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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

High Lonesome;602807; said:
I am sure that I will take some time off from this site but I will be back at some point. Till then I wish yall luck and I hope that ever one had a good time that came to Austin,

Hook 'em and :oh:
Hope you want to remain a regular HL, we've enjoyed having you and some of the other Horns around. If your return is later as opposed to sooner (sorry, bad word:biggrin:), best of luck the rest of the way. UT has gained a lot of new supporters here on BP.

Hook 'em and :io:

Originally Posted by BuckeyeNation27
where the fuck is xray?
I'd be willing to wager dimes to calculators we've seen the last of the Blowhard Statistician.:roll1:
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High Lonesome;602807; said:
1) 3rd and 1 from the osu 30(ish), Texas lines up in shotgun and runs the zone handoff(i refuse to believe that there was any reading going on here). tOSU stuffs the latteral run and texas misses the fg badly. Here is my problem and something that I don't understand yet. Where was Henry Melton? How in the world was he good enough to play as a true freshman in one of the toughest venues in college sports but not as a soph at home? Moreso, where was the power package with Lokey at fb...If you must have Selvin in then at least let him run down hill.

100% agreed. In Davis/Brown's defense, we weren't having a whole of success against the lateral running game. I understand why they would call a play that has been working most of the evening. However, a combo of Melton & Lokey in the backfield surely can get a single yard.

3.) This is actually my largest problem with the whole game and is the sole reason that I left a game early for the first time in my life. Our coaching staff gave up on the team. Late in the 4th as Texas is down by 3 scores with the ball on the 25ish, 3rd and 15+. I look down and Kasey Studdard is pleading with the fans to get into it, it is tough but I begin to yell scream and what not and then it happend. We ran a speed option to the short side of the field and got 3 yards.

That is flat out give up football and is unexcusable in my book. I am sure that deep down the coaches didn't want Colt to lose any more confidence than he already had but in doing so they sent a message to the team and the fans that this is a rebuilding year. That is a sad thing to do when you have a team as tallented as we do. They should have scratched and clawed away doing everything they could to win. Tressel is not going to run up the score, he is not bob stoops, and now Mack and Greg have to look guys like Blalock and Studdard and Michael Griffin in the eye and convince them that they made good decisions on comming back to school.

I am not going to proof this so I am sorry if it rambled but I had to get it off my chest. I am sure that I will take some time off from this site but I will be back at some point. Till then I wish yall luck and I hope that ever one had a good time that came to Austin,

Terrible. I couldn't believe they ran that play. Stranger things have happened than a team overcoming a 17 point deficit. At least play until the game is over. Show some guts out there, dammit. I would be pissed, too.

Hook 'em and :oh:


Come back whenever you're ready. You are always welcome around here! Hook 'em!
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Maybe xray is still calculating how late the fllag was and how much influence the Texas bench had on that Grounding call in the first.

I don't ever want to hear about the Fiesta Bowl "late flag" again. That flag on Saturday came out after about 20 seconds
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High Lonesome;602807; said:

2.) Where was the saftey help on Ginn at the end of the Half? ...

Hook 'em and :oh:

First off... :io:

Now to the safety help issue...

The safety started out cheating to Ginn's side. By the time the play in question occurred, Gonzalez had 7 receptions and a TD. I think it's safe to forgive the safety for playing more to the center. What I don't get is, Why in the Wide Wide World of Sports did one of the best DCs in the game NOT have his team in NICKLE??? We had 3 wides, one of whom is Ted Freakin' Ginn!!!

This left you with two options.
  1. Play 2 deep, running the risk of having an LB covering a wide-out.
  2. One deep. One freaking safety. With Ginn on one side and Gonzalez on the other.
We all know that Texas went with option 2, but option 1 would have provided the same result. The problem was that you needed another DB on the field.

IMHO, Troy would not have been denied on that drive anyway, but your point is well taken.

Nice to see you back on the board HL.

Please Stay.
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My guess on xray is that he's investigating the possibility that Jim Tressel is a biological specimen who literally does have ice water in his veins, as there is little else that could explain how JT could pace the sidelines on a September night in Austin wearing his sweatervest.

Jim Tressel > Texas Heat.

Very unfortunate for Mack Brown to suffer a herpes outbreak on national TV too. bucks4me pointed out that Mack looked pretty haggard by the 3rd quarter, like he'd aged about 10 years in the previous two hours.
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First off... :io:

Now to the safety help issue...

The safety started out cheating to Ginn's side. By the time the play in question occurred, Gonzalez had 7 receptions and a TD. I think it's safe to forgive the safety for playing more to the center. What I don't get is, Why in the Wide Wide World of Sports did one of the best DCs in the game NOT have his team in NICKLE??? We had 3 wides, one of whom is Ted Freakin' Ginn!!!

This left you with two options.
  1. Play 2 deep, running the risk of having an LB covering a wide-out.
  2. One deep. One freaking safety. With Ginn on one side and Gonzalez on the other.
We all know that Texas went with option 2, but option 1 would have provided the same result. The problem was that you needed another DB on the field.

IMHO, Troy would not have been denied on that drive anyway, but your point is well taken.

Nice to see you back on the board HL.

Please Stay.
with the 5th and 6th string LBs being able to cover Reggie Bush while eating a 12 inch sub, I'm baffled as to why they didn't choose your option 1.
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Based on a quick search of this thread alone, there have been 21 posts since the game started that have mentioned the term "xray" (ok, now there are 22).

Guys, we need to cut this guy some slack.

Clearly he knows numbers, but he doesn't know how to determine what numbers tell you and what they don't. He filled in the gaps in his knowledge with broad assumptions that were heavily influenced by his deranged fantasies.

Yes, he's delusional; but his delusions run much deeper than Longhorn football.

This guy claimed to have discovered the Grand Unified Theory (GUT) of Physics. He later claimed that he was NOT kidding about that.

Xrayrandy, it's GUT check time. There are 2 ways to respond when your delusional balloon has been punctured (ok, obliterated). Man up, fellow stat-nerd. You can do it. Face reality, face the music, and face the future with a new outlook.

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Best Buckeye;572193; said:
Actually this will be a very good game with the big difference being the inexperience of the Texas QB. It is too hard to win against an exceptional team without a leader.

New qbacks make mistakes, that's always been true , the only questions are How many and how bad.
:oh: :io: quote]
All the offensive plays were predicated by the inexperience of McCoy. The dependance on running early, The short pass game, and the play by play reads. The offense had no visible over all leadership as displayed by Smith. McCoy played well under the game plan devised for him as an inexperienced qb. I dont understand why Gonzo is so underestimated. He makes catches.
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SATXBuck;602939; said:
Texas, is going to be alright with Colt McCoy. I still see the Horns' winning the Big XII Championship. I can't wait to see the RRS. Beat OU!

Paul Thompson is no Troy Smith. The UT run defense should contain AP, and Colt will be fine after the experience he is gaining.

The question mark is Greg Davis's playcalling. If he goes out there with his pre-Vince RRS gameplan, or what he did this past Saturday night, Texas will lose.
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Dryden, as you said, Texas will contain AP... since he is a 1-man offense. For all the pessimism regarding Davis vs OU... they still are facing an OU team who barely beat UAB, and was tied with a horrible Washington team in the 3rd quarter. I'd say OU has a LOT more to prove than Texas at this point.
BuckeyeSkins;602356; said:
Is that what that sign meant behind Corso during the post game? I saw it and wondered what the hell it was supposed to mean.
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