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shoegirl;846754; said:
Maybe Nathan flew Peter to space and left him to blow up. But my question is, why couldn't Peter just fly himself?

I think he could have, but he was scared and needed someone to come and be there for him. The part of the show where the guy he took care of as a nurst was talking about the importance of Love, that is what Peter needed at that moment from Nathan. I would not be surprised to see them back next season as well. Although I do not expect to see many from this season as regulars next season. I would bet we see more of Claire though, just because of her popularity.
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Hubbard;846767; said:
I was a bit disappointed, one for the obvious part where Peter could've flown his stupid self, or even transported himself to anywhere, or back in time, or, jesus, it goes on. I was expecting a much better showdown between Sylar and Peter and how Sylar crawled away, was very cheesy.

I do agree with you here, I really wanted to see a better show down between those two. Kinda of what we got a small glimpse of when they flashed to the future, after the bomb, and how Peter and Sylar were using their power against each other as the show ended. That is what I was expecting.
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Hubbard;846767; said:
I was a bit disappointed, one for the obvious part where Peter could've flown his stupid self, or even transported himself to anywhere, or back in time, or, jesus, it goes on. I was expecting a much better showdown between Sylar and Peter and how Sylar crawled away, was very cheesy.

A bigger fight would have been great, but considering the only powers Peter had control of were his invisibility, healing and flying there was not a whole lot there. I hope to see him back next season so he can continue to develop the use of his various powers.
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shoegirl;846754; said:
Maybe Nathan flew Peter to space and left him to blow up. But my question is, why couldn't Peter just fly himself?

Considering he was in a panic over going nuclear, it's debatable whether he would have been able to concentrate on flying and control his flight. It's not like he had really mastered the ability to fly yet anyway.

A bigger fight would have been great, but considering the only powers Peter had control of were his invisibility, healing and flying there was not a whole lot there.

Eh, I'm not to sure you have to "master" the ability to heal. it appears it just happens whether the person is concentrating or not (I'm pretty sure you don't even have to be awake to have it happen).
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StooGrimson;846882; said:
Considering he was in a panic over going nuclear, it's debatable whether he would have been able to concentrate on flying and control his flight. It's not like he had really mastered the ability to fly yet anyway.

Eh, I'm not to sure you have to "master" the ability to heal. it appears it just happens whether the person is concentrating or not (I'm pretty sure you don't even have to be awake to have it happen).

My thoughts exactly...I actually asked my wife, "Why doesn't Peter just fly
the hell out of there and save everyone, but if he can't control the nuke power at that particular time, then why is it unreasonable to think he isn't in control of any of the rest of his powers...

...and if you regenerate, it seems you would not have to be conscious or in "control" of your faculties to heal...unlike going invisible or time travel, etc. it doesn't seem like Claire has to think, "heal, heal" in order for it to happen, as opposed to Lindermans gift of healing others seems more of an action he must focus on doing rather than having 'just happen' (though I'm still not convinced he's out of the picture either)

Side notes:

I'm glad Nathan got off his ass and did the right thing...a nice, "feel good" way to redeem his ever slipping character there in the end imo.

Nikki / Jessica: It was only a couple of punches to Candice, and one baseball swing at Sylar, but I was cheering like hell when she finally used her 'powers' (still looking for more defined info on her situation) in a constructive way.

My only disapointment was when Peter (the 'chosen one') finally goes to kick Sylar's ass the best he can do is a few round house hooks...at least go invisible and do a little stealth ass-kicking...throw some Jedi mind over matter shit at him, just as Sylar has become very fond of doing himself. I wanted a little something more than his best Butter Bean impression.

Oh well, still loved every second of it and can't wait for what comes next. :biggrin:
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The more I think about it, the more I think I will be disappointed if they do not keep the core characters in the show going forward to the next Chapter. This show got popular with these characters, it would be difficult to be as excited about a brand new set of characters + Hiro going to next season. Anyone seen any previews or teasers other than what they showed last night?

Edit - Just read on a Heroes fan site that they think the focusing on the cockroach at the end may symbolize the return of Sylar next season. The fact that it is hard to kill a cockroach symbolism.
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Ok, had time to digest what happened. First thing I am disappointed in the overall finale. The Peter v Sylar fight was horrible and then even how they stopped an exploding man. Really what was Nathan's thought process of going there? Then Syler slipping away at the end, c'mon... just kill him already and move on to the next set of heroes and villians. They already set up the next villan with Molly's explanation of a guy apparently worse than Sylar.

So what are we going to see next? Heroes Origins? Or the next Heroes? Or both?

I really hope that most of these heroes don't come back. Because the part of the show I enjoyed the most was getting to know the characters and how they were connected to each other.
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Piney;847010; said:
Ok, had time to digest what happened. First thing I am disappointed in the overall finale. The Peter v Sylar fight was horrible and then even how they stopped an exploding man. Really what was Nathan's thought process of going there? Then Syler slipping away at the end, c'mon... just kill him already and move on to the next set of heroes and villians. They already set up the next villan with Molly's explanation of a guy apparently worse than Sylar.

So what are we going to see next? Heroes Origins? Or the next Heroes? Or both?

I really hope that most of these heroes don't come back. Because the part of the show I enjoyed the most was getting to know the characters and how they were connected to each other.

Agreed, I was hoping for so much more. About the only thing you got to know was Bennet's name, Noah, which they had never revealed. What was up with Hiro showing up and suddenly able to stab Sylar without anyone stopping him.

Second, why did Nathan have to fly Peter up? Couldn't he fly up on his own? He's the one that can heal, not Nathan, so fly your lazy ass to the sky, explode and come back, eh...

Since Hiro fell back in time I think he becomes that Kensei hero that he was reading about and discussing. I think Origins is next but most likely that will be a bit of filler until they get the next season completed.
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I kept saying to myself after the show was over, "Why didn't Hiro lop the fucker's head off?"

No chance of Sylar returning if he does.

Why didn't Peter fly away on his own?

Why didn't Sylar just launch Niki/Jessica like he has everyone else?

Why didn't he just kill Bennet, Parkman and Mohinder when he could have?

Where the hell is the Haitian?

There were simply too many inconsistancies.
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Why didn't Peter fly away on his own?

Peter has always had problems with his powers when he was emotionally excited or while absorbing new powers (Sylar, Micah, DL, Nicki & Molly were all in his range during that scene).

FWIW he's also not the only one who has shown issues with control while under stress.
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