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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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MililaniBuckeye said:
You'll forgive us if we don't annoint him as Ginn's equal, especially since he hasn't played football for four years, until we see him for ourselves...we've heard this same song from other opponents' fans before.
forgive you? hell i think that most of us(while maybe a little more optomstic) are right there with you. I will make my judgement when i see it. Much the way that buck fans are confident about their prospects of having a good running back, so too are horn fans about our wide outs. Some of us more so than others as born'a horn demonstrated. He is right about one thing...Quan has as much potential as anyone.
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our kicking game is never buckeyesque. Mack doesnt offer kickers scholerships. I did not get to attend the spring game but I have heard the same that you did. Our Kicking game did not look all that good. I know that we have given a track ship to a punter from Cinco Ranch(katy, TX) who is supposed to be a great punter 40+ yard avg in highschool(I am not sure if he is comming in '05 or '06 though). the so called third phase of the game is a deffinate advantage to tOSU and one of the things that really has me worried. Our return game is solid, espcially if selvin young is allowed to return(i must admit that i doubt they let him back there with his injury history) Taylor is a speedster. Texans fancy him as an equal to reggie bush, at this point he can probably only be called a poor mans reggie bush. Mack is no dennis franchione so i doubt you will have to worry about fakes or early on-sides kicks. Truth be told i would rather avoid this part of the game all together.

oh and if we do not improve on our kick coverage then tOSU will have a field day.
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High Lonesome said:
our kicking game is never buckeyesque. Mack doesnt offer kickers scholerships. I did not get to attend the spring game but I have heard the same that you did. Our Kicking game did not look all that good. I know that we have given a track ship to a punter from Cinco Ranch(katy, TX) who is supposed to be a great punter 40+ yard avg in highschool(I am not sure if he is comming in '05 or '06 though).
I think you'll find that 'track ship' will be counted as a football schollie the minute he kicks a ball during a game. The NCAA doesn't let other sports use their schollies for any football players.
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BB73 said:
I think you'll find that 'track ship' will be counted as a football schollie the minute he kicks a ball during a game. The NCAA doesn't let other sports use their schollies for any football players.
yeah your right. If he ever becomes a punter for the horns it will go against the football count. There are a few two sport stars on the football team so it wouldnt be all that suprising if he is as good of a punter as advertised. I think that this has been posted on this thread but oh well here it is agian. It says that he will be a horn in the fall. This kid has got to be the best kicker we have recruited since Phill Dawson...yes that Phill Dawson


oh and to correct my earlier post(which really wasnt incorrect) he averaged over 50 yards per punt. (50.3)

it also looks like he could help our kick off coverage by kicking them into the endzone
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well you are mostly correct. High school is high school, but wouldnt you say that most great college players played in high school, and were not said players good then as well. Also Katy is just west of Houston so in this case it would be the gulf coast, not west texas
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Great picture of Earl. I'm assuming that was a road game, based on the empty stands? Even in Dallas, all those empty seats are a surprise.

The Colorado guys lines up on the sideline was a great shot. Looked like they were running laps or something, instead of trying to tackle somebody.
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BB73 said:
Great picture of Earl. I'm assuming that was a road game, based on the empty stands? Even in Dallas, all those empty seats are a surprise.

The Colorado guys lines up on the sideline was a great shot. Looked like they were running laps or something, instead of trying to tackle somebody.
I could be wrong but i think that the empty seats belong to the band. The colorado pic is one of my personal favorites as well
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One big thing is that if Ginn goes down we still have a good passing offense whereas if VY goes down Texas loses pretty much their entire offense. Someone started an unpopular thread on HornFans about what would happen without VY, and most seemed to agree with this mindset (at least for the OU game, which should be almost easier than ours except for the rivalry aspect).
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