I'd rather be napping!!
High Lonesome said:they didn't really steal the land from us but they jumped the gun on the land rush and got there "sooner" than they should have been able to. Cheaters from the begining!!
i will say this about the tOSU bashing on hornfans. someone coined the term "swing state aggy" I thought it was great. It is not ment to imply some sort of aggieness but rather just a fun way to refer to teams we play.
atm= aggy
texas tech= sand aggy
baylor= bible aggy
ou= land thief aggy
tosu= swing state aggy
We were once "Aggies"

Ohio State University, main campus at Columbus; land-grant and state supported; coeducational; chartered 1870, opened 1873 as Ohio Agricultural and Mechanical College, renamed 1878. There are also campuses at Lima, Mansfield, Marion, and Newark. The university maintains extensive scientific programs and facilities, as well as notable research programs in literature, medicine, the social sciences, computer technology, engineering, and agriculture. Its library houses many important collections relating to American literature and history, religion, geology, and linguistics. In collaboration with Ohio Wesleyan Univ., it operates the Perkins Observatory near Delaware, Ohio, and the Perkins telescope near Flagstaff, Ariz.