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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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jimotis4heisman said:
all this talk on selvin young...from a guy who didnt practice this spring and is having some serious healing issues on his ankle? i find it comical
part of his not practicing was due to academics which appear to be behind him... and the guy apparently pushed benson for PT before he got hurt... I wouldn't be quite so quick to write him off.
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Apparently he's been spotted back on UT's campus taking classes... and they are claiming on HornFans that he was never ineligible but merely went to a CC to raise his GPA (probably was in danger of becoming ineligible).
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BN27, your skepticism is justified. You had probably not even heard of him until this thread, and of course Benson went high in the draft.

We discussed this already, but it's probably around page 20 or something. (83 pages, wow). Easy to miss on a thread this massive.

But jwinslow is correct. During most of 2002 and early in 2003, many people on hornfans were of the opinion that Selvin should get more carries and even start. And for a while, he shared the load about 50-50 with Benson. But it wasn't completely because Selvin was that good. Benson had, by his standards, been struggling. His YPC wasn't as high and he wasn't breaking tackles like he did his freshman year- in part due to a lingering foot injury. Late 2003 and 2004 Benson > 2001 Benson > 2002 and early 2003 Benson.

But don't take this to mean Selvin was the "least bad" of the two during that time. Cedric still rushed for over 1200 yards that in 2002. Selvin, a freshman in '02, wowed Longhorn fans with his speed and ability to bust the big runs.

I'll go dig up some old box scores.

2002 stats:

Cedric Benson 305 1293 4.2 12
Selvin Young 85 408 4.8 5

Here are the only games Selvin had more than just a few carries:

Selvin Young 14 98 7.0
Cedric Benson 22 64 2.9

Cedric Benson 31 208 6.7
Selvin Young 7 57 8.1

Selvin Young 11 49
Cedric Benson 12 46

Cedric Benson 17 88 5.2
Selvin Young 12 66 5.5
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Jordan Shipley is supposed to be the savior for your WR corps... but I'm watching this Army AA game from 04 and he's already put two balls on the turf while getting tackled. He was down both times but has he struggled holding onto the ball? He looks solid, but I do not think we will struggle too much containing him on ST if he is the guy. He is definitely a step or two behind Gonzalez, our white speedster. Maybe he's changed since this game, but he's not blowing me away at all.
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ah, I forgot the A&M game. Had several carries in that one too.

The UNC game was mop up duty. The Tulane game somewhat. The others were not. During the last 3 or 4 games of the year, they actually rotated every other series or so.

Shipley. Great kid. Track star (I can dig up his 100m times if you want). Awesome work ethic, no ego, easy-going, etc. But I'm not as excited about him as most other Horns are. He has the record for most receiving yards in Texas high school history. Can't argue with that, the guy's obviously a stud. But he played for Burnet, a 3A school in a district not exactly known for pumping out D1 players. He had a 4 star QB (A&M commit) tossing it to him his entire career as well.

With that said, that performance in the Army game was not typical. He's probably got the best hands on the team.

So in conclusion: Savior (as in instant 1000 yd receiver)? No. Solid contributor? Most definitely.

And you, sir, are one hell of a football fan. Watching a year old high school all star game at 11:40 on a monday night. I salute you. :cheers:
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jwinslow said:
Jordan Shipley is supposed to be the savior for your WR corps... but I'm watching this Army AA game from 04 and he's already put two balls on the turf while getting tackled. He was down both times but has he struggled holding onto the ball? He looks solid, but I do not think we will struggle too much containing him on ST if he is the guy. He is definitely a step or two behind Gonzalez, our white speedster. Maybe he's changed since this game, but he's not blowing me away at all.
Two things: While many texas fans are quick to throw the term savior around I think that stabalizer is better. He will be a very solid reciever for us. He wont be roy williams but we dont really need him to be. The only real savior for our WR's would be the gift of concentration, we have plenty of great athletes. Second, he very well could be a step or two slower than gonzalez but I dont think that any ( objective) hornfan has ever claimed that we have better wide outs than you. Or even potentialy better WR.
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I think it was more the 2005 preview articles that talked about shipley vs. longhorn fans. He was open a bunch in the Army AA game, he just looked very raw. Probably developed a lot since then, much like how Ginn was extremely raw at that point in his WR career.

That 04 Army AA game is just fantastic. Watching AD dominate, xavier carter fly past people, and teddy ginn dominate on defense and special teams is something to watch (plus others like Toal roll thru people). I don't think the kid gave up a single pass on D, and broke up a couple of tough catches.

I'm gonna turn those KR's into video files in the next week or so to show anyone who hasn't seen them what he can do. Shipley looks like a fast kid without a whole lot of juking ability, tho he didn't have very good blocking on any of his returns.
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I have to say that the 2002 Army AA game was my favorite, Vince was unstoppable! we didnt have all that many players there for the last two. Also we ended up loosing out on Xavier Lee and Ryan Perraloux. Roy Miller(DL) dominated last year though so that was good to see
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Y'all better get ready for THE QUAN.

Top 5 high school players in Texas in 2001:

Cedric Benson: #4 overall pick in 2004 NFL draft
Tommie Harris: #14 overall pick in 2005 NFL draft
Derrick Johnson: #15 overall pick in 2005 NFL draft
Jonathan Scott: projected to be a Top 10 pick in 2006 NFL Draft
QUAN COSBY: will begin his freshman season at the University of Texas after four years of playing minor league baseball

Many tabbed him the best KR in the nation. He played QB in high school but will be a WR. Has 4.28 speed and is tough to bring down as well.
Supposedly has superb work ethic. Stated he was ready to start working out with Vince as soon as he signed in February. Has not played football in four years but brings the maturity of a 5th-year senior who has also been out in the real world.

Shipley will be the go-to guy. Quan will be the savior. He will be our Ginn. He is the icing on the 2005 Longhorn cake.
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borna'horn said:
...Quan will be the savior. He will be our Ginn. He is the icing on the 2005 Longhorn cake.

You'll forgive us if we don't annoint him as Ginn's equal, especially since he hasn't played football for four years, until we see him for ourselves...we've heard this same song from other opponents' fans before.
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