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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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As if this Game Weren't Big Enough Already

Michigan stumble bums their way to a loss to ND.

Look at the map. Notice how close South Bend is to Chicago, the largest media market in the midwest. Watch how ND becomes the biggest story in the regions biggest market. NY and LA don't even know where Columbus is, but they sure as hell know where they used to make Studebakers.

Iowa State, the one team with a losing record to Kansas State, is kicking the shit out of Iowa. There goes the Big 10 - Big 12 argument, when the Big 10's #3 can't stay on the field with a team that hasn't won their conference since Harding was president we look like a bunch of has beens.

The talking heads on ESPN/ABC are alreadymaking like Charlie Weiss is Knute Rockne and picking guys to play his role in the movie... Charles Durning seems to have a leg up... and suddenly the most important game in the football year after tonight is when ND hosts USC.

And who do we have left on our schedule, after Texas, to boost us up and into the Rose Bowl?

Do you now see why it's important for Michigan to win?

Pray for the Big 10, cause right now, in media eyes, we look like the ACC with bad weather.
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I think that it is actually a real cheap move to bring Royal to a game at which Woody is honored. I respect Royal but this is Woody's day, in Woody's house.

Maybe Woody would want it that way.
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I think it's okay, especially since it's the first time these historic programs have ever met. I imagine Royal and Woody respected each other, having done so much for their universities, and done it the right way.

Besides, Woody will be there...you just won't see him.
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Even without BCS issues, I don't care to hear how great ND is, and how bad the Big Ten has become - ad nauseum.

Win our game and that stuff settles down. The front pages just talk about the new #2, Ohio State, and our Heisman candidate Teddy Ginn. :biggrin:
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bucknuts44820 said:
Lets worry about Texas first.

That's always cracked me up. As long as the kids who actually play the game keep their focus on Texas everything will be fine tonight. Right now I'm thinking of Grey Goose. That's not going to help Vince Young any in a couple hours.

If you really want to worry about something, cinci, think about what Notre Dame's resurgence could mean for Weis and their future recruiting efforts. :p
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OK let's do a hypothetical. Let's say ND wins out and OSU wins out. There is no frickin' way the NC is going to have Notre Dame play OSU in LA. Simply no way. If FSU, LSU, Tennessee, GA, or Florida goes undefeated also it will be a southern team vs ND. The TV folks will demand it.

It is just curious to me how many folks on this net don't see how important OCC games are and how important it is that other Big 10 teams, especially TSUN, win.
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