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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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cincibuck said:
OK let's do a hypothetical. Let's say ND wins out and OSU wins out. There is no frickin' way the NC is going to have Notre Dame play OSU in LA. Simply no way. If FSU, LSU, Tennessee, GA, or Florida goes undefeated also it will be a southern team vs ND. The TV folks will demand it.

It is just curious to me how many folks on this net don't see how important OCC games are and how important it is that other Big 10 teams, especially TSUN, win.

What if a meteor hits? :biggrin:

Seriously though, things usually have a way of working themselves out. Auburn did get shafted though last year. Great, now I'm worried. :tongue2:
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There's a few good teams who will have a shot at ND and time to understand the new offense. Right now, they feel invincible and any win in Ann Arbor is a good one. Just remember, his predecessor was getting the same press at this time in his tenure. Being dismantled by USC will do a lot to take the lustre off that pretender's crown.
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cincibuck said:
OK let's do a hypothetical. Let's say ND wins out and OSU wins out. There is no frickin' way the NC is going to have Notre Dame play OSU in LA. Simply no way. If FSU, LSU, Tennessee, GA, or Florida goes undefeated also it will be a southern team vs ND. The TV folks will demand it.

It is just curious to me how many folks on this net don't see how important OCC games are and how important it is that other Big 10 teams, especially TSUN, win.

OOC games are important, but a lot can happen between September 10th. It's way too early to worry about it. All that matters is beating Texas. If we don't, none of what you're saying means a thing.
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