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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Big Ten are quick to point out that the Big 12 is a terrible conference. I won't overly defend the Big 12, it was down last year (but evidentally up enough to send a team to the national championship game for the third straight year)

Still, the Big 12 won the two biggest meetings between the conferences. Nebraska/UM and UT/Ohio State.

I'm not claiming the Big 12 is better, but those are the facts.

Yeah, facts are facts... I'd have prefered if the Big 10 had done better in bowls last year, but they didnt.

Anway... Lets take a closer look at who's been to the Championship game and see if we can find a trend (in terms of conference toughness)

Tenny (SEC)
Flast (the "old ACC")
Flast (Old ACC)
VT (Big Least)
OU (Big XII)
Flast (Old ACC)
Miami (Big Least)
Nebraska (Big XII (didn't win own division, let alone conf)
Ohio State (Big 10)
Miami (Big Least)
OU (Big XII - didn't win conf.)
USC (Pac 10)
OU (Big XII)
Texas (Big XII)
USC (Pac 10)

Well, I count the following number of schools makingt he championship game coming from - what I hope we can agree - are crap conferences... And NOT yet including the Big XII, since that's up in the air at them moment (If the appearance in the big game factor means anything regarding Conf. Strength)

Eight of 11 teams have come from "awful" conferences.

OK... lets look at the Big XII...

2 times the non-conference winner has made the big show... one of those teams, Nebby made the show despite being absolutely prison raped by Colorado... Another, OU, got there after being manhandled by K-State.

OU in 2000, and Texas in 2005 won it all. Against... Flast (old ACC) and USC (Pac 10)... Shitty conf. opponants.

Lost to SEC... (OU v. LSU) Lost to Pac 10 ... ummm.. sorry, DESTROYED by Pac 10... Lost to Big Least...

2 and 2 against shit conferences, and 0 - 1 against a good one.

Yeah, I'd say, Big XII meats the criteria of "crappy conference"

Of course, the "top" teams in these conferences are good enough to play with anyone.. this post should not be taken to mean Texas in 05 sucks, or VT in 99 was a joke.. what it does mean is, given that the bulk of your schedule is played against your own conference, the WORSE your conf. is, the better your chance of running the table in it...

Oh yeah, placing the Big XII in "crap conf." category, we find that all but 3 championship game participants come from Crap Conferences.

Ohio State, LSU and Tennessee. (Yes, I'm saying the SEC and the Big 10 are the only "non crap" conf. out there... although, I'd also point to the new ACC as one of the 'best" conferences right now (as much as that pains me))
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wait a min

Big Ten are quick to point out that the Big 12 is a terrible conference. I won't overly defend the Big 12, it was down last year (but evidentally up enough to send a team to the national championship game for the third straight year)

Still, the Big 12 won the two biggest meetings between the conferences. Nebraska/UM and UT/Ohio State.

I'm not claiming the Big 12 is better, but those are the facts.

who said the big 12 is a bad conference?? and what has the fact that it is a weak conference have to do with the upcoming game??:oh: :io:

Dont make me get out the horse!!!
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who said the big 12 is a bad conference?? and what has the fact that it is a weak conference have to do with the upcoming game??:oh: :io:

Dont make me get out the horse!!!

It was mentioned in a post that has since been edited out by the author. Although it was quoted a couple of times, so it can still be found a couple pages back.

And now BKB has taken up the position.
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All I know is this...

Antonio Pittman will have no room to run, Texas' D line is simply too good.
Ginn and Gonzo, poor route runners to begin with, can not possibly get open, and should they ever actualy catch the ball, Griffin and Co will cause a TO.
Troy Smith won't be able to scramble or throw (see line and secondary remarks)

Ohio State rushing yards (-112)
Ohio State passing yards 6
Score - Zero

on the other side of the ball,

Jevan Snead or Colt McCoy are certainly as well poised and polished as Vince Young. If there is any loss in talent, it's not much. Regardless, there is no way that Ohio State's young Defense can possibly be prepared for these guys. No way. Texas doesn't take talent that is rated under 178 stars, and ... well.. the talent disparity is huge... it's like taking the number 1 HS player, and lining him up against the best player in pee-wee leagues.

Charles, aside from running faster than the speed of light, is also without peer when it comes to keeping his feet. It's nearly impossible for anyone (not on Texas' D, that is) to have any hope of tackling him.

Having Sweed and Pittman is one thing, but you'll be surprised that these two are two of the worst recievers on the team. That's not a rip on Pitt and Sweed, of course.. just that the guys waiting in the wings are that much better.

Texas Rushing - 421
Texas Passing - 566 (all in the first quarter)

Score - 223

finally someone is listening!

oh and for the record, both sneed and colt are more talented than young. if there is any dropoff at all, and there won't be, it will be because of inexperience. but any such shortcomings, which do not exist but if they did, will easily be compensated for by the fact that texas' o is so much more talented than tOSU that it just won't matter.
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Yeah, facts are facts... I'd have prefered if the Big 10 had done better in bowls last year, but they didnt.

Anway... Lets take a closer look at who's been to the Championship game and see if we can find a trend (in terms of conference toughness)

I don't know that you're being fair. The teams on your list were all arguably the top two teams in the country, regardless of their conferences. Miami was the best team in the country in 2001. The fact that they were in a weak conference at the time shouldn't take anything away from that. Nebraska lost to Miami that year, not to a generic team from a shitty conference. Same goes with Oklahoma in 2004. They lost to USC - best team in the country, not some generic team from the Pac-10.

I know that there aren't many good ways to compare conferences. And, honestly, I don't know of a very good way to compare them. I'm just thinking that your assessment wasn't very fair.
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