobby," Whiting said. "There's a ladder that you climb down from the lobby. It looks like it caught him between the elevator and the ladder."

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