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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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BuckeyePride85 said:
LOL. I didnt wanna make myself seem like a lush, drinking down an ice cold Miller Light at 6am. But hell, if others are expecting to - LETS GET THE PARTY STARTED EARLY!

Your only a lush if you cannot function come gametime......which would be a crying shame. I usually get toasty for gameday.......and then hit some bars. I'm usually feeling good come game time........but I really do want to be somewhat sober for this one.......it is going to be a dandy. Keep in mind "somewhat" before sober. :biggrin:
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I really do not like any of the guys on the show which is why I don't watch it no more. Michael Holley was the best and I saw that he was actually on the other day. He left with Kellerman to go to foxsports but I guess is back.

I remember the day he had his Ohio st. jersey on. I think it was b4 the NC game.
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BuckeyePride85 said:
I cant see the game NOT being loud. Ive read on here that some of the Bucknuts will be getting down on old OSU campus around 7am. That means the drinking will have at least started by 12 and the game doesn't kickoff till 8! Only 4,000 tickets went to the Texas side, so that means around 101,000 amped up fans ready all day long for this game to begin. With the Woody memorial unveiling at halftime, this game will turn emotional quick for the OSU fans, players and coaches.

What Tressel had to say about the noise (per Bucknuts $):

“Well, we need it to be a huge factor,” he said. “We need it to truly make a difference. I don’t even care as much about their execution. They can get wild and crazy and lose focus. I just want them loud.”

7AM is WAY TOO LATE as I will be tailgating on a millon dollar RV at around 5:30! 7AA ROW 1 HERE I COME GO BUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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I had forgotten all about Michael Holley. He was a voice of reason on that show. And Max was better than Stat Boy.

Is "I, Max" off the air now? That show wasn't very good.
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If memory serves, didn't David Boston talk similar stuff about Woodson referring to how he used to play against a former OSU DB.

That said, the UT WR corps was very deep. We had Roy Williams, BJ Johnson and Sloan Thomas. Roy Williams was a 1st round pick (top 10); Sloan was drafted and both Sloan and BJ have been off and on NFL rosters. I would say that is deep.
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Texas97 said:
If memory serves, didn't David Boston talk similar stuff about Woodson referring to how he used to play against a former OSU DB.

That said, the UT WR corps was very deep. We had Roy Williams, BJ Johnson and Sloan Thomas. Roy Williams was a 1st round pick (top 10); Sloan was drafted and both Sloan and BJ have been off and on NFL rosters. I would say that is deep.
I would say it was deep... just sayin'
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Trev was just "misunderstood"

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How many Texas fans do you expect at Ohio Stadium?

we have 5,000 tickets allotted to us but as you know a ton of tickets have been sold on ebay and other ticket brokers. i bought 2 yesterday and i personally know at least 10 people who already have tickets in hand as well as well as many more going to scalp there. who knows how lucky they are but this is a small sampling. i think there will be more burnt orange in the stands than you guys realize.

should be a great game and an awesome environment. flying in on friday morning.........
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seeing as you got 4000-5000 tickets to your school and texas fans will be scalping, maybe you have 7000-8000 people there. this still looks really small compared to the 100000 buckeye fans all wearing scarlet and gret. i dont think you will be able to distingush them since most will be scattered around and i doubt you will be able to hear them. it should be a great one though.
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