Why wear sweats?Remember that tOSU did something like reduction in offerings couple of decades ago. Cut out 'Eskimo studies' or somesuch, losing a chair, various profs, which were all there for about 22 students. Memories fuzzy certainly, but there wasn't much of a clamor when this occurred. In education, when one cuts classes/departments, an uproar occurs when the people involved lose out, on either a paycheck or course credit. At the K-12 level, state funding cuts required elimination of many electives - art, music etc. and mighty big hub-bub. 'Cut athletics' was their response. Well, the answer was/still is that the electives are what keep kids interested, not the solids like English and history. Anyway, the on-line proponents seem to be winning, as it's easier/cheaper to hire a prof to teach from home. Heck, he puts on a shirt and tie, but wears sweats below the camera. Once more, glad I'm out of this now.
