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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Sorry, Arkansas presents serious problems

BuckeyeBill73 said:
If they renew that Arkansas rivalry, HL, remember to wear a helmet in the bar! :wink2:
Yes, and bring weapons and fake Arkansas license plates. HL, you may not know of or remember the types of special "welcomes" we encountered when traveling to Arkansas...flying glass containers in the stadium, strange things happening to cars, shortages of gas for vehicles with Texas plates. I could go on.

Interesting gossip about the future of the Big XII going on. The TV contracts run out around 2007. Once again, we hear rumblings about the conference make up.
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Mobyhorn said:
Yes, and bring weapons and fake Arkansas license plates. HL, you may not know of or remember the types of special "welcomes" we encountered when traveling to Arkansas...flying glass containers in the stadium, strange things happening to cars, shortages of gas for vehicles with Texas plates. I could go on.

Interesting gossip about the future of the Big XII going on. The TV contracts run out around 2007. Once again, we hear rumblings about the conference make up.
Well i was never fortunate enough, if it can be called that, to go to feyettville, but i have heard many stories. they really don't like us. That team has got to be the most clear cut case of penis envy/ napoleon complex that i have ever seen
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High Lonesome said:
When someone brings the alamo bowl up as a reason that you will beat us i have to laugh. The truth is that they were the 5th ranked team out of 6 in the big twelve south and really not that good of a team. They weren't indiana, but they weren't mich either.
And you didn't look nearly as good against Michigan as we did either. With little other resources to compare the two teams, I think you have to go with common opponents from the previous season, making an adjustment for talent each team lost. Both factors favor us. Admittedly, it might be an imperfect science, but it's all we have.

And if Oklahoma State was such a terrible team, how did they come within a field goal with 11 seconds left of sending the OU game to overtime?
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so using a method that you admit is flawed to compare two teams is the best you can come up with. Why not try to break down individual matchups, or look at styles of play. God forbid you do a little critical thinking as opposed to taking the easy way out. There are dozens of posters on this site that do it every day. Try it sometime you just might like it.

as far as the bedlam game goes, it is called a rivalry, strange things happen and it is not always about who has the better team or the most tallent.
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buckeyeboy said:
And you didn't look nearly as good against Michigan as we did either. With little other resources to compare the two teams, I think you have to go with common opponents from the previous season, making an adjustment for talent each team lost. Both factors favor us. Admittedly, it might be an imperfect science, but it's all we have.

And if Oklahoma State was such a terrible team, how did they come within a field goal with 11 seconds left of sending the OU game to overtime?

Yes... Because tOSU lost to Northwestern, Michigan Killed Northwestern. Did we lose to Michigan? I forget.

Dude... you're point.. such as it is... is "made."

Clearly its not the only argument... so please... turn off your worn out, broken record... or address other arguments.
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After browsing Hornfans' forums I found a rather scathing post on OSU's reputation as Texas fans saw it. Basically the poster painted us as rather delusional, ignorant, and as bandwagony as they come - the Aggies of the Big 10, as someone put it. First of all, I was wondering if the Texas guys could inform us (well, atleast me...don't follow big 12 football closely) on how Aggy fans carry themselves and why we are being labeled as such. My guess is you guys see them as a bunch of classless dolts that nip at the heels of UT?

Some of these guys, after interacting with Michigan fans, see themselves more aligned with Michigan, and OSU more aligned with A&M. Now, if what I believe you guys think of the aggies is true, then I don't see this comparison at all. Both Michigan and OSU are very passionate about football, and have tremendous amounts of class and tradition, and as far as the modern era of football is concerned, no one is nipping at the heels of anyone. BFS is trying with all his might to set these guys straight, and I want to help him, but I just don't fully understand the situation between UT and the Aggies to make an argument.
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People who are comparing common opponents from last season as a measuring stick to this game might as well step in front of a train. There are far too many dynamics involved (injuries, who was hot at the time, location, personnel matchups, etc.). The one thing that can be said for sure is that the team who doesn't play their best game is going to get beat...period.
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to tell you the truth i don't really see the comparisons but i do know that in pasadena many mich fans were making that comparison and talking about how much we would hate you guys and how horid we would be treated in columbus. You cant really call aggies classless but sometimes they don't think, for instance, they call VY radio(implying he is retarded and can't think) or uncle rico(because of his throwing motion) I actually find the second one to be really funny. im rambling now and im sure that someone can answer this better. I think that most of it comes from people at the rosebowl that had a good time with mich fans. i could be wrong(and probably am)
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I really don't expect texas fans to get an overly rude welcome. I think we won't necessarily like you, but you're not going to have things done to you. If you buy a ticket in the middle of an OSU section, which is bound to happen via ebay, you'll have chants said to you. But it shouldn't be overly vicious in my opinion.

However if you were a Wisconsin or Michigan fan, you could expect quite a lot of hatred coming your way (btw, Wisconsin sorta owns us lately and have been tools about it too, like dancing on our block O). Michigan state to a lesser degree.

How bout it guys? How do we usually treat an elite visiting team that we don't have a history with or know well enough to hate like ND, USC, etc.
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If young tries to take off down the field, we have a linebacker by the name of Hawk 235 LBS bench press 500+ runs a 4.46 fourty, that will take youngs head clean off of his body. I am telling you that if Young tries to run too much, then OU will have nothing to worrie about when they play texas because Mr. Young will be out for the season.
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oklahomabuckeye said:
If young tries to take off down the field, we have a linebacker by the name of Hawk 235 LBS bench press 500+ runs a 4.46 fourty, that will take youngs head clean off of his body. I am telling you that if Young tries to run too much, then OU will have nothing to worrie about when they play texas because Mr. Young will be out for the season.

Ther is this thing called the sarcasm font [sarcasm] It looks like this [/sarcasm]. If you forgot to use it then cool, if not...

Don't be a dumbass, you do not wish any players to be hurt for the rest of the season. other than maybe michigan, but they are the last game :biggrin:
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oklahomabuckeye said:
If young tries to take off down the field, we have a linebacker by the name of Hawk 235 LBS bench press 500+ runs a 4.46 fourty, that will take youngs head clean off of his body. I am telling you that if Young tries to run too much, then OU will have nothing to worrie about when they play texas because Mr. Young will be out for the season.
ummm....ou sux

go back to your stolen land
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High Lonesome said:
ummm....ou sux

go back to your stolen land
Ah the similarities between our two rivalries... ours started long long ago when they tried to steal toledo. Ever since we've tried to sell the state back to Canada (tho I am partial to the SW corner of MI). We even tried putting it on ebay.ca without a reserve price but they were too smart to buy it.
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they didn't really steal the land from us but they jumped the gun on the land rush and got there "sooner" than they should have been able to. Cheaters from the begining!!

i will say this about the tOSU bashing on hornfans. someone coined the term "swing state aggy" I thought it was great. It is not ment to imply some sort of aggieness but rather just a fun way to refer to teams we play.


atm= aggy
texas tech= sand aggy
baylor= bible aggy
ou= land thief aggy
tosu= swing state aggy
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