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I just watched this weeks episode last night and am beginning to think this is my favorite show. Every episode is great and doesn't seem to have the slow episodes like some other shows have. I can't wait to see what happens to Peter when he can control his powers. Talk about being the most powerful superhero of all time.
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OCBucksFan;827731; said:
boy does Hiro become a jaded prick in the future :)

Hey, you try surviving a nuclear holocost, in which you lose your best friend no less, and spend the next 5 years getting hunted by a corupt government...you'd be a bit grumpy too I think :biggrin: :wink2:

I count the days until the next episode. My wife and I are soo addicted! :banger:
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Nikki has been a main character from the beginning of the show & I still don't feel like I know hardly anything about her. Though I think last night's show just forshadowed that they are going to start getting into her deal a lot more in next season's episodes.

I hate Peter and Nathan's mom...Nathan needs to be more of a man, stand up to his mother, take responsibility for Claire...I'm liking Nathan less and less with each passing show as well.

Sylar's mom was freaky. I'd be messed up if she was my mom too (don't know that I'd start painting the future in her blood, but I'm sure I'd at least need a few sessions with a shrink :wink2: ).

If the chick that can morph into anyone she wants & can make you see anything she wants, do you think she really isn't some young, hot brunette...maybe she looks more like Will Farrell dressed as Janet Reno on SNL. :biggrin:


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Last night was probably one of the more boring episodes, but it's obvious it was just to set up the next couple of weeks. The worst episode (and there haven't been any bad ones) of Heroes is far and above the best episode of 24 so far this season.
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Last night's episode was a little bit of a letdown from the previous week, but you can't expect every episode to be that intense. Nathan and Peter's mother is certainly one cold bitch. And you are right, the scenes with Sylar and is crazy mother were strange.

Quick question, what happened to Claude, the invisible man? Bennet and the Haitian caught him, right? But did they ever kill him or anything? I can't seem to remember. If he is still around, I wonder if he comes back into play before the season ends.

Padraig;834946; said:
If the chick that can morph into anyone she wants & can make you see anything she wants, do you think she really isn't some young, hot brunette...maybe she looks more like Will Farrell dressed as Janet Reno on SNL. :biggrin:

Hey, stop trying to ruin it for everyone else, she is hot and the discussion ends there !!! :biggrin:
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Padraig - Hilarious about the shaftshifter being ugly. Or how bout if she was really a man baby!

How about Hiro wimping out and not able to pull the trigger so to speak.

But now about a few things that are starting to piss me off. First off... Nathan... grow some balls! Talk about the perfect puppet that has no control of anything. No wonder he is losing in the polls and needs all the help he can get to get elected.

Also, Peter is so freaking stupid. Ok buddy, you are afraid you might blow up the world. You also know you absorb powers from other "heroes". So WHY THE FUCK do you want to get Ted??? You know once you meet him you will get his power. So maybe I am a moron but you would think the best thing to do is never meet Ted so you don't use his power to blow up NY?

Ok, maybe these things don't piss me off more than just make my moron alarm go off. Be smart people! But then again it wouldn't make for that great of a show eh?
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We are spoiled, because it was kinda boring last night. Not sure what happened to the invisible man, I thought he got away, but we never heard anything about him, or how about that wireless girl? She was in what, 2 episodes? How was Sylar unable to undo Hiro's time stoppage, how's that possible?
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Hubbard;834961; said:
We are spoiled, because it was kinda boring last night. Not sure what happened to the invisible man, I thought he got away, but we never heard anything about him, or how about that wireless girl? She was in what, 2 episodes? How was Sylar unable to undo Hiro's time stoppage, how's that possible?

I assumed it was Hiro being nervous and losing his concentration and not Sylar countering his power.
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