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shoegirl;821184; said:
What if it's just someone who looks like Peter that blows up? Say, Candice perhaps? (she's the chick who can morph into anyone). She obviously has the ability to "turn into" Peter - so maybe it's her?

I was wrong I was thinking of Peter's dream, not a painting.
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BuckBackHome;827362; said:
I am really curious what next season will bring. I read it may be a completely different cast and plot.

That was the original idea. They were going to do a prequel based on what the first heroes did (ie Linderman and Petrelli's parents and such). But I read an article that the success of the show and this year's characters is changing their mind. They are looking at ways to keep most of the cast, throw in new Heroes and a new plot. But the creators still say they want to do a prequel type season.
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