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Greg Schiano (HC Rutgers Scarlet Knights)

No, I am not saying that UM should not have hired any PSU assistants at all. I just thought that UM should have known that Schiano worked there during that time (based on his resume). Based on the magnitude of this situation, UM would, and should have, asked the right questions that he needs to make the hire without incriminating himself when something like this occurs. I am sure the media will question UM on this.

I am not sure what Schiano saw, again, may be something much less sinister. If I saw something abnormal (not that actual incident), then I guess my first reaction is to ask that individual..."hey, what did you just do?" If the answer was not to my satisfactory, then I would go to my next level manager and through the proper chain of command (military and corporate training speaking here) and let them look into it. Now if he saw the actual incident, then that is a different story, and that is why I am asking question, which has been addressed that we don't know yet.
Considering that this whole mess had come and gone before considering Schoano and his name hasn't been brought to light (and considerable light had been shed) I just doubt that would be on any coach's mind. But I'd guess it is on his mind now.
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Well, for one, at the time of Schanio's hiring the only dates that were known about were 1998, 2001 and 2011. Schaino was long gone by then. For another, what in the hell does an accounting of what Schaino might have seen in locker rooms 20+ years ago have to do with his qualifications to be DC?

It continues to astonish me how people impute knowledge after the fact and then require an actor to have acted with that knowledge despite not having had it.

How can you say this - "For another, what in the hell does an accounting of what Schaino might have seen in locker rooms 20+ years ago have to do with his qualifications to be DC?" and then like Thuump's post above? Don't they contradict?
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If you knew your legendary/iconic boss, Joe Paterno knew about Sandusky and didn't want anything to come out.
And if you knew the AD and President of the University knew and didn't want anything to come out.
And if you also knew that that Joe Pa had the Happy Valley Police department around his fingertips...

As a young assistant, how many people are really (not just theoretically on a message board) going to throw their career up in smoke and likely not even be of any help to the victims? The DA investigating the case ended up dead. This was likely a very dangerous secret to know and I'm not sure we can reasonably demand a young adult having the courage to fight this steep uphill battle alone, with the stakes involved here.

If Schiano saw something and didn't act, I wouldn't want him being my head coach but as an assistant, I'm OK with him staying. Paterno was the one holding all the cards. He owned Happy Valley.
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How can you say this - "For another, what in the hell does an accounting of what Schaino might have seen in locker rooms 20+ years ago have to do with his qualifications to be DC?" and then like Thuump's post above? Don't they contradict?
Not in my mind. Thump said, If true he has to go. I have not said I don't agree with that result. What I have said is we are in day one of information coming out and I'm not going to jump to any conclusion based on one statement without any opportunity for Schiano to respond. (which, of course, he has now and denies the same) Likewise, I am sticking to my point that requiring Meyer to have asked Schanio about something completely irrelevant to being a DC simply because Schanio worked under Pedterno some 23 years ago (And was gone before 1998, the earliest date known up until a few weeks/months ago) is holding Meyer to some ridiculous standard of omniscience that I cannot fathom. I don't know what Schaino saw... for all I know he walked in on Sandusky soaping a kind up... creepy for sure... but, not child rape. For all I know he talked to Bradley about it and Bradley said "Yeah, he does that all the time, Pedterno is aware" and that was the end of it. Even McQuery's hearsay testimony does not reveal the nature of what he thinks Schaino saw. If Schaino saw a kid getting molested and all he did was talk to Bradley, he needs to go. Something short of that, and I'm going to pump the brakes and reserve judgment.

Should Meyer ask prospective employees:
Ever been a witness to a murder? Ever murdered anyone?
Hey, I have no reason to suspect this, but do you have any arsons in your past?

It's ridiculous.
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Not in my mind. Thump said, If true he has to go. I have not said I don't agree with that result. What I have said is we are in day one of information coming out and I'm not going to jump to any conclusion based on one statement without any opportunity for Schiano to respond. (which, of course, he has now and denies the same) Likewise, I am sticking to my point that requiring Meyer to have asked Schanio about something completely irrelevant to being a DC simply because Schanio worked under Pedterno some 23 years ago (And was gone before 1998, the earliest date known up until a few weeks/months ago) is holding Meyer to some ridiculous standard of omniscience that I cannot fathom. I don't know what Schaino saw... for all I know he walked in on Sandusky soaping a kind up... creepy for sure... but, not child rape. For all I know he talked to Bradley about it and Bradley said "Yeah, he does that all the time, Pedterno is aware" and that was the end of it. Even McQuery's hearsay testimony does not reveal the nature of what he thinks Schaino saw. If Schaino saw a kid getting molested and all he did was talk to Bradley, he needs to go. Something short of that, and I'm going to pump the brakes and reserve judgment.

Well, "For another, what in the hell does an accounting of what Schaino might have seen in locker rooms 20+ years ago have to do with his qualifications to be DC?" implies that even if he saw the actual act, you have no problem of hiring him as the DC.
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Well, "For another, what in the hell does an accounting of what Schaino might have seen in locker rooms 20+ years ago have to do with his qualifications to be DC?" implies that even if he saw the actual act, you have no problem of hiring him as the DC.
No, it doesn't. It says Meyer had no reason to ask him the question. How is this so hard to understand?

Meyer, upon Schiano's hiring had no reason to not hire him. Should it come to light that Schaino is a shit bag, then fire him immediately.
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Now Greg, I know you coached in Tampa Bay... did you ever see your players snorting coke? Ever see grown men playing grab ass? Look, I really like your defensive schemes, but what i really want to know is when you were with Ramapo High School did you ever see a coach hit a kid for no reason? Look, I know this is going to take awhile, but there's a whole parade of horribles I have to ask you about.. Oh, no... I have no reason to believe any of this... just... you can never be to sure... Now, then, before discussing Quarters, at Bucknell you had 114 tackles as a Junior... but.. did you ever witness a drug deal?

Apologies for continually mispelling his last name.
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Now Greg, I know you coached in Tampa Bay... did you ever see your players snorting coke? Ever see grown men playing grab ass? Look, I really like your defensive schemes, but what i really want to know is when you were with Ramapo High School did you ever see a coach hit a kid for no reason? Look, I know this is going to take awhile, but there's a whole parade of horribles I have to ask you about.. Oh, no... I have no reason to believe any of this... just... you can never be to sure... Now, then, before discussing Quarters, at Bucknell you had 114 tackles as a Junior... but.. did you ever witness a drug deal?

Apologies for continually mispelling his last name.

Welp, maybe Meyer did ask him and he gave the same answer he did today.
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You are really reaching deep here to justify yourself if you don't see the magnitude of that offense compared to the silly examples you just gave.

I couldn't disagree with you more about UM not asking the question in light of that horrific situation.
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You are really reaching deep here...
Not really. I just don't see why anyone would think that any coach would be asking about something that supposedly was a closed/shut case. And Schiano had never been mentioned before. I honestly never thought about it until today, why would Meyer? FWIW, those of us on this board are far more "invested" in the bullshit in Happy Valley than any coaching staff is.
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You are really reaching deep here to justify yourself if you don't see the magnitude of that offense compared to the silly examples you just gave.

I couldn't disagree with you more about UM not asking the question in light of that horrific situation.
I'm not digging at all. What I am being is level headed and reasoned. (EDIT: And as, AKAK observed, where's your evidence that Meyer didn't ask and that Schiano gave the same "I didn't see anything" answer?)

Hope you never get to a hiring position .. or if you do, you have a really good crystal ball.
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I'm not digging at all. What I am being is level headed and reasoned. (EDIT: And as, AKAK observed, where's your evidence that Meyer didn't ask and that Schiano gave the same "I didn't see anything" answer?)

Hope you never get to a hiring position .. or if you do, you have a really good crystal ball.

I got to interview for 2 positions this week... I can't wait to see this parade of losers.
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One statement , you implied that Schiano should be fired if it is true, then another statement you implied that it doesn't matter what he might have seen.

I never said that UM didn't ask. My statement implied that UM is smart enough to ask so that if this is true, then UM would not be in a hot mess. I truly believed that UM did ask, and Schiano responded that he had no knowledge. My point isn't to fry Schiano nor UM, but to justify the hire with shown integrity to ask what needs to be asked in light of this horrify situation.
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