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Greg Schiano (HC Rutgers Scarlet Knights)

Ohio State definitely needs to look into it. That's about the only opinion I'll have on it until they do.

Is where we are that McQueary testified that Tom Bradley told him (McQueary) that Schiano told Bradley that he (Schiano) saw Sandusky doing something with a boy. (Sometime in the 90's)?

I'm just trying to get caught up here, or is there more?
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Is where we are that McQueary testified that Tom Bradley told him (McQueary) that Schiano told Bradley that he (Schiano) saw Sandusky doing something with a boy. (Sometime in the 90's)?

I'm just trying to get caught up here, or is there more?

As far as I know, that's it. But you can't ignore it if you're Ohio State. You have to dig and see if there's any credibility to the piled-on hearsay allegation.
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If true, he should be out. Fired. Gone. I don't care if we lose recruits or even games over this. It would be the only move to make.

We'll be lucky to get to "true" with second and third hand testimony that's 20+ years old information. OH10 used "any credibility" and I guess we'll have to see what degrees of clarity that gets us.
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May be Larry Johnson Sr. had absolutely no knowledge of it.

Back to Schiano - we are not 100% sure what he "saw" or "knew"; we just know he reported it to the authorities within his chain of command so they can investigate, is that correct?
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