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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

808, I was considering that, too...but I think Troy's scrambling ability, experience, improved passing, and poise can allow him to perform under a far greater amount of defensive pressure than the Texas frosh QBs can even think about. Unless the Texas DL totally dominates (which I highly doubt), Smith will make the plays, and that will help make Pittman and Wells very effective running the ball.

Fair enough, that should help us reach the Motor City Bowl, as implied by our Texas brethren. :tongue2:
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The Texas-tOSU thread on hornfans died out pretty fast. Some tOSU fan on there got so outlandish and out of control, the UT fans pretty much got tired of it and shot him out of the water. Imagine me on my scotch day, well he was like that pretty much all the time.
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Having young ones around has limited the time I may spend consuming beer so when I do I try to go for a microbrew or a foreign and now I can't drink a Coors, Bud or Miller Light. Its almost sad. Sam Adams for me tonight.

Sad?? Why sad? Coors, Bud and Miller are frankly piss water hardly even worthy of being called beer. Thats what happens when you get introduced to REAL Beer
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Sad?? Why sad? Coors, Bud and Miller are frankly piss water hardly even worthy of being called beer. Thats what happens when you get introduced to REAL Beer
He's right....it's sad, and here's why.
When you're in high school or college, the only thing you're drinking beer for is to get drunk. This allows you to gulp down massive quantities of things like Natural Light, Milwaukee's Best, Crazy Horse and the like. Not having anything to do tomorrow has a way of making whale piss taste ok.
Having kids, a job and/or other responsibilities can make that one beer before bed the only chance you get to have any alcohol....sometimes for the week. Why would you want to waste that one beer on something that tastes like it came out of the urinal at Wrigley Field?
This is why it's sad....because we used to be able to drink that crap and not have a care in the world, now there are too many things to worry about and being laid up for a day with Natural Ice-keg-beer-diarrhea isn't an option.

Either that or I'm still drunk....and good beer is just more expensive :biggrin:
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FindlayBucks said:
He's right....it's sad, and here's why.
When you're in high school or college, the only thing you're drinking beer for is to get drunk. This allows you to gulp down massive quantities of things like Natural Light, Milwaukee's Best, Crazy Horse and the like. Not having anything to do tomorrow has a way of making whale piss taste ok.
Having kids, a job and/or other responsibilities can make that one beer before bed the only chance you get to have any alcohol....sometimes for the week. Why would you want to waste that one beer on something that tastes like it came out of the urinal at Wrigley Field?
This is why it's sad....because we used to be able to drink that crap and not have a care in the world, now there are too many things to worry about and being laid up for a day with Natural Ice-keg-beer-diarrhea isn't an option.

Either that or I'm still drunk....and good beer is just more expensive :biggrin:
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What should have stood out the most is that tOSU should have beaten the living shit out of Texas last year. Shuffling QB's and never getting into the flow of the game absolutely killed us last year. Texas will be lucky to stay within 21 points at halftime.

I have absolutely no desire to debate the similarities of the Texas logo and the female reproductive system....I mean, look at them....they're identical. [fliph]:osu4:[/fliph]
If OSU has 21 points by half time the wheels have come off the freshman QBs for turnovers. Otherwise 21 points for the game tops.

All the projected Texas' D starters except one was on the field in the RB. I don't think after they've been up against Lienert, Bush, LenDale, Jarrett, Byrd, S. Smith, and Kirkman in LA for the MNC that T. Smith, Ginn, and Pittman/Wells in their own house is going to scare them.

T. Smith is improved but I'm not sold yet as Michigan was the only good D he did anything against. Texas and Penn St. were top 15 Ds last year and losses, Michigan was 36th and it took over 3 quarters for OSU to wear them down. Reggie Bush only got outside once on the Texas D in the RB. I don't see T. Smith doing it. 2005 BCS teams' d rating; Texas 10th, Penn St. 12th, Michigan 36th, Iowa 67th, ND 75th, Mich ST 87th, Minn 90th, Indiana 93rd, Illinois 115th, and NW dead last in the nation at #117.

This is the first time in 3 years Texas has had the same D cood two years in a row. Texas has a huge chip on their shoulder and something to prove because everytime they read something, listen to the radio, or turn on the TV all they hear is how they were a one man team.

I think it will be even lower scoring game than last year and look foward to a great one.
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T. Smith is improved but I'm not sold yet as Michigan was the only good D he did anything against. Texas and Penn St. were top 15 Ds last year and losses, Michigan was 36th and it took over 3 quarters for OSU to wear them down. Reggie Bush only got outside once on the Texas D in the RB. I don't see T. Smith doing it. 2005 BCS teams' d rating; Texas 10th, Penn St. 12th, Michigan 36th, Iowa 67th, ND 75th, Mich ST 87th, Minn 90th, Indiana 93rd, Illinois 115th, and NW dead last in the nation at #117.


click HERE

...you were saying????
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All the projected Texas' D starters except one was on the field in the RB. I don't think after they've been up against Lienert, Bush, LenDale, Jarrett, Byrd, S. Smith, and Kirkman in LA for the MNC that T. Smith, Ginn, and Pittman/Wells in their own house is going to scare them.

You mean the same defense that gave up almost 600 yards of offense and 38 points, including 344 yards and 28 points in the second half? USC scored on their first four possessions of that half, with drives of 62, 74, 80, and 80 yards...the Texas defense was all but invisible in the second half.
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