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BuckBackHome;840180; said:
Hoping they have gotten all the last minute boring build up stuff out of the way for next week's finale. The past two weeks have been weak.

I don't think last night's episode was weak at all, I think we are set up perfectly for a blistering finale next week. although Jessica's exit/Nikki's return was pretty lame.

Thompson: What am I thinking now, Parkman?

Bennett: Your last thought.

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bearonu;840467; said:
I don't think last night's episode was weak at all, I think we are set up perfectly for a blistering finale next week. although Jessica's exit/Nikki's return was pretty lame.

Thompson: What am I thinking now, Parkman?

Bennett: Your last thought.


I agree 100%. Usually the episode right before a season finale is boring, but last night was the exact opposite. Last night solidified Heroes as one of my top 5 favorite shows.
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Yeah, I just watched Mondays ep, I gotta say I wasn't dissapointed at all to be honest, I thought the episode was great. I thought the Hiro scene was kind of weird, suddenly pops is giving him years of training in a few hours? Uhm ok, otherwise, I liked it.

As for Sylar getting Ted's power, that can't be good, though when Peter and Sylar duke it out next time there had better be a real fight, not just a minute of 'look I can do this' and then over, I want to see some hot peter on sylar action :)
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OCBucksFan;843098; said:
Yeah, I just watched Mondays ep, I gotta say I wasn't dissapointed at all to be honest, I thought the episode was great. I thought the Hiro scene was kind of weird, suddenly pops is giving him years of training in a few hours? Uhm ok, otherwise, I liked it.

Remember, Hiro can alter time. what is a few hours to us, he can make last for years.

OCBucksFan;843098; said:
I want to see some hot peter on sylar action :)

Take it to the RR, please. no gay porn in the OD.
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bearonu;840467; said:
I don't think last night's episode was weak at all, I think we are set up perfectly for a blistering finale next week. although Jessica's exit/Nikki's return was pretty lame.

Thompson: What am I thinking now, Parkman?

Bennett: Your last thought.


It was decent, but I am still disappointed there was such a teaser of the Peter-Sylar fight a few episodes ago. I am hoping we get to see a fight between those two in the final episode.
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shoegirl;840199; said:
I assume that they're just setting everything up for the finale. That said, how much did you all enjoy watching Linderman's brain get ripped out of his head? Or how about Hiro learning to fight with his father. Some very neat stuff tonight! :)

Finally got to watch it last night, and it was great. I can't wait for Monday to see how it ends. Obviously they are going to use the little girl to find Sylar. Watching Linderman get his brains squashed was good. I also enjoyed Eric Robert's character get popped as well.
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Candice from Heroes - Missy Peregrym


Look at the abs.....
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