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Muck;835564; said:
I thought they are spreading it out over two weeks.

You're right, did a little research and the final episode is called "How To Stop an Exploding Man" and it airs 5/21. I can't wait to see the final two episodes, but I am going to hate it not being on until the new season.
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Big Papa;835850; said:
You're right, did a little research and the final episode is called "How To Stop an Exploding Man" and it airs 5/21. I can't wait to see the final two episodes, but I am going to hate it not being on until the new season.

Same, it's the best thing on Television right now.
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Hubbard;836496; said:
Has there been a timeline for the new season? I was hoping like september?

If you are talking BSG, yes it said in the last episode that the show returns in January of 08, but there is a made for Sci Fi movie coming in the interim about the Pegasus.

As far as Heroes goes, have not watched it yet, but Sci Fi channel is having a Heroes marathon next Saturday starting from the beginning. Boo VCRs Hooray DVRs.
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Did anyone else think it was weird that at the end of the last episode they asked for fans to write in with possible theories.

I question why any show would do this unless they were looking for possible scenarios for next year. While it might not be a bad idea, it also seems a little bush league.
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melrun78;837703; said:
Did anyone else think it was weird that at the end of the last episode they asked for fans to write in with possible theories.

I question why any show would do this unless they were looking for possible scenarios for next year. While it might not be a bad idea, it also seems a little bush league.
You are reading way too much into that.

Fans were already posting theories on other sites. Heroes at nbc.com simply gave them another place-holder in which to post their ideas. Building site traffic and maintaining interest in the off-season is what it is all about.
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melrun78;837703; said:
Did anyone else think it was weird that at the end of the last episode they asked for fans to write in with possible theories.

I question why any show would do this unless they were looking for possible scenarios for next year. While it might not be a bad idea, it also seems a little bush league.

They have actually been doing this for months, they have a site you can post them to and a person you can text message who's supposed to be the character wireless from the show.

There's actually a lot of internet addins to this show, there's a ton of graphic novels on NBC.COM as well as sites all over the internet, Nathan has a campaign site, there's wireless's site, primatechpaper.com is up, and Claire and her friend from the beginning both have MySpace pages up.

The show was pretty hyped all over the net before it came out, so I can see why they are doing these tie-ins, it keeps those fans busy on the message boards.
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I assume that they're just setting everything up for the finale. That said, how much did you all enjoy watching Linderman's brain get ripped out of his head? Or how about Hiro learning to fight with his father. Some very neat stuff tonight! :)
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