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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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I don't even think Ginn needs to run a route. He is just that fast. He can talk all he wants but he will most likely be sorry he said that. Even if they do cover them(which won't happen) good luck with Gonzo and Hall. What if Lyons or Dukes comes in? Should be interesting:oh: :io: .
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Again those were quotes from the show. I dont think Texas is an "underachiever" by any means because they have a top 5 winning % in the last 5years easy. But I personally dont think Mack Brown is the best coach in the world. He's an excellent recruiter i'll give him that. But so is Ron Zook. I just think he makes some far-out decisions in big games, most recently Michigan in the Rose Bowl. The Texas coaching/special teams kept Michigan in the game and Michigans Defense kept Texas in the game. Again, I will lump Lloyd Carr in with Brown/Zook. Great recruiters, GOOD coaches, but not "Excellent".

Im not critisizing the show for their decision to choose Texas, because alot of people I normally agree with have also picked Texas...I just disagreed with their way of presenting their opinion I guess. At least tell me "I think Texas has two good lines that will control the game in the 4th quarter ultimately leading to a UT victory..." or something along those lines, and i'll be satisfied :P
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98 Horn said:
PRO: Williams’ size, speed and strength were an asset to the Lions during his rookie campaign after the team selected him with one of their first round selections, seventh overall, in the 2004 draft. A highly regarded prospect coming out of college at Texas, Williams set several Lions rookie records, including receptions (54), yards (817), and touchdowns (8) in his inaugural season. A winner of numerous accolades during his rookie season, including NFC Rookie of the Month for September, Williams also recorded multiple two-touchdown performances. In his second year as a professional, Williams brings valuable experience and playmaking ability to the deep Lions wide receiving corps...</SPAN>

News flash, Eihstein...Roy Williams isn't playing Saturday night.

The only thing Texas has really no-shit going for them is Vince Young. If Young doesn't have one of his best games of his life, then Texas will lose. If Young has only a so-so game, then this one will no be close. We have the advantage at every spot, except for QB and then lines, and even those are close. The big things that will matter more than many think are:

1. Tressel is our head coach, Brown is theirs (huge advantage us)
2. 105,000+ rapid fans in The Shoe (huge advantage us)
3. Woody is being honored at halftime...Tressel will not allow us to lose the game he's being honored

Tressel has convincingly won the last three "big games" for us (2004 Fiesta Bowl, 2004 Michigan game, 2004 Alamo Bowl). No one is better at "big game" preparations. Brown on the other hand is the John Cooper of Texas. Time to paint the end zones...
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osugrad21 said:
Could be true, but I was referring more to the "players play the game" opinion. While I agree to an extent, talent can make up for mental lapses, bad coaching can widen that gap beyond repair.
Fair enough. "Players play the game" was too blunt, and I certainly did not intend to imply that coaching was meaningless compared to recruiting.
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Jaxbuck said:

I figured most Texans wouldn't be so comfortable with a mixed race-same sex marriage. You guys are more liberal than I thought.

:lol: :rofl: :rofl: :slappy:

Thats Fantastic!!!!
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Who gives a rats ass what some tv guys predict? Why do so many OSU fans worry about what others think? Who cares who they pick or badmouth or rag on? We just love the Buckeyes, but there are also many Texas fans that love the Horns that get pissed when Trev(well, when he had a job) dicks on their team.

Thicken up the skin Bucknuts....err....BP'rs, alot of people in the media know what a bunch of psychos OSU fans can be and they know, by saying something negative or picking against them, that you'll blow a gasket.

This place is becoming to Bucknutified (not a word, but too bad) by people getting pissed and making threads about the same old shit.

Let the teams performance on the field do all the talking.

In one ear and out the other !!!!

:oh: :io:
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Im shocked that players still are talking smack before big games to OSU. I remember comments from Kelen Winslow, Ken Dorsey and even players on the Kansas St. squad saying that they will crush us. Do they underestimate us THAT much?!

PS. I think its time to bust out that sweet ass "Where Heisman Candidates Die" picture you all worked hard on.
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