I would like in on the money making scheme - I'll try to be online tonight - wife permitting.......
Here's a good money maker (when the mission is available AND you have a garage OR apartment:
-Call Martin and request a job
-The job you want is "Out of Court Settlement" (used to pay $9k, now 4.5k)
-All you have to do for this job is kill a lawyer in his car, so it is fairly easy
-Kill the lawyer, but DO NOT pick up the package
-Take the lawyer's car, and store it in your garage/apt garage. This also helps you get rid of your wanted stars easily
-Take a different car from your garage and retrieve the dropped document
-Take the documents to Martin; collect your $4.5
-Go back to "Free mode" after the mission
-Go to your house/garage and get the lawyer's car
-Take the car to the nearest Los Santos Customs and sell the car for $22,000
Repeat this every 48 minutes for an easy $26.5k.