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Greg Schiano (HC Rutgers Scarlet Knights)

To ask an even harder question then; how do you fire Schiano for being close to this mess and doing nothing but at the same time give long time PSU assistant coach Larry Johnson Sr a total pass?

Only difference that occurs to me is that we never had (unless I missed it) any testimony that Johnson was ever an actual witness or told directly about any molestation. Yeah, we can certainly surmise that, with apparently every other coach there being aware of it, that he should have known, too. Should we believe guys don't gossip with each other about information like that? But, should have is not in the same category with saw or was told by someone. Troubling thing is this is coming from McQueary, who has generally been believed as credible in his other stories. So, all of a sudden he's making things up?
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May be Larry Johnson Sr. had absolutely no knowledge of it.

Back to Schiano - we are not 100% sure what he "saw" or "knew"; we just know he reported it to the authorities within his chain of command so they can investigate, is that correct?
Not exactly. Both Bradley and Schiano were under Sandusky in the chain of command at the time. Bradly was LB and ST coach, Schanio DBs. That said, for all we know, either of or both of Schaino and Bradley went to tell the old bastard and were told by the twisted fuck to stand down. Not that that makes it OK to not call the cops, just sayin... I understand the reactionary reactions... but... we don't know shit about any of this yet.

As Oh1o pointed out, McQuery's remark is hearsay to the extent that it's offered for the assertion that Schaino saw anything. I don't have any real reason to doubt that Bradley told McQuery about it and was truthful, and that McQuery is also telling the truth, but it is nonetheless hearsay and unreliable evidence in a court of law (again, to the extent that the testimony would be offered to prove Schaino saw anything.) Of course, this is the Court of public opinion, so the Rules of Evidence need not apply.
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Only difference that occurs to me is that we never had (unless I missed it) any testimony that Johnson was ever an actual witness or told directly about any molestation. Yeah, we can certainly surmise that, with apparently every other coach there being aware of it, that he should had known, too. Should we believe guys don't gossip with each other about information like that? But, should have is not in the same category with saw or was told by someone. Troubling thing is this is coming from McQueary, who has generally been believed as credible in his other stories. So, all of a sudden he's making things up?

Well I cannot in good conscious call BS on Paterno not knowing and then turn around and say a guy who was on staff for 13 years at PSU never saw/heard anything to even include rumblings.

I have a pretty good idea of how insulated and tight knit these staffs are and how much time they spend together. If you have that combination in any walk of life, there are no secrets. You are especially not going to keep multiple police inquiries, depositions and settled lawsuits quiet for 30-40 years.

If Joe knew, and I believe he did, they all did to some degree or another.
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Well I cannot in good conscious call BS on Paterno not knowing and then turn around and say a guy who was on staff for 13 years at PSU never saw/heard anything to even include rumblings.

I have a pretty good idea of how insulated and tight knit these staffs are and how much time they spend together. If you have that combination in any walk of life, there are no secrets. You are especially not going to keep multiple police inquiries, depositions and settled lawsuits quiet for 30-40 years.

If Joe knew, and I believe he did, they all did to some degree or another.
I have a hard time wrapping my head around any other conclusion as well.
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BP isn't the only OSU message board content that Google captures...
just throwing out a reminder that I know BP content does pop up with google searches

fair enough

Dear Bot,

Unlike Penn State, Baylor and Florida State fans, the primary concern on most OSU message boards is not about what impact this would have on the football team but instead for doing the right thing.
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It's a bad look. If he knew, then they probably need to move on.

That said, you could not hire many coaches if you ruled out candidates who were aware of unsavory things in college athletics. I would agree that this is another level than the usual, but that speaks to how Urban could have hired Greg IF this is true.
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