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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

I've got to get this off my chest. I hate Texas so much for their pussy schedule. They're gauranteed 10 wins ever year because, besides last year and this year, they play a 1 game schedule(Oklahoma). Nebraska has been down for a few years so it's not like they can give them competition. Texas Tech is even worse but there's no excuse for Texas. I'd love to have Texas' schedule every once in a while. We'd be gauranteed a few more NC appearances. No offense to Texas fans but it's hard for me to take Mack Brown's success seriously when 90% of his wins have been less than impressive to say the least and that up until last year he always lost to his one game season.

I don't think this is fair. The Big 12 is a decent conference, with Nebraska and aTm both in a down cycle right now. Texas had the guts to go to Arkansas in 2004 and to the 'Shoe in 2005. Most of the SEC powers are unwilling to schedule road games like that.

And Texas's situation in getting to the BCS Championship game is not as easy as it was for FSU in the old ACC, or for Miami in the Big East.

And the Red River Shootout is as close as anything else in college football to The Game.
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I've got to get this off my chest. I hate Texas so much for their pussy schedule. They're gauranteed 10 wins ever year because, besides last year and this year, they play a 1 game schedule(Oklahoma). Nebraska has been down for a few years so it's not like they can give them competition. Texas Tech is even worse but there's no excuse for Texas. I'd love to have Texas' schedule every once in a while. We'd be gauranteed a few more NC appearances. No offense to Texas fans but it's hard for me to take Mack Brown's success seriously when 90% of his wins have been less than impressive to say the least and that up until last year he always lost to his one game season.

Ya know...we've split off a number of garbage posts that guys like UTMNC have made and caused the trainwrecks. You have been here long enough to know we expect more from our regular posters.

There were a thousand other ways to say that without looking like a troll....

Terrible post.
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all I'm going to say about the big twelve....we are down right now but at one time the following programs have been very good to flat out great; Nebraska, Colorado, OU, Texas, Texas aTm, Kansas State. Thats half the confrence...add in the fact that Tech, osu, and missouri are typically solid to good and I think that you have the makings of a very nice confrence
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Last year Charles averaged 7.4 yards per carry while Vince averaged 6.8. So if Charles gets the 6 called runs that Vince used to get, the total yardage for those carries will be similar.

Yeah, and Charles averaged a whole 2.6 ypc against us while Vince Young averaged 3.8 against us. Selvin Young averaged 2.2 and Melton averaged 1.0. Your RBs as a unit averaged 2.3 ypc. So go ahead and convert those Vince Young scrambles to RB iso and trap plays.
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Y'all should really have these discussions during the week (so I can get involved, dangit), but I guess that's not really a conscious decision.

I motion to have a breathalyzer installed on UTMNC's computer. All in favor? :biggrin:

On the secondary....
Michael Griffin is moving to SS. At the SS postion, UT will be just as good as last year. At the FS position, I just hope Marcus is as good as his twin brother was last year.

I remember last year how a bunch of Buckeye posters were very excited about Kudla. He wasn't being recognized by any preseason mags or services (in fact, your entire DL turned out to be pretty underrated), but y'all knew you had something special there. That's how Texas fans feel about Tarrel Brown and Aaron Ross, our two starting cornerbacks. Their coverage in the Rose Bowl was excellent- by both of them. I honestly don't see how they could have done any better. It took nothing short of Matt Leinart throwing to Steve Smith and Dwayne Jarret to complete a bunch of those passes. They were on fire. Every time I rewatch the Rose Bowl, I am even more amazed at great those throws were, and how difficult some of those catches were. Tarrel Brown and Aaron Ross are remembered for that performance.
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Yeah, and Charles averaged a whole 2.6 ypc against us while Vince Young averaged 3.8 against us. Selvin Young averaged 2.2 and Melton averaged 1.0. Your RBs as a unit averaged 2.3 ypc. So go ahead and convert those Vince Young scrambles to RB iso and trap plays.

oh dear god mili, do you know nothing about statistics? look, texas' entire offense had a bad game that night. if they hadn't they would have put 50 points on us easy.

but thats beside the point because we lost all 11 of our starters. none of our current starters are nearly as good as texas' second string. so in order to figure out how our d will fair this year we need to take the stats from the worst d against the run last year and compair them to the best running performance texas had last season, straight adding in vy's stats as *insert tb here's* stats. from there you will get an idea of exactly what texas will be able to do against us running.

you would do the same for passing only you would use matt leinart's second best passing game as noone knows who will start for texas at qb and neither have any experience. this is because all of texas' current qb's are much better passers than vince was.

its pretty straight forward really...
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all I'm going to say about the big twelve....we are down right now but at one time the following programs have been very good to flat out great; Nebraska, Colorado, OU, Texas, Texas aTm, Kansas State. Thats half the confrence...add in the fact that Tech, osu, and missouri are typically solid to good and I think that you have the makings of a very nice confrence

Personally, I'd drop A&M and KSU down to your "solid" list, with TTech, Okie State, and Mizzou. But, admittedly, I don't follow BigXII much. So, whatever. Anyway, if there were a conference full of teams like Tech, OSU, and Mizzou, they'd still make bitches out of the Big East. When are they losing their automatic BCS bid? It should be today.

I wonder when I'm going to be in charge of that?
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Yeah, and Charles averaged a whole 2.6 ypc against us

So you are counting on Charles having another big loss on a pitch on an end around, I doubt that will occur. I also doubt Hawk and Carpenter show up to tackle him.

As for Hamby, he shouldn't have been in the game that play. After shoving Michael Griffin through the cameramen behind the endzone right before that, he should have been flagged for 15 by the refs, and the tOSU coaches should have pulled him from the game to cool off. Karma works.
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oh dear god mili, do you know nothing about statistics? look, texas' entire offense had a bad game that night. if they hadn't they would have put 50 points on us easy.

but thats beside the point because we lost all 11 of our starters. none of our current starters are nearly as good as texas' second string. so in order to figure out how our d will fair this year we need to take the stats from the worst d against the run last year and compair them to the best running performance texas had last season, straight adding in vy's stats as *insert tb here's* stats. from there you will get an idea of exactly what texas will be able to do against us running.

you would do the same for passing only you would use matt leinart's second best passing game as noone knows who will start for texas at qb and neither have any experience. this is because all of texas' current qb's are much better passers than vince was.

its pretty straight forward really...

Hey if you would add in a few:horse: this could have been my irony!!
Great write up!!!
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The real question is how are you going to score? lets see

new qb's with no completions
receivers with no receptions
a new tight end
a new running back

I know you said just kidding, but to be clear Texas returns runningbacks that scored 30 TDs last year (42 if Ramonce comes back), versus 21 for tOSU. And, Texas returns receivers who scored 18 TDs (21 with RT) last year versus 7 for tOSU.

I'm not worried about Texas scoring touchdowns. The advantage is clear.
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texas blowhard statistician

So you are counting on Charles having another big loss on a pitch on an end around, I doubt that will occur. I also doubt Hawk and Carpenter show up to tackle him.

Hmmm , No we are counting on charles gaining about 15 yards on 24 carries. HMmm yes thats true :io: :io:

does anyone know if JT has plans to suite up aj or carp in disguise ? thats not a bad idea
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So, as I read this thread I find out that while OSU scored 34 points on a mediocre and slow ND defense at a neutral site they are going to do the same against a much better and faster Texas' defense at Texas w/o Holmes or Mangold? Right. :shake:

Then I findout while OSU is replacing 9 defensive starters, including 2 LBs taken in the first half of the first round of the draft, is merely reloading because they have playing time and practice against the great OSU offense. But, Texas losing Huff and an injured R. Wright will cripple the Texas D regardless of the fact all the replacements have lots of playing time and practiced against Texas O of last year which which was the all time leading college scoring offense I believe.

As for the Texas secondary, while Huff got all the attention many Big 12 coaches feared M. Griffin more. M.Griffin will be a 1st rounder. It wouldn't surprise me to see T. Brown rise to a first 2 rounds pick. A. Ross would have to have a heck of a breakout year to get there. Ross is a second day guy IMO.

This game will be strength on strength and unproven on unproven. Should be another great one.
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xrayrandy said:
So you are counting on Charles having another big loss on a pitch on an end around, I doubt that will occur. I also doubt Hawk and Carpenter show up to tackle him.

As for Hamby, he shouldn't have been in the game that play. After shoving Michael Griffin through the cameramen behind the endzone right before that, he should have been flagged for 15 by the refs, and the tOSU coaches should have pulled him from the game to cool off. Karma works.
How did they ever get tackled in any other game besides against us when Hawk or Carpenter tackled them :roll2:
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I motion to have a breathalyzer installed on UTMNC's computer. All in favor? :biggrin:

UTMNC's desk?

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