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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

I'd fully expect both QBs to play in the game unless one of them clearly establishes himself as the man in spring practice, which (given the experience level) I don't expect to happen. This is a lot different to me than Applewhite/Simms, where we rotated a guy with two years' starting experience and a guy with a redshirt year and a year of backup experience - neither of these guys has ever taken a snap. I'd love it if one guy stepped forward that early, but I don't see it happening...
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The ability of Mack Brown and his Texas Longhorns to defend the national championship will depend on just how quickly redshirt freshman Colt McCoy, whom Brown named the first-team quarterback Thursday, and true freshman Jevan Snead of Stephenville progress. Brown said to help take heat off his young quarterbacks, he's closing all the practices in the spring except for the final scrimmage on April.
-- Dallas Morning News

Texas sophomore running back Henry Melton will play some defensive end next season while also remaining a rush option in the short-yardage goal-line package.
-- Austin American-Statesman
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tosu has never played in dkr when the kick off was exactly at 7:16 pm.#2
have never played ut when the intire band was present #3 has never played in dkr when they played the eyes of texas pregame. so tosu has nochance at all. to much to over come.

I wonder if Tressel will even have the team make the trip then.

He will probably just say thier band is too loud we are going to lose, no reason to travel to Austin, if we already know the outcome.
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I wonder if Tressel will even have the team make the trip then.

He will probably just say thier band is too loud we are going to lose, no reason to travel to Austin, if we already know the outcome.

Wow, you really don't recognize when someone is speaking "tongue-in-cheek", do you? Unless you were speaking "tongue-in-cheek." In which case, it didn't come off very humorously...
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All I know is I have the utmost respect for <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:State><st1:place>Texas</st1:place></st1:State> football. Their fans are passionate and understand the game. That said this game should be huge and I mean huge. We owe them one.. they came into our house and won a football game. Dropped passes etc etc.. they won in our house. Our seniors now have that sour taste in their mouth. Go Bucks.. We win by 3 in <st1:State><st1:place>Texas</st1:place></st1:State>. I think our D will be a little better then their O. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
Go Bucks<o:p></o:p>
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Referencing the game in Austin. I firmly believe that 'The Best Damn Band in the Land' will cut the Longhorn band to ribbons (only 1/3 of their band blows), and our brass is quite a bit louder than their clarinets and saxophones. Plus, our music is 'catchier'.

The big question is whether they can reload their offense faster than we can reload our defense. They lost a ton, and so did we, and very special players on both sides. Our offense should be well-oiled (it takes offenses more time to gel than the D), as we return most starters (less two O-linemen and a tight end and Santonio). Our fragile defense has only two starters coming back, but many have played, but as I hypothisize (sp?), the defense will gel more quickly than the Texas offense. 28-10 Buckeyes.

My fear is that the Texas fans will take it out on our fans that attend the game (as I read the reports of ours beer-pouring, swearing, etc of the Texas fans) like we did to them. Especially when we 'dethrone' the champs by giving them their first loss in two years. I think I'll watch this one on the tube.

PS, as I recollect, it's probably better to have Pearl Light poured on you rather than drinking it. Worst hangover ever was on that horsepiss.

:biggrin: :osu: :bicker: Love these guys!
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I can't stand beer smack. When you are in Austin I suggest you skip the Pearl and check out some of our brew pubs, and other pubs, if you are into beer. Live Oak is a decent local brewery too. My favorite pub is the Draught House, with about 90 beers on tap, but there are others worth checking out.

I'm glad to see you are still thinking about me, and sorry about that typo.

This is going to be another great game.
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