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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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They're (MSU) the biggest enigma in college football. One week they'll beat Michigan, 2 weeks later they could lose to Eastern Michigan. You never know what you're going to get from them, but they are incredibly dangerous on offense.
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roughly half an hour, I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT!!!!

Oh and.....

Texas, expect to get hit in the mouth today. This is going to be one hell of a game, and I expect the Buckeyes to out physical the Longhorns in every aspect of the game.
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Watching the band on pregame...

I say watching, because I can't hear them like I normally can on the pregame show :biggrin:

This is going to be a good one

Edit: Holy crap, I can hear the shoe from my apartment, that's a new experience :biggrin:...O-H-I-O
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Let's get this sumbitch started! I am so tired of hearing about southern fucking speed - the fastest player on the field is Ted Ginn, baby!

I thought we ended that crap when we beat Miami, but I guess we need to prove it again. So be it!

Fuck 'em up, Bucks!
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