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Greg Schiano (HC Rutgers Scarlet Knights)

Lost Lassie's a dude?


Guess it's time to get back to PMing Jax and her sweet, sweet ass.

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It's a bad look. If he knew, then they probably need to move on.

That said, you could not hire many coaches if you ruled out candidates who were aware of unsavory things in college athletics. I would agree that this is another level than the usual, but that speaks to how Urban could have hired Greg IF this is true.

That was my first thought that UM would have and should have knowledge that Schiano worked there during that time.
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It's a bad look. If he knew, then they probably need to move on.

That said, you could not hire many coaches if you ruled out candidates who were aware of unsavory things in college athletics. I would agree that this is another level than the usual, but that speaks to how Urban could have hired Greg IF this is true.
Do I understand you correctly that Urban should have asked Greg "Hey, did you ever see Sandusky getting fresh with the youngins?" Frankly, I see no reason why Urban would have had any reason to inquire into that matter at all back when he was brought on staff.
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That was my first thought that UM would have and should have knowledge that Schiano worked there during that time.

Not sure I could agree with this part.

If sealed court testimony comes to light and puts a black mark on a guy for inaction years ago then his current employer can't be expected to have known.

Now if you are going to say that all PSU assistants probably knew, so don't hire them then I would be ok with that but then you get back to my point about LJ Sr
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Do I understand you correctly that Urban should have asked Greg "Hey, did you ever see Sandusky getting fresh with the youngins?" Frankly, I see no reason why Urban would have had any reason to inquire into that matter at all back when he was brought on staff.
No I'm saying the opposite. There's a lot of unethical stuff in college football, most of it which isn't the assistant coach's doing. You can't start ruling out hires based on proximity to unseemliness. You frankly don't ask those questions, and that's about much more trivial stuff like $500 handshakes, tutoring and smaller police incidents being handled internally.

Now if this thing unravels further and it's inescapable that Schiano was in the middle of the cover up, then things get sticky for OSU. We're not at that point yet.
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No I'm saying the opposite. There's a lot of unethical stuff in college football, most of it which isn't the assistant coach's doing. You can't start ruling out hires based on proximity to unseemliness. You frankly don't ask those questions, and that's about much more trivial stuff like $500 handshakes, tutoring and smaller police incidents being handled internally.

Now if this thing unravels further and it's inescapable that Schiano was in the middle of the cover up, then things get sticky for OSU. We're not at that point yet.
Gotcha. Just wasn't sure.
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Do I understand you correctly that Urban should have asked Greg "Hey, did you ever see Sandusky getting fresh with the youngins?" Frankly, I see no reason why Urban would have had any reason to inquire into that matter at all back when he was brought on staff.
Err why wouldn't that be a valid question considering how big the scandal was at the time and how it continues to affect PSU to this day?
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I'm firewalled at the moment but, Schefter appears to have twitterati'd:

In response to deposition, Greg Schiano said: “I never saw any abuse, nor had reason to suspect any abuse, during my time at Penn State.”
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Err why wouldn't that be a valid question considering how big the scandal was at the time and how it continues to affect PSU to this day?
Well, for one, at the time of Schanio's hiring the only dates that were known about were 1998, 2001 and 2011. Schaino was long gone by then. For another, what in the hell does an accounting of what Schaino might have seen in locker rooms 20+ years ago have to do with his qualifications to be DC?

It continues to astonish me how people impute knowledge after the fact and then require an actor to have acted with that knowledge despite not having had it.
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No I'm saying the opposite. There's a lot of unethical stuff in college football, most of it which isn't the assistant coach's doing. You can't start ruling out hires based on proximity to unseemliness. You frankly don't ask those questions, and that's about much more trivial stuff like $500 handshakes, tutoring and smaller police incidents being handled internally.

Now if this thing unravels further and it's inescapable that Schiano was in the middle of the cover up, then things get sticky for OSU. We're not at that point yet.
I don't think things get sticky at all. If that comes to light, he's gone. Nothing sticky at all, you move along and tOSU will be fine and Schiano will then need to find his way through/to the future. Same could be said for Johnson if he was privy as well.
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Not sure I could agree with this part.

If sealed court testimony comes to light and puts a black mark on a guy for inaction years ago then his current employer can't be expected to have known.

Now if you are going to say that all PSU assistants probably knew, so don't hire them then I would be ok with that but then you get back to my point about LJ Sr

No, I am not saying that UM should not have hired any PSU assistants at all. I just thought that UM should have known that Schiano worked there during that time (based on his resume). Based on the magnitude of this situation, UM would, and should have, asked the right questions that he needs to make the hire without incriminating himself when something like this occurs. I am sure the media will question UM on this.

I am not sure what Schiano saw, again, may be something much less sinister. If I saw something abnormal (not that actual incident), then I guess my first reaction is to ask that individual..."hey, what did you just do?" If the answer was not to my satisfactory, then I would go to my next level manager and through the proper chain of command (military and corporate training speaking here) and let them look into it. Now if he saw the actual incident, then that is a different story, and that is why I am asking question, which has been addressed that we don't know yet.
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