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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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cincibuck said:
OK let's do a hypothetical. Let's say ND wins out and OSU wins out. There is no frickin' way the NC is going to have Notre Dame play OSU in LA. Simply no way. If FSU, LSU, Tennessee, GA, or Florida goes undefeated also it will be a southern team vs ND. The TV folks will demand it.

It is just curious to me how many folks on this net don't see how important OCC games are and how important it is that other Big 10 teams, especially TSUN, win.
I don't think that's true... People talk about ND having the toughest schedule in the country, but all they have is a big ten schedule with USC... We have Texas and more big ten games... our schedule is tougher, and I think people will see it
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I was a student sitting in the South Stands at the 1983 Indiana game. At halftime, the band did Script Ohio and Woody came out and dotted the "i". What followed was the loudest roar I ever heard in the stadium during the nine years that I had season tickets. Lots of tears and cheers all around. It was a great day.

:oh: :io:
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During all this drama about scUM and Iowa, everyone is forgetting the rest of the Big Ten. I guess I'm the only one on this board that thinks MSU will be the surprise of the season. I also think PSU will be tough enough to get to a bowl. Wisconsin has already surprised me, and Purdue is going to make some noise now that we know Iowa is extremely beatable. scUM will recover and probably be in the top 20 when we beat them. Besides us and them, MSU, Purdue, Wisconsin, PSU, and possibly Minnesota could be in bowl games come December. Don't panic yet.
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Cheers to all my fellow Grey Goose drinkers!!


This would be me if I were a black penn state fan. :biggrin:

Edit: Cheers to all my fellow Buckeye fans as well.
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win or lose, this is what saturdays are all about... The Shoe is going to look fantastic tonight, millions will see it, everyone will be impressed... Our uniforms will look killer under the lights, and recruits will see what all the hype is about... I think we'll win, but I'll be happy to watch this no matter what!

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At halftime of the South Carolina game, Kirk, Lee, and Holtz all picked Ohio State. Mark May reiterated that we can't comepte with the Texas lines, so it wouldn't matter if we played at the shoe, or "in a parking lot or out back of ESPN" we couldn't win.

Holtz took a major shot at him for Shittsburgh...it was hilarious.
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HundedLane said:
Just was out on campus and the bars tonight....a couple of Texas kids out there. Of course a few assholes who said we were going to loose and a few who just talked about the game. Overall, Texas guys are good guys, but I can assure you tomorrow during the heated battle there will be some words exchanged.

Lets hope that is all it is (words). and afterwords, lets shake hands and be cool. Maybe we can turn this into a kind of kinship between the two fanbases.
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i think mark may is getting bitch slapped everytime he says something, before it was him and trev, he would say something stupid and trev would back him up on what he said, now with trev gone, mark is all on his own and he doesn't like it
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