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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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This will probably come as a big shock to those from Texas, but considering his track record, Mack Brown's opinion regarding his own team is right up there with Freddie Mitchell's opinion of his own talents.
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buckeyeboy said:
This will probably come as a big shock to anyone outside Texas, but considering his track record, Mack Brown's opinion regarding his own team is right up there with Freddie Mitchell's opinion of his own talents.
well macs oppinion may not be the most well regarded but what do you have to say about those NFL gm's that have been drafting his offensive linemen on the first day. Or the all american voters that keep putting them on their teams.

On another note i think what you ment to write was that it might come as a shock to anyone in texas. or maybe you should have said that it would not be a shock to those of you outside of texas
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From an espn.com article:

"There were dozens of factors in the decision, but the Bears felt they were superior in almost every venue -- except the political arena. Rodgers figured Texas coach Mack Brown's pleading for poll support made a difference, and he was glad Cal coach Jeff Tedford never did likewise.

'I thought it was a little classless how Coach Brown was begging for votes after the [Texas A&M] game,' Rodgers said. 'I think a team's record and the way you play should speak for itself, and you shouldn't have to complain about the BCS system.'"


High Lonesome said:
On another note i think what you ment to write was that it might come as a shock to anyone in texas. or maybe you should have said that it would not be a shock to those of you outside of texas
Good catch.

texhornfan said:
people all over the nation will say they admire the way the bucks took their butt stomping like men.
We'll see, fella. I think you meant to say, "People all over the nation will realize just how terribly overrated Vince Young really is."
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I said it was a better comparison than the aggies, which is just plain absurd.

However there are quire a few differences between OU and our team, one being you'll NEVER hear our coach complain to the media.
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yeah rodgers handled everything so well that he managed to go and look like a chump vs. southern miss and then get his butt handed to him by the sand aggys. After all of that he complained some more and then went on a freefall down into the twenties after being projected as the first pick in the draft. The guy is truely a class act.

oh yeah and for the record, I am proud that mac stood up for his team and did everything in his power to get his team where he thought that they deserved to be, I can think of a team in alabama that wishes their coach would have done the same
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Not sure how this ended up in a trash talk session, but let's keep the discussion civil please. Two great programs are about to partake in a legendary series...let's not ruin that with useless garbage 4 months before kickoff.
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buckeyeboy said:
From an espn.com article:

"There were dozens of factors in the decision, but the Bears felt they were superior in almost every venue -- except the political arena. Rodgers figured Texas coach Mack Brown's pleading for poll support made a difference, and he was glad Cal coach Jeff Tedford never did likewise.

'I thought it was a little classless how Coach Brown was begging for votes after the [Texas A&M] game,' Rodgers said. 'I think a team's record and the way you play should speak for itself, and you shouldn't have to complain about the BCS system.'"
While Mack Brown might plead for support and might exagerate now and then, their O-Line is no joke. I do know their one tackle if he came out in the draft this year would have been a Top 5 pick. Scott right? I would love to see him stay in orange next year as a member of the Browns.

Also their Defensive Line should be stocked. That #1 recruiting class in 2002 had like 10 of them in that class all highly rated and should be good.
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You're right about Rogers, and I'm not going to argue for a second that Cal deserved to be in the Rose Bowl last year. I said all last season (and in many previous posts) the Pac-10's a joke and Cal showed its true colors against a Texas Tech team that could be described as mediocre at best. Notwithstanding such commentary on Rogers' or Cal's ability to play football, I still don't want to see college football turn into a game of politics late each fall among teams that didn't get it done on the field.
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jonathan scott would have been the first offensive lineman taken and the defensive line is stacked as you said. Rod Wright is the stand out there. Wright was considering going to the nfl as well(reported that he would have been a top 15 pick) but came back to increase his draft status as he played almost the entire last year on a bum ankle. Both of them were just rewarded a spot on the playboy preseason all american team.
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My reference was to stoops' conspiracy complaint, not mack brown's. While I think Mack might have whined a little, I did think Texas had been screwed lately and were far more deserving than Cal.

Trust us Lonesome, we don't put much weight on what bb posts either
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buckeyeboy said:
You're right about Rogers, and I'm not going to argue for a second that Cal deserved to be in the Rose Bowl last year. I said all last season (and in many previous posts) the Pac-10's a joke and Cal showed its true colors against a Texas Tech team that could be described as mediocre at best. Notwithstanding such commentary on Rogers' or Cal's ability to play football, I still don't want to see college football turn into a game of politics late each fall among teams that didn't get it done on the field.
I can agree with that but when a coach is paid millions of dollars to get his team as far as possible and he has built a relationship with his players(so much so thata he has never had a player declare for the draft early) then it is his job to do what ever is in his power to acheive his goal. Like it or not, the use of polls that are subject to personal oppinion leads down the road of politics.

86 where are you, we are running out of time on this page!!!
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Obviously you guys despise OU for many reasons, but until their recent letdown in two straight years, they have been a pretty highly regarded team. The comparison was for the big12, of which they are your best team recently.
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well yes that is certainly true, but doesnt mean i have to like them. Also when people make the aggy arguement it isnt really about your on field success but more about your precieved off the field antics, you should know by now where i stand so i will leave it at that
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High Lonesome said:
was listening to colin cowherd just a min. ago and he mentioned something interseting about the top two grossing teams in college football last year. They were as you probably guessed...Texas and Ohio State.

Texas made 47 million and tOSU was not far behind with 45/46 million(can't quite remember what the number was)

just one more reason this is a great matchup
After the 2002 NC, tOSU smashed the record for merchandise sales. I personally bought a few NC items that I had been waiting 30 years for. I remember thinking at the time that the merchandise sales record will stand until Texas gets an NC. I think the Longhorns have the only combination of huge fan base and NC drought that could break it, without the increased prices that will occur over time.
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