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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Bucklion said:
I have to say I am much more impressed with Mack Brown after tonight. I thought he set a great mindset/tone at the beginning when he was asked about the atmosphere, and he said "We're impressed, but we've played at nice places before". He also kept good control of the emotions of his team.

Ditto. This was a huge game, on a huge stage, and Mack leaves with a W. The only knock I've ever heard on him is that he chokes -- he didn't tonight, and the Longhorns have an air about them right now that reminds me of us in 2002. They deserve it, their fans deserve it -- hell, we KNOW they do because we've been there. The team that recruits, and wins, but keeps coming up short. I hope they go all the way.

And then lose to us in a Rose Bowl rematch. :wink:
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to any texas posters

hope our grumbling doesnt sound like sour grapes but... i am sure from your point of view your defense stopped our offense after 3 big turnovers but from our point of view our woeful lack of executioin in the redzone after those turnovers cost us the game. if we convert on one of those turnovers instead of settling for the fieldgoals we win this game plain and simple. just lots of frustration from us buckeye fans who are proud as hell of our defense but are a little bit fed up with our over conservative play calling on offense. thanks for a great game and hope to pay back the favor next year in texas :)
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please shut the fuck up. Tressel called a good game, but the Offense couldn't punch it in the enzone... some of that credit MUST go the the Horns... some if it also MUST go to the Buckeyes players... Hamby's drop comes immediately to mind. if he hangs on, we win. it's that simple.

BOTH teams played their asses off, and your stupid bitching does not help things...

FWIW, i tried to ding you, but i got an error message.

EDIT--LV, you got the message because I deleted the quoted post while you were typing bro. I deleted the quote from your post also. The situation was handled via PMs and WILL NOT happen again. Thanks for understanding.

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hey lv, if you learned how to read all of the posts, you would see that since then ive apologize for being an asswipe, and have calmed down and been a better poster, maybe thats the new thing to do is look 15 posts back of every poster and then ding them for that.
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For what it's worth, lv, he's really turned his mood around since some of those earlier posts. Which doesn't really excuse the things said, but does put it in the proper "agonized dispair/rage" context. TOUGH loss, now we're all just doing our best to make sure BP is the type of site we want to keep coming back to. Where we can live and die with losses, but focus on the team, the sport, the games, interacting with other fans, etc. We all hurt, but they get to suit up again next week, and San Diego State (the poor bastards) will be a good team to work on some of our issues against.

lvbuckeye said:
please shut the fuck up. Tressel called a good game, but the Offense couldn't punch it in the enzone... some of that credit MUST go the the Horns... some if it also MUST go to the Buckeyes players... Hamby's drop comes immediately to mind. if he hangs on, we win. it's that simple.

BOTH teams played their asses off, and your stupid bitching does not help things...

FWIW, i tried to ding you, but i got an error message.
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nwbuckeye said:
hope our grumbling doesnt sound like sour grapes but... i am sure from your point of view your defense stopped our offense after 3 big turnovers but from our point of view our woeful lack of executioin in the redzone after those turnovers cost us the game. if we convert on one of those turnovers instead of settling for the fieldgoals we win this game plain and simple. just lots of frustration from us buckeye fans who are proud as hell of our defense but are a little bit fed up with our over conservative play calling on offense. thanks for a great game and hope to pay back the favor next year in texas :)

Doesn't sound like sour grapes to me. I'd be frustrated, like I was watching all those turnovers.

It did make for a crazy game. And one for the books to be sure.

Get mad, win out, and we'll see you in Austin next year no matter what.
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Welcome! From the State of Texas.

This game promises to be one of the greatest game play this year.

2006, will be even bigger!

The countdown begins, and now that we've got one under our belt, lets see if nexts game is anything like this years. I posted this in the wrong thread, so sorry for making this post again. but, seriously want to welcome ya'll to my home...Texas, even though I'm not in Texas.

Sorry for the re-post.


firstly, I want to say that this is one of the best games I've ever seen! Two giants on the field together, this is what football is about.

I live in Japan, so we dont get to watch much football here! And when we do, its all the west coast or east coast teams, or for some damn reason the most over-rated QB of all time Vick and his birds.

Y'alls defense is something special, and it wouldn't surprise me if me meet again at the Rose Bowl.

I've been reading this board for a while now, and I want to give y'all a BZ, for how hospitable, warm and enviting the members of this board have been. For those of you who doing know what a BZ is, it means "Bravo Zulu"
Navy term for job well done. This forum is on spot!

I'm sure next years game will be even bigger than tonights, and when y'all get down to Austin, which y'all will love! Make sure to head to Schultz's beer garden, and stop be the County Line for some BBQ. Check out 6th street, try not to get too trashed! Cast some shade while your looking at the 50,000 sexy female co-eds. Hit up Trudy's North Star for some seriously good hot sauce, and finally.... when all is sad and done, dispite who wins, enjoy the tried and true, one - of - a - kind TEXAS HOSPITALITY.

From one Texan to the folks on this forum, let me officially welcome to the state of TEXAS. May the Eyes of Texas Look Upon You.

Good game.

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Josh did a very good job but when he missed that 50 yarder I knew we were going to lose. Nuge would have made that one and we would have won.

I'm really not sure why JT keep putting Zwick back in?? Our ofense didn't look very good today. AJ Hawk sure did do a great job with his play. I think we should have put him in as running back. Pittman did show some promise. Smith looked good at times. We there is still the Big 10 to win.

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QB Controversy no more. Troy Smith should be the QB. If anything, he kept us in the game.

When Texas got up quick to 10-0, I was thinking, "This isn't going to be a fun night." Smith is able to go out on the next two possesions and tie up the game. He lit the fire under us tonight. Why we kept switching between them, I don't know.

Pittman showed real promise today.

I think the big problem today was penalties. We had it on their 6, false start, now we're on the 11. That's a world of difference if we were just going to run plays up the middle for small gains. Pass interference, holding on that kick-off return, etc it all added up.

The other thing was that sack which led to the missed field-goal. I think Huston did very well out there, I don't blame him for the missed one. Not a whole lot of college kickers can make it from 50 yards out and I was happy he made the 45 and 44yd ones. But come on, you're barely in field-goal range, you don't have Nuge anymore and you take a sack. Why?

I don't know what our DE's are doing though. On the scoring drive which led to the second TD throw by Young, Texas ran the same play TWICE and both times, no one bothered to pick up their running back. The linebackers limited Young's movement after the first quarter, so we need more man-to-man coverage. None of the zone crap.

I seriously think Ohio State outplayed Texas for the majority of the game. If we could have converted any of those field-goals to TDs, the game would have been over a long time ago. That being said, I hope Ohio State doesn't fall too much in the rankings.
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LordJeffBuck said:
The running game was sporadic, and Pittman again played a workmanlike game. However, Antonio is simply not a feature back, and he lacks the speed, vision, and elusivity to be a game-breaking threat. If the passing game cannot open up the field, the running game will suffer like it did tonight.

i completely agree with everything you said with the exception of this. i think pittman is definitely "good enough" to be a game-breaking threat. but he isn't durable enough, yet. hell, he got up and limped back to the huddle one play. the announcers seen it, does our coaching staff? heck no! they send in a flippin run play! we can't go power eye against the best d line in the nation (when we haven't successfully played power eye in 3 flippin years!) and blame the tb when the play doesn't go for 10 yards.

other than that i think your assesment was spot on.
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I'll be the first to give Texas their due, and I do. They're a great team.

With all the respect in the world, I can't honestly say they beat us tonight.

We hands down beat ourself.

If we capitalized upon our opportunities we had, we're easily up a touchdown or two. Hambys 'drop' in the endzone comes to mind (I was at the game, it looked like his feet were down with possession to me. Oh well. Wish it was reviewed.)

Tressel outcoached himself this game. I'm a diehard JT supporter, but I was very disappointed with the way the offense was run. It didn't matter which QB was in, the playcalling was downright questionable at best.

The defense went in spurts. I think they made very good adjustments at the half, but gave up one too many big pass plays. That one at the beginning of the second quarter was a killer.

I don't know what it looked like from the comforts of the couch, but in the stadium, the officiating seemed terrible. I saw several Texas holds that weren't called, and a lot of the calls against us didnt' seem to be of substance. Once again though, just my view from the stadium.

I hope I dont' sound like I'm making excuses or being a whiney twat. I just honestly don't feel like we were beaten by the opponent; I honestly feel we beat ourselves and let this one slip away.

Overall, as much as we 'kept' ourselves in the game, we didn't have a 'great' game. We pissed the opportunity away. Here's to winning out and a shot at the Rose.

Texas, good game and congratulations.
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