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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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obviously vince can be tackled, but the main reason that ou made it look so easy is that we helped them. we didn't even try to break contain and move the pocket. WE forced vince to be one dementional before ou even took the field. ou did a decent job of bringing him down but it was nothing to write home about. vince has his share of big plays against them as well. Thats not to take anything away from what ou did, its not their fault that we sucked, they just reacted. So to answer your question, vince was tackled as well as he was all year, but it still wasn't that great and had just as much to do with the team in orange as it did with the team in crimson.
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Rather than rewrite it to make it stand on its own, I'll quote the text to which I was responding on hornfans:
Most of the OSU people posting on Hornfans think Ginn will touch the ball 20 times in the game and score 20 tds and Hawk by himself will hold the Texas offense without a td.
The honest truth is Ginn will touch the ball maybe three or four times during the game and score once on a punt or kickoff return, with the OSU Qb situation he might catch 1 or 2 passes. OSU won the MNC in Tressels first year because the players were left over from the other coach, since then they have struggled on offense and the defense while having some great games cant score points.
I have said Texas by 21 right from the start and I stick by that.
As for the we have it too attitude, we just mean that heat isn't gonna blow us away. I've admitted it will be a difference in your favor.

So you beat Arkie by 2, Rice by 18, fail to score vs OU, missouri by 8, OkState by 21, Kansas by 4, aTm by 13, and Michigan by 1 (who we trashed by 16)...
and somehow you're gonna beat us by 21, despite losing the rock of your offense mr benson and struggling a lot to stop any facet of Michigan's attack (yes ST does count)?

Rabid, I disagree. First of all, there is no QB situation. Smith is the QB, OSU just went overboard with compliance to the NCAA. Smith is the leader of this team (similar emotional boost for our team as you guys have with VY).

Ginn has had all winter/spring/summer to develop as a WR, and get used to the offensive gameplans designed to get our playmakers the ball, including trick plays and Ginn at QB.

Ginn barely touched the ball last year and scored like every 4-5 touches before the alamo bowl. Here are his stats from IU on:
WR stats: 1-59/1 2-23/0 4-77/1 3-7/0 5-87/0 6-78/0
RB stats: 1-5/0 2-21/1 2-47/0 - 8-40/1
He had a huge reverse called back for holding against PSU (really annoying hold, after Ginn was past the defender).

Something should be brought up that Ginn hasn't even been used on a fly route yet. None of his big plays were deep passes... the only thing that was semi-long was the slant pass vs MSU. He was open against UM multiple times, but so were other WRs so they got the ball. An ailing Zwick underthrew Ginn and Holmes, both who were wide open on two separate flyroutes in the alamo bowl.

So if Ginn only gets it a few times, that doesn't mean he won't make a big impact. Gonzo only caught it 1-2 times each of the last four games (he started for the first time vs. purdue), but look at his stat sheet (the 11 yarder was on 3rd down):
1-11/0 1-38/0 2-77/1 1-23/1

The fact that Ginn and Gonzo matured into threats finally prevented teams from double-covering Holmes, and he began to shine in single coverage. There might not be a better route runner in the NCAA, so he'll be a tough assignment for your 2nd CB, considering everyone and their mother is sure that Huff will guard Ginn.

As for the 02 MNC... Cooper would have used McMullen not Krenzel probably. Tressel recruited Clarett, Nugent, Hawk and others that had a big impact on that season.

No doubt Tressel has struggled on offense. Most OSU fans aren't claiming we're gonna become a team that will grind out tons of consistent drives (ok there are plenty on some sites, but lets leave the childish homers out of this for a sake).

I, and many of my fellow buckeyes, think we will continue to improve our big play ability. It was well known coming into The Game that we were a dangerous big play offense (Jackson even said so in an interview before the game), and that was just a very good day for our style of offense.

Most OSU fans think our overall defensive speed, skill and scheming will contain VY enough of the time (impossible to stop him). Hawk is just our best guy, so certain posters use him in a "he'll spy VY" formula answer. There's no chance we'll be spying VY, that would be quite dumb.
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well about the 21 point victory I think I'll quote you to answer it,
(ok there are plenty on some sites, but lets leave the childish homers out of this for a sake).
there are some in every fanbase
Even if it happens it wont make him look clairvoyant as much as lucky.

Something should be brought up that Ginn hasn't even been used on a fly route yet. None of his big plays were deep passes
I really don't expect that to change much. Ginn is dangerous with the ball in his hand, not trying to go up for jump balls on deep routs.
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-cedric benson was your offense last year.
Yeah... Vince's 26 touchdowns didn't help at all. :roll2:

-vince young is a helluva runner, but hes going to have to pass to be effective against our D, 12TDs to 11 INTs are not heisman passing numbers, im not taking away from his running ability but last i checked he plays quarterback not running back
We all realize that Vince probably isn't going to "pass" his way to a heisman trophy, but I think that most people on this board think that he's a worse passer than he really is. Granted, his strength is his ability to scramble and make plays with his feet (6.5 yds per carry including sacks), but when needed he can put the ball in the air. Since we both played Oklahoma State last year, I'll use them as an example. This was a game where we were forced to put it in the air when we were behind.

Okie Lite

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BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" width=46>CMP%</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 32pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" width=42>YPA</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 26pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" width=34>TD</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 29pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" width=38>INT</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 34pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" width=45>SACK</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 40pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" width=53>RAT</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 31pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" width=41>ATT</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 32pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" width=43>YDS</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 28pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" width=37>AVG</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 25pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" width=33>TD</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 12.75pt" height=17><TD class=xl26 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 54pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; HEIGHT: 12.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=72 height=17>V.Young</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 29pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=39 x:num>18</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 29pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=39 x:num>21</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 30pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=40 x:num>278</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 35pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=46 x:num>85.7</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 32pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=42 x:num>13.2</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 26pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=34 x:num>1</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 29pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=38 x:num>2</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 34pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=45 x:num>1</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 40pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=53 x:num>193.6</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 31pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=41 x:num>12</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 32pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=43 x:num>123</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 28pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=37 x:num>10.3</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 25pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=33 x:num>1</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 12.75pt" height=17><TD class=xl26 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 54pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; HEIGHT: 12.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=72 height=17>J. Zwick</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 29pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=39 x:num>17</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 29pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=39 x:num>27</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 30pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=40 x:num>189</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 35pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=46 x:num>63</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 32pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=42 x:num>7</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 26pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=34 x:num>1</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 29pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=38 x:num>0</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 34pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=45 x:num>0</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 40pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=53 x:num>134</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 31pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=41 x:num>0</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 32pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=43 x:num>0</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 28pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=37 x:num>0</TD><TD class=xl27 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 25pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=33 x:num>0</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

On the season, Vince had a 59.2% completion percentage and passed for 1849 yds. Yes, he's going to have to work on his interceptions this season but to say that he's a running back and not a quarterback is going a little overboard.

Season Stats

<TABLE style="WIDTH: 429pt; BORDER-COLLAPSE: collapse" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=569 border=0 x:str><COLGROUP><COL style="WIDTH: 54pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 2633" width=72><COL style="WIDTH: 29pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 1426" span=2 width=39><COL style="WIDTH: 30pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 1462" width=40><COL style="WIDTH: 35pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 1682" width=46><COL style="WIDTH: 32pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 1536" width=42><COL style="WIDTH: 26pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 1243" width=34><COL style="WIDTH: 29pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 1389" width=38><COL style="WIDTH: 34pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 1645" width=45><COL style="WIDTH: 40pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 1938" width=53><COL style="WIDTH: 31pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 1499" width=41><COL style="WIDTH: 32pt; mso-width-source: userset; mso-width-alt: 1572" width=43><COL style="WIDTH: 28pt; 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BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 32pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" width=43>AVG</TD><TD class=xl24 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 28pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" width=37>TD</TD></TR><TR style="HEIGHT: 12.75pt; mso-height-source: userset" height=17><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 54pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; HEIGHT: 12.75pt; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=72 height=17 x:num>148</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 29pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=39 x:num>250</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 29pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=39 x:num>1849</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 30pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=40 x:num>59.2</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 35pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=46 x:num>7.4</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 32pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=42 x:num>12</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 26pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=34 x:num>11</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 29pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=38 x:num>9</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 34pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=45 x:num>128.4</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 40pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=53 x:num>167</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 31pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=41 x:num>1079</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 32pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=43 x:num>6.5</TD><TD class=xl25 style="BORDER-RIGHT: #ece9d8; BORDER-TOP: #ece9d8; BORDER-LEFT: #ece9d8; WIDTH: 28pt; BORDER-BOTTOM: #ece9d8; BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" width=37 x:num>14</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Like I said before, I don't think we're going to gain most of our yardage in the air. That's not our strength, but the way some people are talking on this board, you would think that Vince couldn't complete a pass.
Upvote 0
High Lonesome said:
I really don't expect that to change much. Ginn is dangerous with the ball in his hand, not trying to go up for jump balls on deep routs.
Fair enough answer about the homers. As for the fly routes, he was open in both of the last two games with an easy TD... missed by Smith (passed elsewhere) and grossly underthrown by Zwick.

I don't expect jump balls by Ginn, but I do expect him to burn a few CBs in man-to-man... like those examples listed above.

The poster was RabidLonghorn on HF.
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Orangeblood: "Granted, his strength is his ability to scramble and make plays with his feet (6.5 yds per carry including sacks), but when needed he can put the ball in the air."

The question in this case, is not whether or not Young can pass when needed, but the real question is: CAN HE PASS WHEN NEEDED AGAINST A GOOD TEAM?

His passing stats in Texas' games against another power do not bear that out:

'04 Oklahoma: 11 of 21, 135 yards, 0 TD, 2 INT
'05 Oklahoma: 8 of 23, 86 yards, 0 TD, 0 INT
'05 Rose Bowl: 16 of 28, 180 yards, 1 TD, 1 INT

His stats against Oklahoma State don't tell me much.
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High Lonesome said:
i'm sure that he will blow by is fair share of cb's but i don't think that he is what i would call a true deep threat, he is more in the mold of peter warrick. give him the ball and watch him make people look stupid

"Deep Threat" is exactly what he is... cheat some safeties up... :wink2:
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