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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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fair enough. and to clarify that I do indeed hate OU as well, here's a post they made in response to my fark on their page:
We have no need to rush the field. We expect to win every game, so when we do, its not a big suprose. To me, rushing the field and tearing down the goal posts seems so bush league. Its really cool, though, to watch a Thursday night game and see some team from the MAC, etc. upset someone and rush the field, but for the mighty Sooners, our attitude is one victory does not the season. There is a loftier goal ahead of us.
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BuckeyeFROMscUM said:
fair enough. and to clarify that I do indeed hate OU as well, here's a post they made in response to my fark on their page:
We have no need to rush the field. We expect to win every game, so when we do, its not a big suprose. To me, rushing the field and tearing down the goal posts seems so bush league. Its really cool, though, to watch a Thursday night game and see some team from the MAC, etc. upset someone and rush the field, but for the mighty Sooners, our attitude is one victory does not the season. There is a loftier goal ahead of us.
i can still remember the game in '00 when they didnt expect to beat us, all i heard was "i hope that ya'll dont kill us, and i just want to get out of this with a respectable loss" This was the year that texas was a sheik pick to win the mnc and ou was undefeated buy nobody put much stock in it. ou went on to win the championship texas did not. Their humility that day was amazing and has not been seen since.
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It looks like we are 1-2 on respectable Texas fans posting on this site. To let you in a little secret there is no respect in Columbus for getting their butts kicked. Perhaps someday as a Texas fan you will get the opportunity to taste perfection and the respect of the nation. What do you say dang nab it that Oklahoma team we were wrecking to win a national championship.
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Burk98 said:
It looks like we are 1-2 on respectable Texas fans posting on this site. To let you in a little secret there is no respect in Columbus for getting their butts kicked. Perhaps someday as a Texas fan you will get the opportunity to taste perfection and the respect of the nation. What do you say dang nab it that Oklahoma team we were wrecking to win a national championship.

WTF? Can you repost that in English?
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Burk98 said:
It looks like we are 1-2 on respectable Texas fans posting on this site. To let you in a little secret there is no respect in Columbus for getting their butts kicked. Perhaps someday as a Texas fan you will get the opportunity to taste perfection and the respect of the nation. What do you say dang nab it that Oklahoma team we were wrecking to win a national championship.
Ah thank you wer tryin' to sah, We wer fixin' tah win tha that ther title if it twernt farh them theiven' land snachers. Dag Nabbit' well get'em on tha next go round!

but really that is closer to inbread arkie talk :biggrin:
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High Lonesome said:
Ah thank you wer tryin' to sah, We wer fixin' tah win tha that ther title if it twernt farh them theiven' land snachers. Dag Nabbit' well get'em on tha next go round!

but really that is closer to inbread arkie talk :biggrin:
Haha, you do that too well! :wink: That's a skill you should be able to put on your resume.
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it might be a really weak excuse, but I just wanted you to know you horns had the rose bowl locked up long before the first, as it was set in pixels long beforehand (click on it):
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Here are 6 videos from the Texas spring game... a thread I started in the Video Thread

- VY can pass, tho I think he tries to make too much happen at times that could come back to bite him
- Their WR's look athletic but too many drops for starters
- OL got destroyed by DL, running game not an option
- the opening kickoff coverage was just plain awful... his return was not special at all, and he even paused midway and made a big cut... they better get working on that or Ginn/Holmes will mimic or perhaps even improve upon Breaston's performance
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BuckeyeFROMscUM said:
- OL got destroyed by DL, running game not an option

That can be taken two ways:

1. Their OL is so bad that their running game won't be an option against us

2. Their DL is so good that our running game won't be an option against them

I hope you mean #1...
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I meant the running game wasn't an option for them in that game. But to answer your question, I think it is: 3) their DL is too dominant to judge whether the OL is weak or they are just fantastic.
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If Michigan didn't run up 37 points, average 4 ypc rushing, and give up only 1 sack to them in the Rose Bowl, I'd be worried about their DL. Right now I'm hoping what you saw on the clips was a not-all-that-great OL.
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MililaniBuckeye said:
If Michigan didn't run up 37 points, average 4 ypc rushing, and give up only 1 sack to them in the Rose Bowl, I'd be worried about their DL. Right now I'm hoping what you saw on the clips was a not-all-that-great OL.
Me too. But VY can definitely pass. And they didn't seem to cover the spread offense very well, and I think Holmes and probably Ginn are harder to cover (tho they have some speedsters themselves).
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If Michigan didn't run up 37 points, average 4 ypc rushing, and give up only 1 sack to them in the Rose Bowl, I'd be worried about their DL. Right now I'm hoping what you saw on the clips was a not-all-that-great OL.
I don't understand how so many posters here boil our entire season down to one or two games. If there is anything to be taken from last season y'all either look at the Michigan game or the first half of the Oklahoma State game. But whenever a UT poster talks about how good Vince Young is all y'all say is there's no way he's as good as he played in the Rose Bowl. It's a double standard. It would be nice for y'all if all of our weaknesses surfaced in one game but that's not going to happen. Look at more than one game.
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