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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

I just want to say great win to Ohio State. We were simply beat by a better team and that is all there really is to say about it. Lots of questions were answered and even more created for us this weekend. Good luck the rest of the way! I hope those that made the trip to Austin had a good time. I was given several bucknuts by fans that I interacted with and they are now placed in my trophy/sports room at home to remind me of this great 2 game series.
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Best Buckeye;602993; said:
I think this is the pic they are talking

No, it's this one.


  • CorsoBabyArm.jpg
    43.9 KB · Views: 107
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Since I've been living away from home, Columbus' agressive fan behavior has always made me a little proud. A friend of a friend that went to scUM once described the post OSU-scUM scene as being like "Escape from LA," and I couldn't have been happier.

After being in Austin this weekend, I might be a little embarrassed. The people and the scenary in Austin were so nice that I was contemplating moving there (after about 47 drinks in the heat, of course).

There's no need to keep burning down our own campus - especially now that JT has the team operating like a true national power. Let's act like we've been there.

Thanks to the good people in Austin who made the weekend so nice. And thank you to all the girls in skirts and boots.
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Mack Brown says it's because of the clock...


Ticked off: Brown faults clock rule in loss to OSU

By Joe Schad


Add Texas coach Mack Brown to the list of critics of the NCAA's new football clock rules.

Brown said Monday during the weekly Big 12 teleconference that the new rules, which were designed to limit the time of games, hurt the No. 8 Longhorns in Saturday's loss to No. 1 Ohio State.

"They scored with six minutes left and the game was over before we had a chance to do anything," Brown said. "I really hope whoever made these changes will go back and look them over."
Under the rule changes, the clock starts on a kickoff when the ball is kicked, not when the receiving team touches it; and on a first down, when the ball is marked ready for play, not when it is snapped.
Brown said while games are being shortened, the fans are being shortchanged.
"One of the great things about college football is a team's ability to come back," Brown said. "Now that's limited. Our game was 22 minutes shorter. That's a little under 10 percent of our game. That's not fair to our fans. We worry about them sitting there?"
Brown said, at worst, the old rules should be in place for the last two or five minutes of each game. Of the new rules, Brown said: "I hate it."
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I just wanted to thank all the Texas fans here and at the game. We had a great experience in Austin and the fans were very classy both before and after the game. Good luck the rest of the season and hopefully we'll see you again in Glendale in January. :biggrin:
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Just heard on 1460TheFan that Mack did not actually suffer a herpes outbreak, rub off a cold sore, or chew through his upper lip in the first half. A reporter in Austin mentioned that at one point in the second quarter, Mack was so upset with Colt McCoy that he grabbed McCoy by the facemask as Colt came over to the sideline and pulled him so forcefully that Mack cut his upper lip on Colt's mask. :eek:

I never saw that on the TV broadcast ...
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Dryden;603087; said:
Just heard on 1460TheFan that Mack did not actually suffer a herpes outbreak, rub off a cold sore, or chew through his upper lip in the first half. A reporter in Austin mentioned that at one point in the second quarter, Mack was so upset with Colt McCoy that he grabbed McCoy by the facemask as Colt came over to the sideline and pulled him so forcefully that Mack cut his upper lip on Colt's mask. :eek:

I never saw that on the TV broadcast ...

Reminds of the time we were playing up at Wisconsin and Alvarez got so pissed that he punched a hole in the chalkboard at halftime and a piece came back and sliced the bridge of his nose open.
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