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Hineygate (now Crank It Up outside the Varsity Club)

ORD_Buckeye;1361289; said:
Not to be a Scroooge, but seeing as those profits are generated off the university, I'd be a lot more sympathetic if the organizers were donating them back to the university rather than a generic Columbus charity. From their perspective, it might go a long way towards keeping Gee off their back.

I think all the business around the university are making money off the university. Should all of them be paying kick backs to the university as well to "keep Gee off their backs"? I think if the University needed the money made from Hineygate they would just increase tuitions again.
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I think all the business around the university are making money off the university. Should all of them be paying kick backs to the university as well to "keep Gee off their backs"? I think if the University needed the money made from Hineygate they would just increase tuitions again.
I don't think Conrad's and Universitees share the same negative image as Hineygate.

And they can't raise tuition per agreement with the state.

The campus will be expanding south before long. The Medcenter has been buying up all kinds of property along King Ave, eventually trying to reach High St.
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Buckeyefrankmp;1361260; said:

Check out the pictures of a guest room. These rooms look bigger than the typical campus dorm room. Take out the queen size bed and put a bunk bed and you have plenty of space. Plus, there are suites in the hotel that can be chopped down to add more rooms or made to accommodate four beds.

That's the type of of room I stayed in last month. That's actually a king-sized bed. Even with two twin beds on either side of the room vice a bunk bed, there's plenty of space. The heater got the room toasty pretty quickly. The bathroom was of decent size. If I were a college freshman or sophomore and "had" to live in a Holiday Inn type room, I'd be ecstatic...
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Buckeyefrankmp;1361303; said:
I think all the business around the university are making money off the university. Should all of them be paying kick backs to the university as well to "keep Gee off their backs"? I think if the University needed the money made from Hineygate they would just increase tuitions again.

No, of course not. Just saying that if Hineygate--which in my mind runs a little bit of a different type of business than the run of the mill bookstore, bar or restaurant--wants to donate their profits somewhere, it should go back to the entity that makes their business possible and is smart public/business relations vis-a-vis the 800 lb guerilla across the street.

If Gee truly has a bug up his ass about hineygate, a lot of god a bunch of god damned children are going to do the organizers. On the other hand, if they were able to sit down with him and say, "Hineygate, whatever its problems, has pumped xx,000 dollars into Ohio State's endowment over the last decade" there is much more opportunity for compromise.
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ORD_Buckeye;1361357; said:
No, of course not. Just saying that if Hineygate--which in my mind runs a little bit of a different type of business than the run of the mill bookstore, bar or restaurant--wants to donate their profits somewhere, it should go back to the entity that makes their business possible and is smart public/business relations vis-a-vis the 800 lb guerilla across the street.

If Gee truly has a bug up his ass about hineygate, a lot of god a bunch of god damned children are going to do the organizers. On the other hand, if they were able to sit down with him and say, "Hineygate, whatever its problems, has pumped xx,000 dollars into Ohio State's endowment over the last decade" there is much more opportunity for compromise.

"If Gee truly has a bug up his ass about hineygate, a lot of god a bunch of god damned children are going to do the organizers." I don't know what you are trying to say here.

""Hineygate, whatever its problems, has pumped xx,000 dollars into Ohio State's endowment over the last decade" there is much more opportunity for compromise." This sounds like the university saying "we don't like what you do unless we get money from it, then it is all right." This still sounds like a kick back/bride. How much does Hineygate bring in during the football season? How big is the endowment?
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CleveBucks;1361308; said:
I don't think Conrad's and Universitees share the same negative image as Hineygate.

And they can't raise tuition per agreement with the state.

The campus will be expanding south before long. The Medcenter has been buying up all kinds of property along King Ave, eventually trying to reach High St.

I think this has more to do with it than anything. Sure they might not like the image that hineygate has, but they are not going to drop the money just for that reason. The fact that they are shutting down the south dorm towers to gut them and completly renovate thaem and that they are pushing toward the fresh and sophs having to live in the dorms means they need more rooms. they would already have the space to turn part of it into a dining commons, and then a rec room, type thing. It also won't be the first land that osu has directly across the street on lane as the already own the building that use to be Cooker, in now wedells/alumni club or what ever it is called. Its really do different than what they did with High Street with campus partners and continue to do, get rid of bad tenets while promoting the growth of the university.
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buckeyefool;1361396; said:
It also won't be the first land that osu has directly across the street on lane as the already own the building that use to be Cooker, in now wedells/alumni club or what ever it is called. Its really do different than what they did with High Street with campus partners and continue to do, get rid of bad tenets while promoting the growth of the university.

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That's the type of of room I stayed in last month. That's actually a king-sized bed. Even with two twin beds on either side of the room vice a bunk bed, there's plenty of space. The heater got the room toasty pretty quickly. The bathroom was of decent size. If I were a college freshman or sophomore and "had" to live in a Holiday Inn type room, I'd be ecstatic...
why didnt you just stay at thumps?

ive never stayed in there but ive been in there. granted once upon a time not so long ago they wanted me to stay there/or the blackwell for some meeting. i was like wtf i live less than 15 mins away why waste the money. i was talked to by a corp leader about morale or some bs, i finally told the guy if he didnt appreciate my willingness save money he could go tell one of our employees face to face they are getting a smaller bonus so i could stay in a hotel in the same city i live in. oh yea and do it face to face. i then proceeded to wendys on highs drive thru to make my point during our luncheon. i chumped on a spicy chicken combo while others dined on expensive food. the point may or may not have been taken but that chumps days are numbered...
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Buckeyefrankmp;1361379; said:
"If Gee truly has a bug up his ass about hineygate, a lot of god a bunch of god damned children are going to do the organizers." I don't know what you are trying to say here.

""Hineygate, whatever its problems, has pumped xx,000 dollars into Ohio State's endowment over the last decade" there is much more opportunity for compromise." This sounds like the university saying "we don't like what you do unless we get money from it, then it is all right." This still sounds like a kick back/bride. How much does Hineygate bring in during the football season? How big is the endowment?

As for the first part, apologies for my typo. It was meant to read "a lot of good a bunch of god damned childred are going to do the organizers." It was meant to mean that if you want the university to take your interests into consideration, then yes it would certainly help if you had shown a history of taking their interests into consideration. Donating your profits to some generic children's charity that isn't associated with the university isn't going to buy you an ounce of goodwill if Gee decides you're through.

And no it's not a bribe. It, however, would show Gee a decided motivation on the part of the hineygate organizers to treat the university as more than a financial tit to suck.

The organizers are free to do whatever they want with their money. If, however, their activities come to be seen as detrimental to the university's interests and image while at the same time they have shown zero support towards the university to balance things out, I don't want to hear them start whining like that little Papa Joe's bitch did when Gordon Gee clubbed him out of existence like a baby seal.
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Holiday Inn On Lane To Close Monday (i.e.Today)

COLUMBUS, Ohio?An Ohio State campus area institution will close its doors Monday afternoon.
After 36 years of hosting potential students, cancer patients and the infamous Hineygate, the Holiday Inn on Lane is in its last weekend, NBC 4?s Candice Lee reported.
Fred Harris walks the reception area at the hotel as general manager for the last 35 years. For Harris, the final weekend is bittersweet.
?We?ve made countless friends, long-lasting relationships that will go on long past the passing of the Holiday Inn,? Harris said.
Home to the Hineygate since its inception 26 years ago, the Holiday Inn has hosted OSU fans every home game.
Martin Sims runs the food and beverage department of the tailgate and remembers the meeting that gave birth to the popular pregame party and the good it has done for Central Ohio charities.
?We?ve donated tens of thousands, no hundreds of thousands of dollars to charities here in Columbus. So in addition to having a great time, kids benefit from it, too,? Sims said.
With the state high school basketball playoffs this weekend, young men and their families will be the last overnight guests at the hotel.
The hotel closes at 2 p.m. Monday. When it opens again, OSU students will call it home, bringing to new memories to a building loaded with history.
?Thank you, Columbus. Thank you, Ohio State University and thank you to our many, many loyal guests and our dedicated staff,? Harris said.

Entire article: Holiday Inn On Lane To Close Monday | NBC4i.com
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MaxBuck;1441237; said:
Ah, the balance of life. I'm overjoyed.

yeah, i can't say that i'm all broken up about this, either. i was in hineygate once for about five minutes as an undergrad, realized i was about 20 years too young for it and immediately turned around and left.

on the other hand, maybe it's better that we keep all the people who like to get tore up and grope drunk post-menopausal county fair queens on football weekends in one place
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