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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Catching Up

Finally, I have some time to read through the thread again. I don't think any "rational" poster down here really believes Texas is going to paste Ohio State. I know there are a few on Hornfans that post that stuff, but most of us are simply glad the games are being played and that, hopefully, the quality of the game is really good (as in hard fought on both sides).

As for our Spring game, the starting OL was not used as much in order to get more second line players and redshirts some work. The D Line did use more first stringers, but we have a fairly large DT rotation and more depth on DE. Also, they were used more because of the new stuff from the new DC.

Most of us really appreciated seeing the Ohio State videos that scUM put on the Hornfans website. Not sure why there isn't a similar running thread on this game that is as long as this one on planet. There are some but they don't last as long.
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Moby, I think it's because we have a bunch of smaller threads. If you added all the posts up about the UT-tOSU game, it'd probably be about this many. Hornfans just isn't as organized as this site. I like how all the game discussion is on this thread. On topic, one thread- I like it.

Anyway, I'm again gone for a few days, and there's no GOTP (girl of the page) on the last few pages. Y'all need to get with it.

I now present a picture of a very, very nice ass. I'd like to lick that birthmark on her right cheek.
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I suggest that the next GOTP have some ties to texas, perhaps even being one of your cheerleaders.

As for those of you bringing up the pasting by OU, do you want them bringing up the pasting by Iowa? I'd say both teams are a decent bit different than they were during those games.
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Chalumpa said:
Actually, you used a single game as the entire reason for why you weren't "worried" about our DL. But that's fine. It just gets old when the only games referenced here are our games against Michigan and against the other OSU.
My guess is we reference those two games because those are the two teams that both Texas and tOSU played last year. It just makes sense to talk about those games. Maybe those games aren't the best representation for either team, but it's a decent measuring stick during the offseason.
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Sloopy, yes, he has. When he was at North Carolina, he agreed to a home and away series with..........Texas. Of course, that was way before he knew he'd be our head coach.

And I am well aware of OSU's recent and upcoming slate of tough OOC games.
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Well shit, 86. Ya see a girl on this page? You could've started today. Lazy kids these days. Now to make sure there is indeed a hot chick on this page, I have to find a pic. The nerve........making me do your job. Harumph.



She wants me. I know this because she's looking right at me in that provocative pose.

And BFS, I'm trying me damnedest to find the UT chaps girls. Moby, Lonesome, Chalupa, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Texas POM, in chaps. Help me out here. No pics on TexasSports.
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BuckeyeFROMscUM said:
I suggest that the next GOTP have some ties to texas, perhaps even being one of your cheerleaders.QUOTE]
Yes, some cheerleaders would be nice

As for those of you bringing up the pasting by OU, do you want them bringing up the pasting by Iowa? I'd say both teams are a decent bit different than they were during those games.
I brought up the OU game because I was screwing around on soonerfan.com (they don't seem to talk about football as much as other crap) and I remembered an argument I had with a friend a couple years ago. I said Texas was a good team, and he basically said Texas F*$#ing blows, you don't lose to your arch rival by 50 points and pretend you still have a good team. OU was obviously a great team that year, but he still has at least an OK point. Also, the pasting we took from Iowa wasn't as bad, though it was obviously more recent. I don't think either one has any bearing on this game, and it was a couple years ago, but I figured since we were talking about the Miami game, why not.

BTW that girl was definitely looking at ME.
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I saw a pic of the chaps girls earlier but it was tiny. I didn't see anything big enough to get any idea how awesome they truly are.

you don't lose to your arch rival by 50 points and pretend you still have a good team.
Well, I'll just say that the two ass kickings at the hands of the Sooners were both under the same defensive coordinator and we're now two DC's past him. Those were both trainwrecks where the game started competitively but then something happened and the wheels fell off. Also, the scoring came quickly and relentlessly mainly through the passing game and Carl Reese was never an expert at defending a prolific passing game. That's why our games against Texas Tech were always so iffy under his helm. Still, my opinion is that when you're fielding as much talent as we did in 2000 and 2003, you absolutely don't get beat by your rival so badly. Maybe in a down year, but not when you're consensus top 15. Still, those games are long gone and hopefully Chizik will take a page out of Greg Robinson's playbook from last year and really shut down the Sooner and Tech passing games.
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EngineerHorn said:
Well shit, 86. Ya see a girl on this page? You could've started today. Lazy kids these days. Now to make sure there is indeed a hot chick on this page, I have to find a pic. The nerve........making me do your job. Harumph.

I have a good excuse, I'm at home for the weekend, my stash of pictures is on my computer at school. And anyways, you do a darn good job finding pictures on your own. I feel you are capable of handling it for a few days :wink2: .
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"In retrospect, if Sims and Mangold get drafted, 21 out of 22 starters for that OSU squad will have been drafted by the NFL. And a likely total of around 33 players overall from that team will end up being drafted. And while that Miami team did feature 10 1st round picks, their offensive line was exposed against the NFL-Calibre D-Line of Ohio State"

Sorry if I'm a little late on this...but that is an amazing number. 21 of 22 starters drafted?! :lift:
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