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Game Thread Game Two: Texas 25, Ohio State 22 (final)

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I grew up in Ohio, but I have to agree totally with E-Horn on this point:

Chili should have zero damn beans! :biggrin:

edit - jwins, I believe that BOL is best of luck
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EngineerHorn said:
Seriously? I'm not doubting, but wow. I heard it was injuries that left the Buckeyes short-handed in that game. Some of both maybe?

I just can't fathom why a coach would do that. If Mack tells his players to "take it easy" against Mizzou in order to rest up for OU, I will load my truck with explosives and drive it into his house.
we were down 3 db's in a game against a team that is dubbed basketball on turf. it was so bad aj hawk for all practical purposes played cb. dustin fox (imo our best cb) was out and i honestly think with him in we win by a td. he was at about 97% i think they stated before the game but didn't play because tressel wanted him 100% for scum. clearly tressel didn't tell the guys, "don't play hard". but i honestly think he held out a few guys who could have played to try to get them to 100%. he did it against purdue (i think it was purdue) in 02 with a couple of players to get them to 100% for scum when they could have played.

we only needed 1 more win to become bowl eligible. i imagine tressel thought he could limp through purdue and get a win. came close, but not close enough. but holding a few guys out who argueably could have played got us healthy to pound scum. in a season where you aren't pushing for anything dramatic bowl wise... beating scum will save your job. beating purdue... whatever *shrug*. it was a calculated risk that didn't work out in our favor this time.

2. Chili does not go on top of spaghetti, nor does it contain beans
:bow: cincy chili is the molestation of spaghetti! would you believe people ask me to ship them this crap???

completely agree with the rest. glade to have you here, i have really enjoyed reading your posts :).
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Chili should have beans, but only if there Bush's, and it should have lots (and lots) of onions.

But, maybe that is why no one wan't to hang out with me? Either way, I don't care.

Beans, Beans the magical fruit...
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jwinslow said:
For starters, great job breaking down what you see in our team. We welcome intelligent posts, even when they criticize our team.

We will be doing an indepth breakdown of both teams featured in front page articles... you and/or someone else should make a post in the administration subforum (click on forums up above to see the forum breakdowns)...
I will look into it. Sounds interesting.

jwinslow said:
I have know idea what BOL means, btw. There is no way Zwick is our QB. Those who have seen practice know that the team rallies around Smith differently, much like they probably did in Austin when VY took over.
BOL = Best of Luck (sarcastically in this case).:biggrin: BTW, I just figured out how to use emoticons. Didn't see that drop down menu before.

jwinslow said:
If you watched the spring game, you should have seen a pretty good RB in Pittman. I doubt anyone expects him to be all-big 10, but he should be very solid out there with a litle bit of flash.No doubt special teams gives us a huge edge, but Huston's prett darn good too.
I didn't watch your spring game, but I am not convinced the RB will be solid in this game.

jwinslow said:
Scoring Defense (nationall):
Texas Tech 67, Colorado 61, Okie St 56, Kansas 34, A&M 47, Michigan 42.
Not that impressive, at least at first glance. Average teams.

Comparatively (during OSU's turnaround):
Indiana 88, Penn St 5, Mich St 72, Purdue 15, Michigan 42, Okie St 56...
Now do you see why we didn't risk much against PSU's D? And maybe Purdue was tougher than some Texans think, when combined with the injuries at DB. IU, MSU clearly aren't that great on D.Totally understandable. I don't know that we try to diminish your optimism, we just question your unproven talent and your coach (had he not beaten Carr, who is well known for choking in big games, the criticism of Mack would not have eased up for the first time in a while).

Scoring defenses, to keep with my theme (again, these are merely numbers, not facts):
OU 11, Missouri 23, Arkansas 50

Our tough matchups early:
NC State 25, Marshall 37, Wisconsin 6, Iowa 16
Interesting tidbit as well in regards to scoring defense. I love stats, and I hadn't looked into that.

MililaniBuckeye said:
You know, if we were to delete half the "your offense was ranked 98th in the country last year" stat-regurgitation bullshit posts here, this thread would not be anywhere near 115 pages long. I don't understand just how hard it is to fathom it when we say "our offense may have been really bad early, but drastically improved at the end of the season". I mean, really...isn't that simple-enough English, people? Even Gary Danielson said that our offense had transformed from a "morbid" one into a "highly effective" one. Our offense (barring injuries to key players) will surprise you...
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"Xray, here is why yardage means nothing... would you argue that Rice has a better D than Arkansas? B/c Rice is 50th and Arkansas 75th in yardage, versus scoring defense (the truer test) where Rice is 104th and Arkansas 50."

I have a system to address this issue instead of judging an offense or a defense strictly by yardage gained or allowed I compare the yardage gained to what their opponents defenses gave up on average. For the defense I compare the yardage allowed to how many yards the opponents' offense normally gain. Here is the comparison for tOSU and UT.

tOSU's Opposing defenses averaged giving up 339.8 yards/game and tOSU gained 320.8 yards per game, for a net -19.0 yards offensively.

UTs Opposing defenses averaged giving up 370.1 yards/game and UT gained 464.4 yards per game, for a net 94.4 yards offensively.

tOSU's Opposing offenses averaged 369.2 yards/game and tOSU allowed 332.0 yards per game, for a net 37.2 yards defensively.

UT's Opposing offenses averaged 384.4 yards/game and UT allowed 320.8 yards per game, for a net 63.6 yards defensively.

Combining the two tOSU was up 18.2 yards and Texas up 158.0 yards versus their opponents combined average performance.

Doing the same thing with scoring you get tOSU +9.4 and UT + 19.6.

What is interesting is while tOSU performed negatively in offensive yardage they made up for it with special teams TDs to come out positive in scoring. Defensively tOSU also gave up fewer points per yardage given up than is typical. Your players and coaches are doing something very well to scrape out the scoreboard advantage they did from an average net yardage performance. UT's results are more typical in terms of yardage/scoring ratio.
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I have nothing of value to add to the statistic discussion.

But I did find some great pics...:biggrin:













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xrayrandy said:
I have a system to address...
you didn't answer the question... do you consider Rice's defense to be better than Arkie's, especially when you factor in that the hostile environment helps the statistics of the Arkansas defense for any home games.
What is interesting is while tOSU performed negatively in offensive yardage they made up for it with special teams TDs to come out positive in scoring. Defensively tOSU also gave up fewer points per yardage given up than is typical. Your players and coaches are doing something very well to scrape out the scoreboard advantage they did from an average net yardage performance. UT's results are more typical in terms of yardage/scoring ratio.
We've beaten it to death, but apparently we're gonna have to do it again. OSU's defensive strategy has always been to bend not break, to keep the defense in front of them and then use good pursuit angles, team speed and fundamentals to stop the offense. This includes taking away home run passes but being vulnerable at times to screen passes.
What no one seems to grasp is that we are not claiming we are suddenly going to become a consistent, top-notch offense. We are claiming that we can smoke you through the air as well as any team in the country, and can beat you with speed potentially with all four WRs (if Dukes becomes our #2).
Maybe our ST dominance is another reason our statistics are lower. I'm not suggesting we would have scored everytime with worse field position, but ST yardage often gets overlooked by those not familiar with how crucial it is.

2004 OSU PR stats:
<table class="statstable" align="center"> <tbody><tr><th>Rank</th><th>Name</th><th>Games</th><th>Ret</th><th>Yds</th><th>TDs</th><th>Avg</th><th>Wins</th><th>Losses</th><th>Ties</th> </tr> <tr><td class="crailbg">4</td><td class="crailbg">Ohio St.</td><td class="crailbg">12</td><td>37</td><td>602</td><td>5</td><td> 16.27</td><td>8</td><td>4</td><td>0</td></tr></tbody> </table>
2004 OSU KR stats:
<table class="statstable" align="center"> <tbody><tr><th>Rank</th><th>Name</th><th>Games</th><th>Kret</th><th>Yds</th><th>TDs</th><th>Avg</th><th>Wins</th><th>Losses</th><th>Ties</th> </tr> <tr> <td class="crailbg">11</td><td class="crailbg">Ohio St.</td><td class="crailbg">12</td><td>31</td><td>735</td><td>0</td><td> 23.71</td><td>8</td><td>4</td><td>0</td></tr></tbody> </table>
Another thing to note is our KR stats should only improve. Last year they kicked away from Holmes to Hall, who got the job done but didn't have the speed to take it to the house. Next year they can't kick away from either returner.
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