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Greg Schiano (HC Rutgers Scarlet Knights)

I don't want you to be responsible for anything I do...good try at attacking.
I think we'd all be in agreement of you would just concede that it wouldn't be an expectation that any coach would vet this situation with Schiano in 2016 when the case had been closed several years ago after many investigations that,to anyone's knowledge, had never referenced Schiano. That's logical. Now, that's not to say that Meyer didn't ask hm, we don't know. But it's ludicrous to think that someone SHOULD have asked about something heavily investigated that never mentioned Schiano.
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Why does Ohio State have to get drug into Penn State's perverted mess?

McQuery says Coach S knew because Tom Bradley told McQueery that he witnessed something. Seems we need to hear what Bradley has to say.

But this does put us in a pickle to some degree. If we say we believe John Doe #150, how can we say we don't believe McQuery?

Penn State put out a statement that said that all the statements released are allegations, not proven allegations. FWIW
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One statement , you implied that Schiano should be fired if it is true, then another statement you implied that it doesn't matter what he might have seen.

I never said that UM didn't ask. My statement implied that UM is smart enough to ask so that if this is true, then UM would not be in a hot mess. I truly believed that UM did ask, and Schiano responded that he had no knowledge. My point isn't to fry Schiano nor UM, but to justify the hire with shown integrity to ask what needs to be asked in light of this horrify situation.
It's not complicated. There's a big difference between what is normal/reasonable to ask a potential coaching hire and what they're accountable for. The former is primarily going to be limited his coaching qualifications, style, history, expectations, etc.

The latter can involve all sorts of unseemly things that a coach could have witnessed, which is why BKB mentioned all sorts of outlandish hypothetical questions about other bad things he may have witnessed. That simply isn't pertinent to the interview.

You want it to be so that OSU can be distanced from this mess and that's understandable but still not how the world works. It just isn't likely to come up in his interview and even if Urban went against typical protocol and did dig really deep into the PSU stuff, there could be all sorts of other things that happened over a lifetime of coaching. Like I said, college sports has lots of ugly stuff. There's no possible way to be covered for those eventualities coming out later. When they do, you investigate, evaluate and act accordingly.
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I agree, Josh, with 99.9% of any hire. At the same time, 99.999% of us will say that he should be gone if he knew or actually saw the creud act. That implies it is a very serious matter; not making a joke with light hearted water cooler, butt grapping examples. If it is that serious, I would think a smart UM would ask..."what do you know" instead of sweeping it under the rug as some suggest. Just my opinion.
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Why does Ohio State have to get drug into Penn State's perverted mess?

McQuery says Coach S knew because Tom Bradley told McQueery that he witnessed something. Seems we need to hear what Bradley has to say.

But this does put us in a pickle to some degree. If we say we believe John Doe #150, how can we say we don't believe McQuery?

Penn State put out a statement that said that all the statements released are allegations, not proven allegations. FWIW
The requirement of believing mcqueary in this case relies on believing Bradley and also trusting memories. Not saying either were intentionally misleading... I'm just saying there are more pieces to it.
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Penn State put out a statement that said that all the statements released are allegations, not proven allegations. FWIW
Penn State is incorrect then. Statements under oath are evidence. In the case of McQuery's testimony about Schiano, if offered for the truth of the matter asserted, it is inadmissible evidence because it is hearsay... technically, it's hearsay within hearsay. Not only did McQuery not witness Schiano saying he saw anything, he is relying on Bradley's memory.

There's a reason why hearsay is kept out of court rooms. It's unreliable.

But, again, I understand we are in the court of public opinion.
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I agree, Josh, with 99.9% of any hire. At the same time, 99.999% of us will say that he should be gone if he knew or actually saw the creud act. That implies it is a very serious matter; not making a joke with light hearted water cooler, butt grapping examples. If it is that serious, I would think a smart UM would ask..."what do you know" instead of sweeping it under the rug as some suggest. Just my opinion.
Let's just say urban did what you wanted him to do (despite protocol and even hiring discrimination issues) :

Did you see it?
OK, now let's discuss your fit.

What exactly did that accomplish that is different from the denial today? If Greg didn't see anything, nothing changes today . If Greg did see something but denied it before being hired , nothing changes today . It still looks awful for osu and urban asking him privately is fairly irrelevant and can't be proven.

The only way it helps is if it was true and urban asked and Greg committed career suicide and said yes. That's simply not going to happen.

You want urban to have checked for emotional distance from a nasty scandal. I get that, but it doesn't work like that and frankly it wouldn't have helped.
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