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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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A handful of people????

Chalumpa said:
Wow, didn't realize I had "dodged the issue" of what a handful of people thought about a game played 3 seasons ago. Let me pool all my brain power and really assess what they said and how it has any impact AT ALL on the game that's going to be played in September... hmmm, I'm not coming up with much.

I could understand this if all the "experts" were saying Texas was going to run away with this game, but they're all saying it should be a great game. Is that better, have I examined the issue to your satisfaction?
Try the whole country!!!!!! Every sports writer and everybody outside of Columbus and probaly a few in Columbus did not give the Bucks a chance and really I prefer the Bucks to be the underdogs in this game. The Bucks have played so much better when they are not getting respect and I'm not saying you are not, but I can say this on many boards OSU especially when it comes to Big 12 teams OSU get's torched as big uglies that will be overpowered and ran by for example KSU had just beaten Oklahoma in BIG 12 Championship and again I heard OSU is outmatched they can not stop Roberson and Sproles. Oklahoma State was favored to beat OSU and for all purposes we spanked them both!!! Tressel called off the dogs against KS. I can even remember Texas Tech was getting alot of they are gonna give the Bucks problems with their Basketball on grass offense. I'll admit I was pleasantly suprised how well OSU played against Miami and really Coker was badly out coached in that game. I think right now people have got the eyebrow up with the Bucks wondering if what they had seen the last 2 games is the real Buckeyes and in my opinion by time September rolls around once again the Buckeyes will be the underdog. OSU will more than likely not play as well as expected against Miami of Ohio and the bashing will begin "Troy Smith will not be ready since he did not play" and how do they think they can compete with Texas if Miami of Ohio gave them a game" along with the rest of the Big Ten can not compete with the cream of the Big 12. "OSU is another Michigan but worse because they have no running game" I will just smile and wait till Sept. 10th and I guess we will just wait and see then. I do think Texas is the best in the Big 12 this year I have no doubt of that and I KNOW VY is special really have to say I can not wait to see him up close live and in person.
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Chalumpa: "Past is prologue," applies to nations and cultures, but perhaps not to college football. Zealots (I am a Buckeye Zealot), on both Texas' and Ohio State's sidelines want their teams to prevail in our September game, based upon other games and seasons, especially when one team or the other can be shown to lack winning ways. It makes great discussions here.

My hat tells me both sides are hopeful their team will take the golden ring, yet fearful their team will fall short. (you can fill-in the reason).

"The Game" is a natural for "sport journalists" to slobber over, starting in July or August, I would guess. I just hope us Bucks are underdogs, say by 8-points, and that Texas comes to Ohio Stadium that night fully confident, as they should.

Go Bucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Here are a couple of the chaps girls and I guess they count as a collective "girl of the page."


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Do y'all have a full length spring game? I noticed at one point in the video that it was in the 4th quarter with something like 6:08 left to play. Just curious because our spring game was only 50-60 minutes long total... as in it started at 6 and was over at 7, not that we got 60 minutes of actual playing time. I kind of felt jipped at ours because it really felt like a practice and no one was going full speed. Although, I'd take a jipped feeling over a hurt player any day.
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Chalumpa said:
Do y'all have a full length spring game? I noticed at one point in the video that it was in the 4th quarter with something like 6:08 left to play. Just curious because our spring game was only 50-60 minutes long total... as in it started at 6 and was over at 7, not that we got 60 minutes of actual playing time. I kind of felt jipped at ours because it really felt like a practice and no one was going full speed. Although, I'd take a jipped feeling over a hurt player any day.
Tressel changes the quarter length at will during the game. first quarter was 12 minutes, I think the 2nd was 13 or 14 minutes, 3rd and 4th were 7 a piece.
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We have a mostly normal game, but they can choose to shorten the game as needed. Last year the QBs were protected, but this year the QBs were live (which resulted in Smith getting popped by our backup LBer).

But there are no coaches on the field or limitations on the game.

The weather limited what they could do, plus Tressel has not revealed any of his formations and schemes to the public (anytime outsiders come to visit they stop working on their strategy and just do normal drills). But the game was full speed tho many of the starters were held out for injuries or saw limited PT.

After halftime, it was rumored that Bobby Carpenter borrowed a teammates jersey so he could sneak onto the field :)
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BuckeyeFROMscUM said:
After halftime, it was rumored that Bobby Carpenter borrowed a teammates jersey so he could sneak onto the field :)
Yeah, first hand account right here. My roommate and I got there really early thanks to no BuckeyePlanet tailgate (we almost got frost bite) but annnnyways, we were right up front, and I saw him in RJ Coleman's jersey, I also saw Tressel talking to him with that jersey on. I'm pretty proud of myself for witnessing that. Maybe I'll become a sportswriter or something.:cool:
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BuckeyeFROMscUM said:
We have a mostly normal game, but they can choose to shorten the game as needed. Last year the QBs were protected, but this year the QBs were live (which resulted in Smith getting popped by our backup LBer).

But there are no coaches on the field or limitations on the game.

The weather limited what they could do, plus Tressel has not revealed any of his formations and schemes to the public (anytime outsiders come to visit they stop working on their strategy and just do normal drills). But the game was full speed tho many of the starters were held out for injuries or saw limited PT.

After halftime, it was rumored that Bobby Carpenter borrowed a teammates jersey so he could sneak onto the field :)
ixnay on the ecretsay ormationsfay.

texas fans, dont listen to BfS....he is a habitual liar.
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BuckeyeNation27 said:
texas fans, dont listen to BfS....he is a habitual liar.
I wouldn't call him a liar. I like to consider him "special." Seriously, though, the bucks rarely use any wide receivers. Tressel takes Woody's "three yards and a cloud of dust" philosophy to a whole new level. He firmly believes that every time you throw the ball, three things can happen, and two of them are bad.

Ok, Texas fans, that's all I have to say about that.. don't read any more.

BFS - sorry, about that "special" comment. But you're giving away all the secrets. What if LLLoyd and Mac Brown are on this web site? They might realize that they need to research the Bucks..
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