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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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From CFN's latest Q&A:

Part 1: I am a die-hard Aggie, but from Austin, TX, so I get to see/hear both sides. If you were a coach and were putting together your all-star team, would you rather go with Vince Young (the phenomenal athlete with minimal leadership/passing skills) or Reggie McNeal (the all-around athlete with much better passing and leadership skills). I do realize that Vince has almost unmatched running abilities, but also know that behind a very young and inexperienced line, Reggie was still able to finish in the top 10 in total yards per game where Vince was not even close. So….who do you go with? - B.S.

A: There's no right answer with this one. I'm a huge fan of McNeal's, but I'd go with Young for two reasons. 1) I'll take the guy who does one thing at an otherworldly level over the guy who does a little of everything well. 2) Knowing full well what McNeal did to Oklahoma in 2002, I like Young's ability to take over a game like he did last year against Michigan, Texas Tech and Oklahoma State. Don't forget that with an average receiving corps, Young started to throw extremely well by the end of last year finishing with a whopping 1,400 yards of total offense over the final four games. However, he throws too many interceptions compared to McNeal.



I thought it was interesting that both the person writing in as well as the CFN expert (while he says VY "started" to throw well, he "throws too many interceptions") question VY's ability to pass. As for my opinion, if I were putting together an all-star team, I wouldn't be looking at either one of these guys for my QB, not even for a third string all-star team. Thus, the question seems to be a loaded one -- it asks the expert to pick between VY and a QB who has done little to prove he can win the big game (or even beat Baylor, for that matter).
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I'm throwing this question out to everyone. Can someone give me a good reason why VY's considered a frontrunner for the Heisman and someone who could possibly lead his team to the NC? It seems to me that much of his hype is based on his performance in his final game, against scUM. However, if you look at the stats, TS arguably had a better game:

VY: passing -- 16 for 28, 180 yds, 1 TD, 1 INT
rushing -- 21 carries for 192 yds, 4 TD

TS: passing -- 13 for 23, 241 yds, 2 TD, 0 INT
rushing -- 18 carries for 145 yds, 1 TD

All right, I see that VY ran for 3 more TDs than did TS, but I also see that TS threw for 1 more touchdown, had more total yards, and didn't throw a pick whereas VY did. This is not meant as "TS for Heisman" propaganda; rather, it is meant to argue that the VY hype seems largely unfounded, as a QB who no one is giving any Heisman hype arguably ripped the same scUM defense more than did VY.
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buckeyeboy said:
It seems to me that much of his hype is based on his performance in his final game, against scUM. However, if you look at the stats, TS arguably had a better game:
I think the hype comes from VY "took over" that game, and others, in order to win them. From what I've heard, it wasn't just against Michigan - I've heard Oklahoma State in the chatter (was Texas in need of a "hero" against Okie State?).

Also, I think a lot of hype comes from VY being an 11-1 QB returning this season. Smith is a 4-1 QB who is in a QB controversy. We all know it isn't a real controversy, but the "experts" in the media (who like to believe that they make/break Heisman candidates) have dubbed it a controversy.

I'll let the UT fans confirm/add on to/destroy my guesses on this subject
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Maybe you're right. But I watched that Texas-OK St. game on TV last year (it was nationally-televised, I think on TBS) and it seemed to me that Benson was the one who took the game over. It seemed like he was scoring at will. He must have had 4 TDs at least in that game.
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Originally an Aggie question...

...started this part of the thread. Note that it was not a horns fan who posed the comparison between Vince Young and Reggie McNeal. Most of us recognize what Vince Young is "capable" of doing. Indeed, there is a good deal of hype about Vince Young that is based on the Rose Bowl. But I am not interested in the Heisman hype at the moment. I think in this case, referring to the Aggie's question to the "expert", that you are dealing with what we like to call Aggie Delusion: It has everything to do with the rivalry between Texas and A&M and very little to do with the game in question, or whether Smith is really good quaterback or about the Heisman. Aggies are constantly trying to one-up since they have not done so well recently and are looking for love where they can find it. It is surprising that some of them have not wandered over to this board, but they may.
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VY was the difference in at least 3 games last season: Oklahoma State, Kansas, and Michigan (and more in his freshman season). Those are the type of games that I've seen get away from Texas in other years but VY willed us to win. We were down 35-7 with hardly any time left going into halftime against Ok. State and VY led us straight down the field, with his arm, to score just before half and gave us the momentum to take the game back in the second half.

As for the comment that statistically TS had an equal game against Michigan... 1) When have stats really mattered in the Heisman? If it were based on stats, Cedric Benson would have been in New York last year instead of Adrian Peterson or especially Reggie Bush. 2) VY accounted for 5 touchdowns and Troy Smith only 3. I know he had a great game, but Chris Simms accounted for 2 passing and 1 rushing touchdown in games. Four rushing touchdowns by a QB is special.

And of course you couple a jaw-dropping playmaker with a team coming off an 11-1 record with a ton of returning talent and of course you're going to get big time Heisman hype.
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Chalumpa said:
1) When have stats really mattered in the Heisman? If it were based on stats, Cedric Benson would have been in New York last year instead of Adrian Peterson or especially Reggie Bush.
Come on, I can understand your not liking Peterson much since he plays for OU, but he outrushed Benson last year, even though neither did much in their respective bowl games. And as for stats not mattering when it comes to the Heisman, then how do you figure Ron Dayne won it? Wisconsin's record was only 10-2 that year and that guy's not exactly one to have jaw-dropping runs. While we're on the subject, the fact that he's never run for over 230 yards in a pro season is laughable.
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Zurp said:
I think the hype comes from VY "took over" that game, and others, in order to win them. From what I've heard, it wasn't just against Michigan - I've heard Oklahoma State in the chatter (was Texas in need of a "hero" against Okie State?).
Texas was down 35-7 just before halftime in the Okie State game (56-35 final - some turnaround). He also bailed them out with a great run late in the game against Kansas, I believe it was 4th and about 12, and he ran for the first down, they later scored the winning points on that drive.
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Actually, the rivalry between Aggies and Horns has gotten pretty boring for me. Many of us long-time fans are much more excited about games like this one.

Years ago, when Rice was with us in the old Southwest Conference, the Rice band was notorious for making fun of Aggies at their games. The MOB, or marching owl band, came out on the Aggy field and began marching military style and then formed a block "aTm" in the center of the field. Naturally, the Aggies thought this was some sort of honor and began applauding. They did not notice Rice band members running around in each end zone. At the height of the Aggie applause, the end zone members rushed toward the formation and spelled out eaTme. A riot ensued. Rice got so good at needling Aggies that we pretty much backed out of the effort, even though there is still a lot of back and forth stuff.
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