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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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Im estimating at LEAST 10 fights with longhorn fans. Not myself fight, but other Buckeye fans early in the morning eager for kickoff walking around trying to spoil the Texas fans fun. lol. We all know how hostile campus can get. ESPECIALLY High Street or Lane Ave.
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I expect it to be just a chunk over the amount of seating that Wisconsin had for their game against us last year, although the colors made it harder to tell where they were. Just like that game, their noise was only noticeable after the opponent scored, when Buckeye fans were silent. Any cheering that the 'Horns fans do while we're on offense should be no louder than just the ambient noise of people in the stands talking.

(and/or girls that don't know you're supposed to cheer on defense and shut up on offense.)
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Texas97 said:
we have 5,000 tickets allotted to us but as you know a ton of tickets have been sold on ebay and other ticket brokers. i bought 2 yesterday and i personally know at least 10 people who already have tickets in hand as well as well as many more going to scalp there. who knows how lucky they are but this is a small sampling. i think there will be more burnt orange in the stands than you guys realize.

should be a great game and an awesome environment. flying in on friday morning.........
well at least 5,012 then.
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I have been thinking about that myself. It could top 10k. Lots of tickets on ebay, but a good share of those have gone to OSU fans as well. Up to about 20 minutes before the game Texas will think they own the place and dominate the noise. But by the time the band comes in the place will be full and Texas will have to be very organized to be heard. Kick our ass and it will get quiet. Not gonna happen.
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Thanks for the reply HB. I must say I was a little suprised to hear you say that, it seems like ticket prices are still soaring on Ebay, like the 3 B1 seats going for over $1,050, which seemed like a crapload to me for seats like that. Hopefully the tickets I'm looking at won't be too high when they close. Thanks again for the response!
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Texas fans, how are you getting to Columbus?


or riding your Cow-a-saki motorcycle
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X Buckeyes07 X said:
Thanks for the reply HB. I must say I was a little suprised to hear you say that, it seems like ticket prices are still soaring on Ebay, like the 3 B1 seats going for over $1,050, which seemed like a crapload to me for seats like that. Hopefully the tickets I'm looking at won't be too high when they close. Thanks again for the response!

I'd be very leary of any more tickets on EBay or any other auction site...how are they supposed to get the tickets to you when the game is less than three days away?
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