Researching the Magic!
I get it, if she has a degree or other skills (no, not those skills) and she's getting turned down just because of her previous (perfectly legal) lifestyle, that is very crappy. On the other hand, she could legitimately be a serious distraction in any workplace, just by being there, both for customers and coworkers. It sucks, but it's a result of her choices in life. Her suggestion to teen girls to stay away from porn is good advice, even if it isn't coming from the right place, so to speak.
There's an interesting documentary on Netflix that follows a few girls that go into the pro-am side of the business and it's actually rather interesting and informative (with some boobs of course, but no real nudity). Forget the title, though.
There's an interesting documentary on Netflix that follows a few girls that go into the pro-am side of the business and it's actually rather interesting and informative (with some boobs of course, but no real nudity). Forget the title, though.