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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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After reading NationalChamps.net premium post-spring update, here are a few more interesting tidbits I gleaned from that:
Selvin should be back at RB, and Taylor brings a lot of speed to the table at RB. However outside of those two depth is an issue (not counting the soon to arrive recruit).
At WR, they feel Shipley's improved health will help the WR corps a lot, but they still struggle with getting separation on deep routes (which will likely be rare against OSU as they gear their D to stop those). Billy Pittman is the best deep WR but as we've seen many times from this unit, he has struggled with consistency.
HornFans has discussed this for a while, but Michael Huff may or may not stay at corner after practicing there during the spring. If so, many predict he would line up against Ginn (tho I think they are underestimating Holmes' speed). Their secondary sounds pretty solid.
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no we just beat them 5-2 in an elimination game in the CWS regionals

jwinslow said:
5-2 being your head to head record?

BTW, buckeye fans, you should really read some of these encounters with horrendous fans that the Texans have endured. Things get rowdy between big ten fans, but I don't think I've heard many stories like these.
those are pretty bad but there are even worse. I new a girl who was run off the road after "hooking 'em" out the window last year after the game was over. There is zero love lost between those two schools. Easily our most hate-filled rivalry
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arkansas i mean

MililaniBuckeye said:
High Lonesome: Seriously, do you have some sort of pop-up on your computer that notifies you when someone posts in this thread?
no, i was on the site and when i went back to the newpost page someone had posted on the thread. After reading a question that was directed to me I posted. Nothing more nothing less. Oh and i really hate being on hold. In my line of work i am on hold a lot.
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