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Big Papa;844606; said:
Candice from Heroes - Missy Peregrym


Look at the abs.....

What a fatass. :p
I wonder if we'll ever see what she really looks like.
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Piney;827633; said:
That was the original idea. They were going to do a prequel based on what the first heroes did (ie Linderman and Petrelli's parents and such). But I read an article that the success of the show and this year's characters is changing their mind. They are looking at ways to keep most of the cast, throw in new Heroes and a new plot. But the creators still say they want to do a prequel type season.

This from IMDB


just scroll about half way down the page

Fourth-Place NBC Shows Off Only Five New Shows

...........The network also indicated that it is developing a Heroes spin-off, titled Heroes: Origins.

So it looks like they may be doing both, continuing on with the current cast and giving us the prequel show. I just hope that they don't spread the concept too thin and disrupt the quality of the original.
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Ending did not disappoint. Glad to see Hiro was the hero. I'm curious who the master villian is, the one that Molly is scared of, next season. I would bet dollars to donuts that Peter and Nathan are both back in the fall.
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shoegirl;846754; said:
Maybe Nathan flew Peter to space and left him to blow up. But my question is, why couldn't Peter just fly himself?
An excellent point - cannot be explained away as due to kinship, for he absorbed the ability to heal from his brother's daughter, Claire.
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I was a bit disappointed, one for the obvious part where Peter could've flown his stupid self, or even transported himself to anywhere, or back in time, or, jesus, it goes on. I was expecting a much better showdown between Sylar and Peter and how Sylar crawled away, was very cheesy.
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